// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
// Strongly typed string representing the name of a hash algorithm.
// Open ended to allow extensibility while giving the discoverable feel of an enum for common values.
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the name of a cryptographic hash algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Asymmetric Algorithms implemented using Microsoft's CNG (Cryptography Next Generation) API
/// will interpret the underlying string value as a CNG algorithm identifier:
/// * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa375534(v=vs.85).aspx
/// As with CNG, the names are case-sensitive.
/// Asymmetric Algorithms implemented using other technologies:
/// * Must recognize at least "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", and "SHA512".
/// * Should recognize additional CNG IDs for any other hash algorithms that they also support.
/// </remarks>
public readonly struct HashAlgorithmName : IEquatable<HashAlgorithmName>
// Returning a new instance every time is free here since HashAlgorithmName is a struct with
// a single string field. The optimized codegen should be equivalent to return "MD5".
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "MD5"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName MD5 { get { return new HashAlgorithmName("MD5"); } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA1"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA1 { get { return new HashAlgorithmName("SHA1"); } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA256"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA256 { get { return new HashAlgorithmName("SHA256"); } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA384"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA384 { get { return new HashAlgorithmName("SHA384"); } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA512"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA512 { get { return new HashAlgorithmName("SHA512"); } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA3-256"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA3_256 => new HashAlgorithmName("SHA3-256");
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA3-384"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA3_384 => new HashAlgorithmName("SHA3-384");
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing "SHA3-512"
/// </summary>
public static HashAlgorithmName SHA3_512 => new HashAlgorithmName("SHA3-512");
private readonly string? _name;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="HashAlgorithmName" /> representing a custom name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The custom hash algorithm name.</param>
public HashAlgorithmName(string? name)
// Note: No validation because we have to deal with default(HashAlgorithmName) regardless.
_name = name;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the underlying string representation of the algorithm name.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// May be null or empty to indicate that no hash algorithm is applicable.
/// </remarks>
public string? Name
get { return _name; }
public override string ToString()
return _name ?? string.Empty;
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
return obj is HashAlgorithmName && Equals((HashAlgorithmName)obj);
public bool Equals(HashAlgorithmName other)
// NOTE: intentionally ordinal and case sensitive, matches CNG.
return _name == other._name;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _name == null ? 0 : _name.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(HashAlgorithmName left, HashAlgorithmName right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(HashAlgorithmName left, HashAlgorithmName right)
return !(left == right);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to convert the specified OID to a hash algorithm name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oidValue">The OID of the hash algorithm.</param>
/// <param name="value">
/// When this method returns <c>true</c>, the hash algorithm. When this
/// method returns <c>false</c>, contains <c>default</c>.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the OID was successfully mapped to a hash
/// algorithm; otherwise <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="oidValue" /> is null.
/// </exception>
public static bool TryFromOid(string oidValue, out HashAlgorithmName value)
switch (oidValue)
case Oids.Md5:
value = MD5;
return true;
case Oids.Sha1:
value = SHA1;
return true;
case Oids.Sha256:
value = SHA256;
return true;
case Oids.Sha384:
value = SHA384;
return true;
case Oids.Sha512:
value = SHA512;
return true;
case Oids.Sha3_256:
value = SHA3_256;
return true;
case Oids.Sha3_384:
value = SHA3_384;
return true;
case Oids.Sha3_512:
value = SHA3_512;
return true;
value = default;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Converts the specified OID to a hash algorithm name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oidValue">The OID of the hash algorithm.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The hash algorithm name identified by the OID.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="oidValue" /> is null.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="CryptographicException">
/// <paramref name="oidValue" /> does not represent a known hash algorithm.
/// </exception>
public static HashAlgorithmName FromOid(string oidValue)
if (TryFromOid(oidValue, out HashAlgorithmName value))
return value;
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Format(SR.Cryptography_InvalidHashAlgorithmOid, oidValue));