7 overrides of BlockSize
System.Security.Cryptography (7)
System\Security\Cryptography\AesCryptoServiceProvider.cs (1)
29public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\AesManaged.cs (1)
28public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\DESCryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
22public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2CryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
29public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelImplementation.cs (1)
30public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelManaged.cs (1)
26public override int BlockSize
System\Security\Cryptography\TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.Wrap.cs (1)
27public override int BlockSize
5 writes to BlockSize
System.Security.Cryptography (5)
System\Security\Cryptography\AesCryptoServiceProvider.cs (1)
32set { _impl.BlockSize = value; }
System\Security\Cryptography\AesManaged.cs (1)
31set { _impl.BlockSize = value; }
System\Security\Cryptography\DESCryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
25set { _impl.BlockSize = value; }
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2CryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
32set { _impl.BlockSize = value; }
System\Security\Cryptography\TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.Wrap.cs (1)
30set { _impl.BlockSize = value; }
99 references to BlockSize
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection (1)
Managed\SymmetricAlgorithmExtensions.cs (1)
13var blockSizeInBits = symmetricAlgorithm.BlockSize;
System.Security.Cryptography (88)
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\KeyFormatHelper.Encrypted.cs (4)
198Debug.Assert(cipher.BlockSize <= 128, $"Encountered unexpected block size: {cipher.BlockSize}"); 199Span<byte> iv = stackalloc byte[cipher.BlockSize / 8]; 204checked(pkcs8Writer.GetEncodedLength() + (cipher.BlockSize / 8)));
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\PasswordBasedEncryption.cs (4)
408int blockSizeBytes = (cipher.BlockSize / 8); 872if (cipher.KeySize > 256 || cipher.BlockSize > 256) 875$"Unexpected cipher characteristics by {cipher.GetType().FullName}, KeySize={cipher.KeySize}, BlockSize={cipher.BlockSize}"); 885Span<byte> iv = stackalloc byte[cipher.BlockSize / 8];
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\Pkcs\Pkcs12SafeContents.cs (1)
391int cipherBlockBytes = cipher.BlockSize / 8;
System\Security\Cryptography\AesCryptoServiceProvider.cs (1)
31get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\AesImplementation.cs (9)
67IV = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(BlockSize / BitsPerByte); 102BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 125BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 150BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 175BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 203(BlockSizeBytes: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, FeedbackSizeBytes: feedbackSizeInBits / BitsPerByte), 231(BlockSizeBytes: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, FeedbackSizeBytes: feedbackSizeInBits / BitsPerByte), 265if (ivSize != BlockSize) 279BlockSize / BitsPerByte,
System\Security\Cryptography\AesManaged.cs (1)
30get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\DESCryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
24get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\DesImplementation.cs (13)
43IV = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(BlockSize / BitsPerByte); 76if (ivSize != BlockSize) 90BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 106blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 108paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 127blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 129paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 149blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 151paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 171blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 173paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 196blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 221blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte,
System\Security\Cryptography\Helpers.cs (1)
332return (mode == CipherMode.CFB ? feedbackSizeInBits : algorithm.BlockSize) / 8;
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2CryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
31get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2Implementation.cs (12)
49IV = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(BlockSize / BitsPerByte); 69if (ivSize != BlockSize) 79return CreateTransformCore(Mode, Padding, rgbKey, rgbIV, BlockSize / BitsPerByte, FeedbackSize / BitsPerByte, GetPaddingSize(), encrypting); 96blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 97paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 120blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 121paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 145blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 146paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 170blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 171paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 210return BlockSize / BitsPerByte;
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelImplementation.cs (1)
32get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelManaged.cs (1)
28get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\SymmetricAlgorithm.cs (24)
75if (value.Length != this.BlockSize / 8) 300/// <see cref="BlockSize" /> is not a positive integer. 306/// <see cref="BlockSize" /> is not a whole number of bytes. It must be divisible by 8. 344/// <see cref="BlockSize" /> is not a positive integer. 350/// <see cref="BlockSize" /> is not a whole number of bytes. It must be divisible by 8. 366int blockSizeBits = BlockSize; // The BlockSize property is in bits. 726/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 754/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 804/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 846/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 881/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 909/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 957/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 999/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1045/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1095/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1164/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1230/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1285/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1335/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1403/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1462/// that is exactly <see cref="BlockSize" /> in length, converted to bytes (<c>BlockSize / 8</c>). 1673if (iv.Length != BlockSize >> 3) 1679if (feedbackSizeInBits < 8 || (feedbackSizeInBits & 0b111) != 0 || feedbackSizeInBits > BlockSize)
System\Security\Cryptography\TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.Wrap.cs (1)
29get { return _impl.BlockSize; }
System\Security\Cryptography\TripleDesImplementation.cs (13)
42IV = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(BlockSize / BitsPerByte); 63if (ivSize != BlockSize) 87BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 103blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 104paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 124blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 125paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 146blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 147paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 168blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 169paddingSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 193blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte, 218blockSize: BlockSize / BitsPerByte,
System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs (10)
Internal\Cryptography\Pal\AnyOS\ManagedPal.cs (1)
124if (alg.IV.Length != alg.BlockSize / 8)
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\KeyFormatHelper.Encrypted.cs (4)
198Debug.Assert(cipher.BlockSize <= 128, $"Encountered unexpected block size: {cipher.BlockSize}"); 199Span<byte> iv = stackalloc byte[cipher.BlockSize / 8]; 204checked(pkcs8Writer.GetEncodedLength() + (cipher.BlockSize / 8)));
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\PasswordBasedEncryption.cs (4)
408int blockSizeBytes = (cipher.BlockSize / 8); 872if (cipher.KeySize > 256 || cipher.BlockSize > 256) 875$"Unexpected cipher characteristics by {cipher.GetType().FullName}, KeySize={cipher.KeySize}, BlockSize={cipher.BlockSize}"); 885Span<byte> iv = stackalloc byte[cipher.BlockSize / 8];
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\Pkcs\Pkcs12SafeContents.cs (1)
391int cipherBlockBytes = cipher.BlockSize / 8;