4 references to MinusOne
System.Runtime.Numerics (3)
System\Numerics\BigInteger.cs (3)
2581result = MinusOne; 3055/// <remarks>This method returns 0 iff the value of current object is equal to <see cref="Zero"/> or <see cref="MinusOne"/>. For positive integers the return value is equal to the ordinary binary representation string length.</remarks> 3881static BigInteger IBinaryNumber<BigInteger>.AllBitsSet => MinusOne;
System.Security.Cryptography.Cose (1)
System\Security\Cryptography\Cose\KnownCoseAlgorithms.cs (1)
38=> throw new CryptographicException(SR.Format(SR.Sign1UnknownCoseAlgorithm, BigInteger.MinusOne - new BigInteger(alg)));