// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System
// Polyfill CoreLib internal interfaces and methods
// Define necessary members only
internal interface IUtfChar<TSelf> :
where TSelf : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TSelf>
public static abstract TSelf CastFrom(byte value);
public static abstract TSelf CastFrom(char value);
public static abstract TSelf CastFrom(int value);
public static abstract TSelf CastFrom(uint value);
public static abstract TSelf CastFrom(ulong value);
public static abstract uint CastToUInt32(TSelf value);
#pragma warning disable CA1067 // Polyfill only type
internal readonly struct Utf16Char(char ch) : IUtfChar<Utf16Char>
#pragma warning restore CA1067
private readonly char value = ch;
public static Utf16Char CastFrom(byte value) => new((char)value);
public static Utf16Char CastFrom(char value) => new(value);
public static Utf16Char CastFrom(int value) => new((char)value);
public static Utf16Char CastFrom(uint value) => new((char)value);
public static Utf16Char CastFrom(ulong value) => new((char)value);
public static uint CastToUInt32(Utf16Char value) => value.value;
public bool Equals(Utf16Char other) => value == other.value;
#pragma warning disable CA1067 // Polyfill only type
internal readonly struct Utf8Char(byte ch) : IUtfChar<Utf8Char>
#pragma warning restore CA1067
private readonly byte value = ch;
public static Utf8Char CastFrom(byte value) => new(value);
public static Utf8Char CastFrom(char value) => new((byte)value);
public static Utf8Char CastFrom(int value) => new((byte)value);
public static Utf8Char CastFrom(uint value) => new((byte)value);
public static Utf8Char CastFrom(ulong value) => new((byte)value);
public static uint CastToUInt32(Utf8Char value) => value.value;
public bool Equals(Utf8Char other) => value == other.value;
internal static partial class Number
internal static bool AllowHyphenDuringParsing(this NumberFormatInfo info)
string negativeSign = info.NegativeSign;
return negativeSign.Length == 1 &&
negativeSign[0] switch
'\u2012' or // Figure Dash
'\u207B' or // Superscript Minus
'\u208B' or // Subscript Minus
'\u2212' or // Minus Sign
'\u2796' or // Heavy Minus Sign
'\uFE63' or // Small Hyphen-Minus
'\uFF0D' => true, // Fullwidth Hyphen-Minus
_ => false
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> PositiveSignTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.PositiveSign);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> NegativeSignTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.NegativeSign);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> CurrencySymbolTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.CurrencySymbol);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> PercentSymbolTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.PercentSymbol);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> PerMilleSymbolTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.PerMilleSymbol);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> CurrencyDecimalSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.CurrencyDecimalSeparator);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> CurrencyGroupSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.CurrencyGroupSeparator);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> NumberDecimalSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.NumberDecimalSeparator);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> NumberGroupSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.NumberGroupSeparator);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> PercentDecimalSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.PercentDecimalSeparator);
internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> PercentGroupSeparatorTChar<TChar>(this NumberFormatInfo info)
where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(Utf16Char));
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(info.PercentGroupSeparator);