23 references to KeySizes
System.Security.Cryptography (23)
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\AesGcm.cs (1)
23public static KeySizes NonceByteSizes { get; } = new KeySizes(NonceSize, NonceSize, 1);
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\DSAOpenSsl.cs (1)
379private static readonly KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(minSize: 512, maxSize: 3072, skipSize: 64) };
src\libraries\Common\src\System\Security\Cryptography\RSAOpenSsl.cs (1)
78return new[] { new KeySizes(512, 16384, 8) };
System\Security\Cryptography\Aes.cs (2)
36private static readonly KeySizes[] s_legalBlockSizes = { new KeySizes(128, 128, 0) }; 37private static readonly KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = { new KeySizes(128, 256, 64) };
System\Security\Cryptography\AesCcm.cs (2)
14public static KeySizes NonceByteSizes { get; } = new KeySizes(7, 13, 1); 15public static KeySizes TagByteSizes { get; } = new KeySizes(4, 16, 2);
System\Security\Cryptography\AesGcm.OpenSsl.cs (1)
13private static readonly KeySizes s_tagByteSizes = new KeySizes(12, 16, 1);
System\Security\Cryptography\DES.cs (2)
120new KeySizes(minSize: 64, maxSize: 64, skipSize: 0) 125new KeySizes(minSize: 64, maxSize: 64, skipSize: 0)
System\Security\Cryptography\DSACryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (2)
21new KeySizes(512, 1024, 64) // Use the same values as Csp Windows because the _impl has different values (512, 3072, 64) 26new KeySizes(1024, 1024, 0) // Intersection of legal sizes on Android and Windows provider
System\Security\Cryptography\ECAlgorithm.cs (2)
24new KeySizes(minSize: 256, maxSize: 384, skipSize: 128), 25new KeySizes(minSize: 521, maxSize: 521, skipSize: 0),
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2.cs (2)
80new KeySizes(minSize: 64, maxSize: 64, skipSize: 0) 85new KeySizes(minSize: 40, maxSize: 1024, skipSize: 8) // 1024 bits is theoretical max according to the RFC
System\Security\Cryptography\RC2CryptoServiceProvider.Unix.cs (1)
17new KeySizes(40, 128, 8) // csp implementation only goes up to 128
System\Security\Cryptography\Rijndael.cs (2)
39new KeySizes(minSize: 128, maxSize: 256, skipSize: 64) 44new KeySizes(minSize: 128, maxSize: 256, skipSize: 64)
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelImplementation.cs (1)
23LegalBlockSizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(minSize: 128, maxSize: 128, skipSize: 0) };
System\Security\Cryptography\RijndaelManaged.cs (1)
19LegalBlockSizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(minSize: 128, maxSize: 128, skipSize: 0) };
System\Security\Cryptography\TripleDES.cs (2)
96new KeySizes(minSize: 64, maxSize: 64, skipSize: 0) 101new KeySizes(minSize: 2*64, maxSize: 3*64, skipSize: 64)