// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
// the namespaces context corresponding to one XmlElement. the rendered list contains the namespace nodes that are actually
// rendered to the canonicalized output. the unrendered list contains the namespace nodes that are in the node set and have
// the XmlElement as the owner, but are not rendered.
internal sealed class NamespaceFrame
private readonly Hashtable _rendered = new Hashtable();
private readonly Hashtable _unrendered = new Hashtable();
internal NamespaceFrame() { }
internal void AddRendered(XmlAttribute attr)
_rendered.Add(Utils.GetNamespacePrefix(attr), attr);
internal XmlAttribute? GetRendered(string nsPrefix)
return (XmlAttribute?)_rendered[nsPrefix];
internal void AddUnrendered(XmlAttribute attr)
_unrendered.Add(Utils.GetNamespacePrefix(attr), attr);
internal XmlAttribute? GetUnrendered(string nsPrefix)
return (XmlAttribute?)_unrendered[nsPrefix];
internal Hashtable GetUnrendered()
return _unrendered;