// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Internal.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
internal static partial class HashProviderDispenser
internal static bool KmacSupported(string algorithmId)
return algorithmId switch
HashAlgorithmNames.KMAC128 => Interop.Crypto.EvpMacAlgs.Kmac128 is not null,
HashAlgorithmNames.KMAC256 => Interop.Crypto.EvpMacAlgs.Kmac256 is not null,
_ => false,
internal static partial class OneShotHashProvider
public static void KmacData(
string algorithmId,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> key,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> source,
Span<byte> destination,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> customizationString,
bool xof)
SafeEvpMacHandle? macHandle = algorithmId switch
HashAlgorithmNames.KMAC128 => Interop.Crypto.EvpMacAlgs.Kmac128,
HashAlgorithmNames.KMAC256 => Interop.Crypto.EvpMacAlgs.Kmac256,
_ => throw new CryptographicException(),
Debug.Assert(macHandle is not null);
Interop.Crypto.EvpMacOneShot(macHandle, key, customizationString, source, destination, xof);
public static unsafe void HashDataXof(string hashAlgorithmId, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<byte> destination)
IntPtr evpType = Interop.Crypto.HashAlgorithmToEvp(hashAlgorithmId);
Debug.Assert(evpType != IntPtr.Zero);
const int Success = 1;
int ret = Interop.Crypto.EvpDigestXOFOneShot(evpType, source, destination);
if (ret != Success)
Debug.Assert(ret == 0);
throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();