File: artifacts\obj\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs\Debug\net9.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs\src\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.csproj (System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SR)));
        /// <summary>The `{0}` string cannot be empty or null.</summary>
        internal static string @Arg_EmptyOrNullString_Named => GetResourceString("Arg_EmptyOrNullString_Named", @"The `{0}` string cannot be empty or null.");
        /// <summary>Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.</summary>
        internal static string @Arg_RankMultiDimNotSupported => GetResourceString("Arg_RankMultiDimNotSupported", @"Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.");
        /// <summary>The destination is too small to hold the encoded value.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_EncodeDestinationTooSmall => GetResourceString("Argument_EncodeDestinationTooSmall", @"The destination is too small to hold the encoded value.");
        /// <summary>Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_InvalidOffLen => GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen", @"Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.");
        /// <summary>The OID value was invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_InvalidOidValue => GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOidValue", @"The OID value was invalid.");
        /// <summary>Value was invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_InvalidValue => GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue", @"Value was invalid.");
        /// <summary>The RSA padding must be Pkcs1 or Pss.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_InvalidRsaSignaturePadding => GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidRsaSignaturePadding", @"The RSA padding must be Pkcs1 or Pss.");
        /// <summary>Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexMustBeLess => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexMustBeLess", @"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.");
        /// <summary>Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than or equal to the size of the collection.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexMustBeLessOrEqual => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexMustBeLessOrEqual", @"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than or equal to the size of the collection.");
        /// <summary>Positive number required.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum", @"Positive number required.");
        /// <summary>The KDF for algorithm '{0}' requires a char-based password input.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_AlgKdfRequiresChars => GetResourceString("Cryptography_AlgKdfRequiresChars", @"The KDF for algorithm '{0}' requires a char-based password input.");
        /// <summary>The hash value is not correct.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_BadHashValue => GetResourceString("Cryptography_BadHashValue", @"The hash value is not correct.");
        /// <summary>Invalid signature.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_BadSignature => GetResourceString("Cryptography_BadSignature", @"Invalid signature.");
        /// <summary>Could not determine signature algorithm for the signer certificate.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_CannotDetermineSignatureAlgorithm => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_CannotDetermineSignatureAlgorithm", @"Could not determine signature algorithm for the signer certificate.");
        /// <summary>The certificate chain is incomplete, the self-signed root authority could not be determined.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_IncompleteCertChain => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_IncompleteCertChain", @"The certificate chain is incomplete, the self-signed root authority could not be determined.");
        /// <summary>Invalid originator identifier choice {0} found in decoded CMS.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Originator_Identifier_Choice => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Originator_Identifier_Choice", @"Invalid originator identifier choice {0} found in decoded CMS.");
        /// <summary>The subject identifier type {0} is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Subject_Identifier_Type => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Invalid_Subject_Identifier_Type", @"The subject identifier type {0} is not valid.");
        /// <summary>Invalid cryptographic message type.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_InvalidMessageType => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_InvalidMessageType", @"Invalid cryptographic message type.");
        /// <summary>SignerInfo digest algorithm '{0}' is not valid for signature algorithm '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSignerHashForSignatureAlg => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSignerHashForSignatureAlg", @"SignerInfo digest algorithm '{0}' is not valid for signature algorithm '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The Date property is not available for none KID key agree recipient.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Key_Agree_Date_Not_Available => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Key_Agree_Date_Not_Available", @"The Date property is not available for none KID key agree recipient.");
        /// <summary>The CMS message is not encrypted.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotEncrypted => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotEncrypted", @"The CMS message is not encrypted.");
        /// <summary>The CMS message is not signed.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotSigned => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_MessageNotSigned", @"The CMS message is not signed.");
        /// <summary>The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_MissingAuthenticatedAttribute => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_MissingAuthenticatedAttribute", @"The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute.");
        /// <summary>Only one level of counter-signatures are supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoCounterCounterSigner => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoCounterCounterSigner", @"Only one level of counter-signatures are supported on this platform.");
        /// <summary>The recipients collection is empty. You must specify at least one recipient. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoRecipients => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoRecipients", @"The recipients collection is empty. You must specify at least one recipient. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.");
        /// <summary>No signer certificate was provided. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerCert => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerCert", @"No signer certificate was provided. This platform does not implement the certificate picker UI.");
        /// <summary>No signer certificate was provided.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerCertSilent => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerCertSilent", @"No signer certificate was provided.");
        /// <summary>The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerAtIndex => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoSignerAtIndex", @"The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index.");
        /// <summary>The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_RecipientNotFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_RecipientNotFound", @"The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.");
        /// <summary>The recipient type '{0}' is not supported for encryption or decryption on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_RecipientType_NotSupported => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_RecipientType_NotSupported", @"The recipient type '{0}' is not supported for encryption or decryption on this platform.");
        /// <summary>Cannot create CMS signature for empty content.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Sign_Empty_Content => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Sign_Empty_Content", @"Cannot create CMS signature for empty content.");
        /// <summary>CmsSigner has to be the first signer with NoSignature.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Sign_No_Signature_First_Signer => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Sign_No_Signature_First_Signer", @"CmsSigner has to be the first signer with NoSignature.");
        /// <summary>Cannot find the original signer.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_SignerNotFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_SignerNotFound", @"Cannot find the original signer.");
        /// <summary>A certificate with a private key is required.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Signing_RequiresPrivateKey => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Signing_RequiresPrivateKey", @"A certificate with a private key is required.");
        /// <summary>An RSA key is required to decrypt for a RecipientInfo with a KeyTransport recipient type.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Ktri_RSARequired => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Ktri_RSARequired", @"An RSA key is required to decrypt for a RecipientInfo with a KeyTransport recipient type.");
        /// <summary>An RSA certificate is required for a CmsRecipient when used with RSAEncryptionPadding.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_Recipient_RSARequired_RSAPaddingModeSupplied => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_Recipient_RSARequired_RSAPaddingModeSupplied", @"An RSA certificate is required for a CmsRecipient when used with RSAEncryptionPadding.");
        /// <summary>Certificate trust could not be established. The first reported error is: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_TrustFailure => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_TrustFailure", @"Certificate trust could not be established. The first reported error is: {0}");
        /// <summary>Unknown algorithm '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_UnknownAlgorithm => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_UnknownAlgorithm", @"Unknown algorithm '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>Unable to determine the type of key handle from this keyspec {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_UnknownKeySpec => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_UnknownKeySpec", @"Unable to determine the type of key handle from this keyspec {0}.");
        /// <summary>The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_WrongKeyUsage => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_WrongKeyUsage", @"The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.");
        /// <summary>Key is not a valid public or private key.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_NotValidPublicOrPrivateKey => GetResourceString("Cryptography_NotValidPublicOrPrivateKey", @"Key is not a valid public or private key.");
        /// <summary>This operation is not valid on an encrypted or enveloped Pkcs12SafeContents.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_CannotProcessEncryptedSafeContents => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_CannotProcessEncryptedSafeContents", @"This operation is not valid on an encrypted or enveloped Pkcs12SafeContents.");
        /// <summary>The Pkcs12CertBag contents are not an X.509 certificate.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_CertBagNotX509 => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_CertBagNotX509", @"The Pkcs12CertBag contents are not an X.509 certificate.");
        /// <summary>The Pkcs12Builder can no longer be modified because one of the Seal methods was already invoked.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_PfxIsSealed => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_PfxIsSealed", @"The Pkcs12Builder can no longer be modified because one of the Seal methods was already invoked.");
        /// <summary>One of the Seal methods must be invoked on the Pkcs12Builder before invoking an Encode method.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_PfxMustBeSealed => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_PfxMustBeSealed", @"One of the Seal methods must be invoked on the Pkcs12Builder before invoking an Encode method.");
        /// <summary>Cannot enumerate the contents of an encrypted or enveloped Pkcs12SafeContents.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_SafeContentsIsEncrypted => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_SafeContentsIsEncrypted", @"Cannot enumerate the contents of an encrypted or enveloped Pkcs12SafeContents.");
        /// <summary>New Pkcs12SafeBag values cannot be added to a Pkcs12SafeContents that was read from existing data.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_SafeContentsIsReadOnly => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_SafeContentsIsReadOnly", @"New Pkcs12SafeBag values cannot be added to a Pkcs12SafeContents that was read from existing data.");
        /// <summary>This decryption operation applies to 'Pkcs12ConfidentialityMode.{0}', but the target object is in 'Pkcs12ConfidentialityMode.{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_WrongModeForDecrypt => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_WrongModeForDecrypt", @"This decryption operation applies to 'Pkcs12ConfidentialityMode.{0}', but the target object is in 'Pkcs12ConfidentialityMode.{1}'.");
        /// <summary>This verification operation applies to 'Pkcs12IntegrityMode.{0}', but the target object is in 'Pkcs12IntegrityMode.{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs12_WrongModeForVerify => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs12_WrongModeForVerify", @"This verification operation applies to 'Pkcs12IntegrityMode.{0}', but the target object is in 'Pkcs12IntegrityMode.{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Invalid signature parameters.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_InvalidSignatureParameters => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_InvalidSignatureParameters", @"Invalid signature parameters.");
        /// <summary>The EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure was decoded but was not successfully interpreted, the password may be incorrect.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs8_EncryptedReadFailed => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs8_EncryptedReadFailed", @"The EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure was decoded but was not successfully interpreted, the password may be incorrect.");
        /// <summary>The parameter should be a PKCS 9 attribute.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs9_AttributeMismatch => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs9_AttributeMismatch", @"The parameter should be a PKCS 9 attribute.");
        /// <summary>Cannot add multiple PKCS 9 signing time attributes.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs9_MultipleSigningTimeNotAllowed => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs9_MultipleSigningTimeNotAllowed", @"Cannot add multiple PKCS 9 signing time attributes.");
        /// <summary>PSS parameters were not present.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMissing => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMissing", @"PSS parameters were not present.");
        /// <summary>This platform requires that the PSS hash algorithm ({0}) match the data digest algorithm ({1}).</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersHashMismatch => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersHashMismatch", @"This platform requires that the PSS hash algorithm ({0}) match the data digest algorithm ({1}).");
        /// <summary>This platform does not support the MGF hash algorithm ({0}) being different from the signature hash algorithm ({1}).</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfHashMismatch => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfHashMismatch", @"This platform does not support the MGF hash algorithm ({0}) being different from the signature hash algorithm ({1}).");
        /// <summary>Mask generation function '{0}' is not supported by this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfNotSupported => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersMgfNotSupported", @"Mask generation function '{0}' is not supported by this platform.");
        /// <summary>PSS salt size {0} is not supported by this platform with hash algorithm {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersSaltMismatch => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Pkcs_PssParametersSaltMismatch", @"PSS salt size {0} is not supported by this platform with hash algorithm {1}.");
        /// <summary>The response from the timestamping server did not match the request nonce.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadNonce => GetResourceString("Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadNonce", @"The response from the timestamping server did not match the request nonce.");
        /// <summary>The response from the timestamping server was not understood.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadResponse => GetResourceString("Cryptography_TimestampReq_BadResponse", @"The response from the timestamping server was not understood.");
        /// <summary>The timestamping server did not grant the request. The request status is '{0}' with failure info '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_TimestampReq_Failure => GetResourceString("Cryptography_TimestampReq_Failure", @"The timestamping server did not grant the request. The request status is '{0}' with failure info '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The timestamping request required the TSA certificate in the response, but it was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_TimestampReq_NoCertFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_TimestampReq_NoCertFound", @"The timestamping request required the TSA certificate in the response, but it was not found.");
        /// <summary>The timestamping request required the TSA certificate not be included in the response, but certificates were present.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_TimestampReq_UnexpectedCertFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_TimestampReq_UnexpectedCertFound", @"The timestamping request required the TSA certificate not be included in the response, but certificates were present.");
        /// <summary>Duplicate items are not allowed in the collection.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidOperation_DuplicateItemNotAllowed => GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_DuplicateItemNotAllowed", @"Duplicate items are not allowed in the collection.");
        /// <summary>AsnEncodedData element in the collection has wrong Oid value: expected = '{0}', actual = '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidOperation_WrongOidInAsnCollection => GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_WrongOidInAsnCollection", @"AsnEncodedData element in the collection has wrong Oid value: expected = '{0}', actual = '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs is only supported on Windows platforms.</summary>
        internal static string @PlatformNotSupported_CryptographyPkcs => GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_CryptographyPkcs", @"System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs is only supported on Windows platforms.");
        /// <summary>Algorithm '{0}' is not supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_AlgorithmNotSupported => GetResourceString("Cryptography_AlgorithmNotSupported", @"Algorithm '{0}' is not supported on this platform.");
        /// <summary>ASN1 corrupted data.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Der_Invalid_Encoding => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Der_Invalid_Encoding", @"ASN1 corrupted data.");
        /// <summary>The string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Invalid_IA5String => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Invalid_IA5String", @"The string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set.");
        /// <summary>The algorithm identified by '{0}' is unknown, not valid for the requested usage, or was not handled.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_UnknownAlgorithmIdentifier => GetResourceString("Cryptography_UnknownAlgorithmIdentifier", @"The algorithm identified by '{0}' is unknown, not valid for the requested usage, or was not handled.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not a known hash algorithm.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_UnknownHashAlgorithm => GetResourceString("Cryptography_UnknownHashAlgorithm", @"'{0}' is not a known hash algorithm.");
        /// <summary>Attribute not found.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoAttributeFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoAttributeFound", @"Attribute not found.");
        /// <summary>Certificate not found.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_NoCertificateFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_NoCertificateFound", @"Certificate not found.");
        /// <summary>Certificate already present in the collection.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_CertificateAlreadyInCollection => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_CertificateAlreadyInCollection", @"Certificate already present in the collection.");
        /// <summary>The key in the enveloped message is not valid or could not be decoded.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSymmetricKey => GetResourceString("Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSymmetricKey", @"The key in the enveloped message is not valid or could not be decoded.");
        /// <summary>PKCS12 (PFX) without a supplied password has exceeded maximum allowed iterations. See for more information.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_X509_PfxWithoutPassword_MaxAllowedIterationsExceeded => GetResourceString("Cryptography_X509_PfxWithoutPassword_MaxAllowedIterationsExceeded", @"PKCS12 (PFX) without a supplied password has exceeded maximum allowed iterations. See for more information.");
        /// <summary>There was a problem with the PKCS12 (PFX) without a supplied password. See for more information.</summary>
        internal static string @Cryptography_X509_PfxWithoutPassword_ProblemFound => GetResourceString("Cryptography_X509_PfxWithoutPassword_ProblemFound", @"There was a problem with the PKCS12 (PFX) without a supplied password. See for more information.");