File: Internal\Cryptography\Pal\AnyOS\ManagedPal.Decrypt.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs\src\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.csproj (System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Formats.Asn1;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Asn1;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Asn1;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
namespace Internal.Cryptography.Pal.AnyOS
    internal sealed partial class ManagedPkcsPal : PkcsPal
        internal sealed class ManagedDecryptorPal : DecryptorPal
            private readonly byte[] _dataCopy;
            private EnvelopedDataAsn _envelopedData;
            public ManagedDecryptorPal(
                byte[] dataCopy,
                EnvelopedDataAsn envelopedDataAsn,
                RecipientInfoCollection recipientInfos)
                : base(recipientInfos)
                _dataCopy = dataCopy;
                _envelopedData = envelopedDataAsn;
            public override unsafe ContentInfo? TryDecrypt(
                RecipientInfo recipientInfo,
                X509Certificate2? cert,
                AsymmetricAlgorithm? privateKey,
                X509Certificate2Collection originatorCerts,
                X509Certificate2Collection extraStore,
                out Exception? exception)
                // When encryptedContent is null Windows seems to decrypt the CEK first,
                // then return a 0 byte answer.
                Debug.Assert((cert != null) ^ (privateKey != null));
                if (recipientInfo.Pal is ManagedKeyTransPal ktri)
                    RSA? key = privateKey as RSA;
                    if (privateKey != null && key == null)
                        exception = new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Cms_Ktri_RSARequired);
                        return null;
                    byte[]? cek = ktri.DecryptCek(cert, key, out exception);
                    // Pin CEK to prevent it from getting copied during heap compaction.
                    fixed (byte* pinnedCek = cek)
                            if (exception != null)
                                return null;
                            return TryDecryptCore(
                                out exception);
                            if (cek != null)
                                Array.Clear(cek, 0, cek.Length);
                    exception = new CryptographicException(
                    return null;
            public static ContentInfo? TryDecryptCore(
                byte[] cek,
                string contentType,
                ReadOnlyMemory<byte>? content,
                AlgorithmIdentifierAsn contentEncryptionAlgorithm,
                out Exception? exception)
                if (content == null)
                    exception = null;
                    return new ContentInfo(
                        new Oid(contentType),
                byte[]? decrypted = DecryptContent(content.Value, cek, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, out exception);
                if (exception != null)
                    return null;
                if (contentType != Oids.Pkcs7Data)
                    decrypted = GetAsnSequenceWithContentNoValidation(decrypted);
                exception = null;
                return new ContentInfo(
                    new Oid(contentType),
            private static byte[] GetAsnSequenceWithContentNoValidation(ReadOnlySpan<byte> content)
                AsnWriter writer = new AsnWriter(AsnEncodingRules.BER);
                // Content may be invalid ASN.1 data.
                // We will encode it as octet string to bypass validation
                byte[] encoded = writer.Encode();
                // and replace octet string tag (0x04) with sequence tag (0x30 or constructed 0x10)
                Debug.Assert(encoded[0] == 0x04);
                encoded[0] = 0x30;
                return encoded;
            private static byte[]? DecryptContent(
                ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encryptedContent,
                byte[] cek,
                AlgorithmIdentifierAsn contentEncryptionAlgorithm,
                out Exception? exception)
                exception = null;
                // Windows compat: If the encrypted content is completely empty, even where it does not make sense for the
                // mode and padding (e.g. CBC + PKCS7), produce an empty plaintext.
                if (encryptedContent.IsEmpty)
                    return Array.Empty<byte>();
#if NET
                    using (SymmetricAlgorithm alg = OpenAlgorithm(contentEncryptionAlgorithm))
                            alg.Key = cek;
                        catch (CryptographicException ce)
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSymmetricKey, ce);
                        return alg.DecryptCbc(encryptedContent.Span, alg.IV);
                catch (CryptographicException ce)
                    exception = ce;
                    return null;
                int encryptedContentLength = encryptedContent.Length;
                byte[] encryptedContentArray = CryptoPool.Rent(encryptedContentLength);
                    using (SymmetricAlgorithm alg = OpenAlgorithm(contentEncryptionAlgorithm))
                        ICryptoTransform decryptor;
                            decryptor = alg.CreateDecryptor(cek, alg.IV);
                        catch (ArgumentException ae)
                            // Decrypting or deriving the symmetric key with the wrong key may still succeed
                            // but produce a symmetric key that is not the correct length.
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Cms_InvalidSymmetricKey, ae);
                        using (decryptor)
                            // If we extend this library to accept additional algorithm providers
                            // then a different array pool needs to be used.
                            Debug.Assert(alg.GetType().Assembly == typeof(Aes).Assembly);
                            return decryptor.OneShot(
                catch (CryptographicException e)
                    exception = e;
                    return null;
                    CryptoPool.Return(encryptedContentArray, encryptedContentLength);
            public override void Dispose()