// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
internal static class PemKeyHelpers
public delegate bool TryExportKeyAction<T>(T arg, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten);
public delegate bool TryExportEncryptedKeyAction<T, TPassword>(
T arg,
ReadOnlySpan<TPassword> password,
PbeParameters pbeParameters,
Span<byte> destination,
out int bytesWritten);
public static unsafe bool TryExportToEncryptedPem<T, TPassword>(
T arg,
ReadOnlySpan<TPassword> password,
PbeParameters pbeParameters,
TryExportEncryptedKeyAction<T, TPassword> exporter,
Span<char> destination,
out int charsWritten)
int bufferSize = 4096;
while (true)
byte[] buffer = CryptoPool.Rent(bufferSize);
int bytesWritten = 0;
bufferSize = buffer.Length;
// Fixed to prevent GC moves.
fixed (byte* bufferPtr = buffer)
if (exporter(arg, password, pbeParameters, buffer, out bytesWritten))
Span<byte> writtenSpan = new Span<byte>(buffer, 0, bytesWritten);
return PemEncoding.TryWrite(PemLabels.EncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey, writtenSpan, destination, out charsWritten);
CryptoPool.Return(buffer, bytesWritten);
bufferSize = checked(bufferSize * 2);
public static unsafe bool TryExportToPem<T>(
T arg,
string label,
TryExportKeyAction<T> exporter,
Span<char> destination,
out int charsWritten)
int bufferSize = 4096;
while (true)
byte[] buffer = CryptoPool.Rent(bufferSize);
int bytesWritten = 0;
bufferSize = buffer.Length;
// Fixed to prevent GC moves.
fixed (byte* bufferPtr = buffer)
if (exporter(arg, buffer, out bytesWritten))
Span<byte> writtenSpan = new Span<byte>(buffer, 0, bytesWritten);
return PemEncoding.TryWrite(label, writtenSpan, destination, out charsWritten);
CryptoPool.Return(buffer, bytesWritten);
bufferSize = checked(bufferSize * 2);
public delegate void ImportKeyAction(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, out int bytesRead);
public delegate ImportKeyAction? FindImportActionFunc(ReadOnlySpan<char> label);
public delegate void ImportEncryptedKeyAction<TPass>(
ReadOnlySpan<TPass> password,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> source,
out int bytesRead);
public static void ImportEncryptedPem<TPass>(
ReadOnlySpan<char> input,
ReadOnlySpan<TPass> password,
ImportEncryptedKeyAction<TPass> importAction)
bool foundEncryptedPem = false;
PemFields foundFields = default;
ReadOnlySpan<char> foundSlice = default;
ReadOnlySpan<char> pem = input;
while (PemEncoding.TryFind(pem, out PemFields fields))
ReadOnlySpan<char> label = pem[fields.Label];
if (label.SequenceEqual(PemLabels.EncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey))
if (foundEncryptedPem)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_AmbiguousPem, nameof(input));
foundEncryptedPem = true;
foundFields = fields;
foundSlice = pem;
Index offset = fields.Location.End;
pem = pem[offset..];
if (!foundEncryptedPem)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_NoPemFound, nameof(input));
ReadOnlySpan<char> base64Contents = foundSlice[foundFields.Base64Data];
int base64size = foundFields.DecodedDataLength;
byte[] decodeBuffer = CryptoPool.Rent(base64size);
int bytesWritten = 0;
if (!Convert.TryFromBase64Chars(base64Contents, decodeBuffer, out bytesWritten))
// Couldn't decode base64. We shouldn't get here since the
// contents are pre-validated.
Debug.Fail("Base64 decoding failed on already validated contents.");
throw new ArgumentException();
Debug.Assert(bytesWritten == base64size);
Span<byte> decodedBase64 = decodeBuffer.AsSpan(0, bytesWritten);
// Don't need to check the bytesRead here. We're already operating
// on an input which is already a parsed subset of the input.
importAction(password, decodedBase64, out _);
CryptoPool.Return(decodeBuffer, clearSize: bytesWritten);
public static void ImportPem(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, FindImportActionFunc callback)
ImportKeyAction? importAction = null;
PemFields foundFields = default;
ReadOnlySpan<char> foundSlice = default;
bool containsEncryptedPem = false;
ReadOnlySpan<char> pem = input;
while (PemEncoding.TryFind(pem, out PemFields fields))
ReadOnlySpan<char> label = pem[fields.Label];
ImportKeyAction? action = callback(label);
// Caller knows how to handle this PEM by label.
if (action != null)
// There was a previous PEM that could have been handled,
// which means this is ambiguous and contains multiple
// importable keys. Or, this contained an encrypted PEM.
// For purposes of encrypted PKCS8 with another actionable
// PEM, we will throw a duplicate exception.
if (importAction != null || containsEncryptedPem)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_AmbiguousPem, nameof(input));
importAction = action;
foundFields = fields;
foundSlice = pem;
else if (label.SequenceEqual(PemLabels.EncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey))
if (importAction != null || containsEncryptedPem)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_AmbiguousPem, nameof(input));
containsEncryptedPem = true;
Index offset = fields.Location.End;
pem = pem[offset..];
// The only PEM found that could potentially be used is encrypted PKCS8,
// but we won't try to import it with a null or blank password, so
// throw.
if (containsEncryptedPem)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_EncryptedPem, nameof(input));
// We went through the PEM and found nothing that could be handled.
if (importAction is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PemImport_NoPemFound, nameof(input));
ReadOnlySpan<char> base64Contents = foundSlice[foundFields.Base64Data];
int base64size = foundFields.DecodedDataLength;
byte[] decodeBuffer = CryptoPool.Rent(base64size);
int bytesWritten = 0;
if (!Convert.TryFromBase64Chars(base64Contents, decodeBuffer, out bytesWritten))
// Couldn't decode base64. We shouldn't get here since the
// contents are pre-validated.
Debug.Fail("Base64 decoding failed on already validated contents.");
throw new ArgumentException();
Debug.Assert(bytesWritten == base64size);
Span<byte> decodedBase64 = decodeBuffer.AsSpan(0, bytesWritten);
// Don't need to check the bytesRead here. We're already operating
// on an input which is already a parsed subset of the input.
importAction(decodedBase64, out _);
CryptoPool.Return(decodeBuffer, clearSize: bytesWritten);