// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Caching.Configuration;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
namespace System.Runtime.Caching
// PhysicalMemoryMonitor monitors the amound of physical memory used on the machine
// and helps us determine when to drop entries to avoid paging and GC thrashing.
// The limit is configurable (see ConfigUtil.cs).
internal sealed partial class PhysicalMemoryMonitor : MemoryMonitor
private const int MinTotalMemoryTrimPercent = 10;
private const long TargetTotalMemoryTrimIntervalTicks = 5 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute;
// Returns the percentage of physical machine memory that can be consumed by an
// application before the cache starts forcibly removing items.
internal long MemoryLimit
get { return _pressureHigh; }
private PhysicalMemoryMonitor()
// hide default ctor
internal PhysicalMemoryMonitor(int physicalMemoryLimitPercentage)
The chart below shows physical memory in megabytes, and the 1, 3, and 10% values.
When we reach "middle" pressure, we begin trimming the cache.
RAM 1% 3% 10%
128 1.28 3.84 12.8
256 2.56 7.68 25.6
512 5.12 15.36 51.2
1024 10.24 30.72 102.4
2048 20.48 61.44 204.8
4096 40.96 122.88 409.6
8192 81.92 245.76 819.2
long memory = TotalPhysical;
if (memory >= 0x100000000)
_pressureHigh = 99;
else if (memory >= 0x80000000)
_pressureHigh = 98;
else if (memory >= 0x40000000)
_pressureHigh = 97;
else if (memory >= 0x30000000)
_pressureHigh = 96;
_pressureHigh = 95;
_pressureLow = _pressureHigh - 9;
internal override int GetPercentToTrim(DateTime lastTrimTime, int lastTrimPercent)
int percent = 0;
if (IsAboveHighPressure())
// choose percent such that we don't repeat this for ~5 (TARGET_TOTAL_MEMORY_TRIM_INTERVAL) minutes,
// but keep the percentage between 10 and 50.
DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
long ticksSinceTrim = utcNow.Subtract(lastTrimTime).Ticks;
if (ticksSinceTrim > 0)
percent = Math.Min(50, (int)((lastTrimPercent * TargetTotalMemoryTrimIntervalTicks) / ticksSinceTrim));
percent = Math.Max(MinTotalMemoryTrimPercent, percent);
#if PERF
Debug.WriteLine($"PhysicalMemoryMonitor.GetPercentToTrim: percent={percent:N}, lastTrimPercent={lastTrimPercent:N}, secondsSinceTrim={ticksSinceTrim/TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond:N}{Environment.NewLine}");
return percent;
internal void SetLimit(int physicalMemoryLimitPercentage)
if (physicalMemoryLimitPercentage == 0)
// use defaults
_pressureHigh = Math.Max(3, physicalMemoryLimitPercentage);
_pressureLow = Math.Max(1, _pressureHigh - 9);
Dbg.Trace("MemoryCacheStats", $"PhysicalMemoryMonitor.SetLimit: _pressureHigh={_pressureHigh}, _pressureLow={_pressureLow}");