File: System\Runtime\Caching\MemoryCache.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Runtime.Caching\src\System.Runtime.Caching.csproj (System.Runtime.Caching)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.Caching.Configuration;
using System.Runtime.Caching.Resources;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Runtime.Caching
    public class MemoryCache : ObjectCache, IEnumerable, IDisposable
        private const DefaultCacheCapabilities CAPABILITIES = DefaultCacheCapabilities.InMemoryProvider
                                                              | DefaultCacheCapabilities.CacheEntryChangeMonitors
                                                              | DefaultCacheCapabilities.AbsoluteExpirations
                                                              | DefaultCacheCapabilities.SlidingExpirations
                                                              | DefaultCacheCapabilities.CacheEntryUpdateCallback
                                                              | DefaultCacheCapabilities.CacheEntryRemovedCallback;
        private static readonly TimeSpan s_oneYear = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0);
        private static readonly object s_initLock = new object();
        private static MemoryCache s_defaultCache;
        private static readonly CacheEntryRemovedCallback s_sentinelRemovedCallback = new CacheEntryRemovedCallback(SentinelEntry.OnCacheEntryRemovedCallback);
        private GCHandleRef<MemoryCacheStore>[] _storeRefs;
        private int _storeCount;
        private int _disposed;
        private MemoryCacheStatistics _stats;
        private readonly string _name;
        private Counters _perfCounters;
        private readonly bool _configLess;
        private bool _useMemoryCacheManager = true;
        private bool _throwOnDisposed;
        private EventHandler _onAppDomainUnload;
        private UnhandledExceptionEventHandler _onUnhandledException;
#if NET
        private static bool _countersSupported => !OperatingSystem.IsBrowser();
        private static bool _countersSupported => true;
        private bool IsDisposed { get { return (_disposed == 1); } }
        internal bool ConfigLess { get { return _configLess; } }
        private sealed class SentinelEntry
            private readonly string _key;
            private readonly ChangeMonitor _expensiveObjectDependency;
            private readonly CacheEntryUpdateCallback _updateCallback;
            internal SentinelEntry(string key, ChangeMonitor expensiveObjectDependency, CacheEntryUpdateCallback callback)
                _key = key;
                _expensiveObjectDependency = expensiveObjectDependency;
                _updateCallback = callback;
            internal string Key
                get { return _key; }
            internal ChangeMonitor ExpensiveObjectDependency
                get { return _expensiveObjectDependency; }
            internal CacheEntryUpdateCallback CacheEntryUpdateCallback
                get { return _updateCallback; }
            private static bool IsPolicyValid(CacheItemPolicy policy)
                if (policy == null)
                    return false;
                // see if any change monitors have changed
                bool hasChanged = false;
                Collection<ChangeMonitor> changeMonitors = policy.ChangeMonitors;
                if (changeMonitors != null)
                    foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in changeMonitors)
                        if (monitor != null && monitor.HasChanged)
                            hasChanged = true;
                // if the monitors haven't changed yet and we have an update callback
                // then the policy is valid
                if (!hasChanged && policy.UpdateCallback != null)
                    return true;
                // if the monitors have changed we need to dispose them
                if (hasChanged)
                    foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in changeMonitors)
                return false;
            internal static void OnCacheEntryRemovedCallback(CacheEntryRemovedArguments arguments)
                MemoryCache cache = arguments.Source as MemoryCache;
                SentinelEntry entry = arguments.CacheItem.Value as SentinelEntry;
                CacheEntryRemovedReason reason = arguments.RemovedReason;
                switch (reason)
                    case CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired:
                    case CacheEntryRemovedReason.ChangeMonitorChanged:
                        if (entry.ExpensiveObjectDependency.HasChanged)
                            // If the expensiveObject has been removed explicitly by Cache.Remove,
                            // return from the SentinelEntry removed callback
                            // thus effectively removing the SentinelEntry from the cache.
                    case CacheEntryRemovedReason.Evicted:
                        Debug.Fail("Reason should never be CacheEntryRemovedReason.Evicted since the entry was inserted as NotRemovable.");
                        // do nothing if reason is Removed or CacheSpecificEviction
                // invoke update callback
                    CacheEntryUpdateArguments args = new CacheEntryUpdateArguments(cache, reason, entry.Key, null);
                    object expensiveObject = args.UpdatedCacheItem?.Value;
                    CacheItemPolicy policy = args.UpdatedCacheItemPolicy;
                    // Only update the "expensive" object if the user returns a new object,
                    // a policy with update callback, and the change monitors haven't changed.  (Inserting
                    // with change monitors that have already changed will cause recursion.)
                    if (expensiveObject != null && IsPolicyValid(policy))
                        cache.Set(entry.Key, expensiveObject, policy);
                    // Review: What should we do with this exception?
        // private and internal
        internal MemoryCacheStore GetStore(MemoryCacheKey cacheKey)
            int hashCode = cacheKey.Hash;
            if (hashCode < 0)
                hashCode = (hashCode == int.MinValue) ? 0 : -hashCode;
            int idx = hashCode % _storeCount;
            return _storeRefs[idx].Target;
        internal object[] AllSRefTargets
                var allStores = new MemoryCacheStore[_storeCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < _storeCount; i++)
                    allStores[i] = _storeRefs[i].Target;
                return allStores;
        private void InitDisposableMembers(NameValueCollection config)
            bool dispose = true;
                    if (_countersSupported)
                        _perfCounters = new Counters(_name);
                    // ignore exceptions from perf counters
                for (int i = 0; i < _storeCount; i++)
                    _storeRefs[i] = new GCHandleRef<MemoryCacheStore>(new MemoryCacheStore(this, _perfCounters));
                _stats = new MemoryCacheStatistics(this, config);
                AppDomain appDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
                EventHandler onAppDomainUnload = new EventHandler(OnAppDomainUnload);
                appDomain.DomainUnload += onAppDomainUnload;
                _onAppDomainUnload = onAppDomainUnload;
                UnhandledExceptionEventHandler onUnhandledException = new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(OnUnhandledException);
                appDomain.UnhandledException += onUnhandledException;
                _onUnhandledException = onUnhandledException;
                dispose = false;
                if (dispose)
        private void OnAppDomainUnload(object unusedObject, EventArgs unusedEventArgs)
        private void OnUnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs eventArgs)
            // if the CLR is terminating, dispose the cache.
            // This will dispose the perf counters
            if (eventArgs.IsTerminating)
        private static void ValidatePolicy(CacheItemPolicy policy)
            if (policy.AbsoluteExpiration != ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration
                && policy.SlidingExpiration != ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Invalid_expiration_combination, nameof(policy));
            if (policy.SlidingExpiration < ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration || s_oneYear < policy.SlidingExpiration)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(policy), RH.Format(SR.Argument_out_of_range, "SlidingExpiration", ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration, s_oneYear));
            if (policy.RemovedCallback != null
                && policy.UpdateCallback != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Invalid_callback_combination, nameof(policy));
            if (policy.Priority != CacheItemPriority.Default && policy.Priority != CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(policy), RH.Format(SR.Argument_out_of_range, "Priority", CacheItemPriority.Default, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable));
        // public
        // Amount of memory that can be used before
        // the cache begins to forcibly remove items.
        public long CacheMemoryLimit
                return _stats.CacheMemoryLimit;
        public static MemoryCache Default
                if (s_defaultCache == null)
                    lock (s_initLock)
                        s_defaultCache ??= new MemoryCache();
                return s_defaultCache;
        public override DefaultCacheCapabilities DefaultCacheCapabilities
                return CAPABILITIES;
        public override string Name
            get { return _name; }
        internal bool UseMemoryCacheManager
            get { return _useMemoryCacheManager; }
        // Percentage of physical memory that can be used before
        // the cache begins to forcibly remove items.
        public long PhysicalMemoryLimit
                return _stats.PhysicalMemoryLimit;
        // The maximum interval of time after which the cache
        // will update its memory statistics.
        public TimeSpan PollingInterval
                return _stats.PollingInterval;
        // Only used for Default MemoryCache
        private MemoryCache()
            _name = "Default";
        public MemoryCache(string name, NameValueCollection config = null)
            if (name is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            if (name.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Empty_string_invalid, nameof(name));
            if (string.Equals(name, "default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Default_is_reserved, nameof(name));
            _name = name;
        // ignoreConfigSection is used when redirecting ASP.NET cache into the MemoryCache.  This avoids infinite recursion
        // due to the fact that the (ASP.NET) config system uses the cache, and the cache uses the config system.
        public MemoryCache(string name, NameValueCollection config, bool ignoreConfigSection)
            if (name is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            if (name.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Empty_string_invalid, nameof(name));
            if (string.Equals(name, "default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Default_is_reserved, nameof(name));
            _name = name;
            _configLess = ignoreConfigSection;
        private void Init(NameValueCollection config)
            _storeCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
            _storeRefs = new GCHandleRef<MemoryCacheStore>[_storeCount];
            if (config != null)
                _useMemoryCacheManager = ConfigUtil.GetBooleanValue(config, ConfigUtil.UseMemoryCacheManager, true);
                _throwOnDisposed = ConfigUtil.GetBooleanValue(config, ConfigUtil.ThrowOnDisposed, false);
        private object AddOrGetExistingInternal(string key, object value, CacheItemPolicy policy)
            if (key is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            DateTimeOffset absExp = ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration;
            TimeSpan slidingExp = ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration;
            CacheItemPriority priority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
            Collection<ChangeMonitor> changeMonitors = null;
            CacheEntryRemovedCallback removedCallback = null;
            if (policy != null)
                if (policy.UpdateCallback != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Update_callback_must_be_null, nameof(policy));
                absExp = policy.AbsoluteExpiration;
                slidingExp = policy.SlidingExpiration;
                priority = policy.Priority;
                changeMonitors = policy.ChangeMonitors;
                removedCallback = policy.RemovedCallback;
            if (IsDisposed)
                if (changeMonitors != null)
                    foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in changeMonitors)
                return null;
            MemoryCacheKey cacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey(key);
            MemoryCacheStore store = GetStore(cacheKey);
            MemoryCacheEntry entry = store.AddOrGetExisting(cacheKey, new MemoryCacheEntry(key, value, absExp, slidingExp, priority, changeMonitors, removedCallback, this));
            return entry?.Value;
        public override CacheEntryChangeMonitor CreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor(IEnumerable<string> keys, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            if (keys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keys));
            List<string> keysClone = new List<string>(keys);
            if (keysClone.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(RH.Format(SR.Empty_collection, nameof(keys)));
            foreach (string key in keysClone)
                if (key == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(RH.Format(SR.Collection_contains_null_element, nameof(keys)));
            return new MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor(keysClone.AsReadOnly(), regionName, this);
        public void Dispose()
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _disposed, 1) == 0)
                // unhook domain events
                // stats must be disposed prior to disposing the stores.
                if (_storeRefs != null)
                    foreach (var storeRef in _storeRefs)
                if (_perfCounters != null)
                    if (_countersSupported)
        private void DisposeSafeCritical()
            AppDomain appDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
            if (_onAppDomainUnload != null)
                appDomain.DomainUnload -= _onAppDomainUnload;
            if (_onUnhandledException != null)
                appDomain.UnhandledException -= _onUnhandledException;
        private object GetInternal(string key, string regionName)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            MemoryCacheEntry entry = GetEntry(key);
            return entry?.Value;
        internal MemoryCacheEntry GetEntry(string key)
            if (IsDisposedOrThrow())
                return null;
            MemoryCacheKey cacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey(key);
            MemoryCacheStore store = GetStore(cacheKey);
            return store.Get(cacheKey);
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
            if (!IsDisposedOrThrow())
                foreach (var storeRef in _storeRefs)
            return h.GetEnumerator();
        protected override IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, object>> GetEnumerator()
            Dictionary<string, object> h = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            if (!IsDisposedOrThrow())
                foreach (var storeRef in _storeRefs)
            return h.GetEnumerator();
        internal MemoryCacheEntry RemoveEntry(string key, MemoryCacheEntry entry, CacheEntryRemovedReason reason)
            MemoryCacheKey cacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey(key);
            MemoryCacheStore store = GetStore(cacheKey);
            return store.Remove(cacheKey, entry, reason);
        public long Trim(int percent)
            long trimmed = 0;
            if (percent > 100)
                percent = 100;
            if (!IsDisposedOrThrow())
                foreach (var storeRef in _storeRefs)
                    trimmed += storeRef.Target.TrimInternal(percent);
            return trimmed;
        //Default indexer property
        public override object this[string key]
                return GetInternal(key, null);
                Set(key, value, ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration);
        //Existence check for a single item
        public override bool Contains(string key, string regionName = null)
            return (GetInternal(key, regionName) != null);
        public override bool Add(CacheItem item, CacheItemPolicy policy)
            CacheItem existingEntry = AddOrGetExisting(item, policy);
            return (existingEntry == null || existingEntry.Value == null);
        public override object AddOrGetExisting(string key, object value, DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
            policy.AbsoluteExpiration = absoluteExpiration;
            return AddOrGetExistingInternal(key, value, policy);
        public override CacheItem AddOrGetExisting(CacheItem item, CacheItemPolicy policy)
            if (item is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            return new CacheItem(item.Key, AddOrGetExistingInternal(item.Key, item.Value, policy));
        public override object AddOrGetExisting(string key, object value, CacheItemPolicy policy, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            return AddOrGetExistingInternal(key, value, policy);
        public override object Get(string key, string regionName = null)
            return GetInternal(key, regionName);
        public override CacheItem GetCacheItem(string key, string regionName = null)
            object value = GetInternal(key, regionName);
            return (value != null) ? new CacheItem(key, value) : null;
        public override void Set(string key, object value, DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
            policy.AbsoluteExpiration = absoluteExpiration;
            Set(key, value, policy);
        public override void Set(CacheItem item, CacheItemPolicy policy)
            if (item is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            Set(item.Key, item.Value, policy);
        public override void Set(string key, object value, CacheItemPolicy policy, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            DateTimeOffset absExp = ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration;
            TimeSpan slidingExp = ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration;
            CacheItemPriority priority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
            Collection<ChangeMonitor> changeMonitors = null;
            CacheEntryRemovedCallback removedCallback = null;
            if (policy != null)
                if (policy.UpdateCallback != null)
                    Set(key, value, policy.ChangeMonitors, policy.AbsoluteExpiration, policy.SlidingExpiration, policy.UpdateCallback);
                absExp = policy.AbsoluteExpiration;
                slidingExp = policy.SlidingExpiration;
                priority = policy.Priority;
                changeMonitors = policy.ChangeMonitors;
                removedCallback = policy.RemovedCallback;
            if (IsDisposed)
                if (changeMonitors != null)
                    foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in changeMonitors)
            MemoryCacheKey cacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey(key);
            MemoryCacheStore store = GetStore(cacheKey);
            store.Set(cacheKey, new MemoryCacheEntry(key, value, absExp, slidingExp, priority, changeMonitors, removedCallback, this));
        internal void Set(string key,
                          object value,
                          Collection<ChangeMonitor> changeMonitors,
                          DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration,
                          TimeSpan slidingExpiration,
                          CacheEntryUpdateCallback onUpdateCallback)
            if (key is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            if (changeMonitors == null
                && absoluteExpiration == ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration
                && slidingExpiration == ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Invalid_argument_combination);
            if (onUpdateCallback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(onUpdateCallback));
            if (IsDisposed)
                if (changeMonitors != null)
                    foreach (ChangeMonitor monitor in changeMonitors)
            // Insert updatable cache entry
            MemoryCacheKey cacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey(key);
            MemoryCacheStore store = GetStore(cacheKey);
            MemoryCacheEntry cacheEntry = new MemoryCacheEntry(key,
            store.Set(cacheKey, cacheEntry);
            // Ensure the sentinel depends on its updatable entry
            string[] cacheKeys = { key };
            ChangeMonitor expensiveObjectDep = CreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor(cacheKeys);
            changeMonitors ??= new Collection<ChangeMonitor>();
            // Insert sentinel entry for the updatable cache entry
            MemoryCacheKey sentinelCacheKey = new MemoryCacheKey("OnUpdateSentinel" + key);
            MemoryCacheStore sentinelStore = GetStore(sentinelCacheKey);
            MemoryCacheEntry sentinelCacheEntry = new MemoryCacheEntry(sentinelCacheKey.Key,
                                                                       new SentinelEntry(key, expensiveObjectDep, onUpdateCallback),
            sentinelStore.Set(sentinelCacheKey, sentinelCacheEntry);
            cacheEntry.ConfigureUpdateSentinel(sentinelStore, sentinelCacheEntry);
        public override object Remove(string key, string regionName = null)
            return Remove(key, CacheEntryRemovedReason.Removed, regionName);
        public object Remove(string key, CacheEntryRemovedReason reason, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            if (IsDisposedOrThrow())
                return null;
            MemoryCacheEntry entry = RemoveEntry(key, null, reason);
            return entry?.Value;
        public override long GetCount(string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            long count = 0;
            if (!IsDisposedOrThrow())
                foreach (var storeRef in _storeRefs)
                    count += storeRef.Target.Count;
            return count;
        public long GetLastSize(string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            return _stats.GetLastSize();
        public override IDictionary<string, object> GetValues(IEnumerable<string> keys, string regionName = null)
            if (regionName != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.RegionName_not_supported);
            if (keys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keys));
            Dictionary<string, object> values = null;
            if (!IsDisposedOrThrow())
                foreach (string key in keys)
                    if (key == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(RH.Format(SR.Collection_contains_null_element, nameof(keys)));
                    object value = GetInternal(key, null);
                    if (value != null)
                        values ??= new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        values[key] = value;
            return values;
        // used when redirecting ASP.NET cache into the MemoryCache.  This avoids infinite recursion
        // due to the fact that the (ASP.NET) config system uses the cache, and the cache uses the
        // config system.
        internal void UpdateConfig(NameValueCollection config)
            if (config is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
            if (!IsDisposed)
        private bool IsDisposedOrThrow()
            if (!IsDisposed)
                return false;
            if (_throwOnDisposed)
                string cacheName = $"{this.GetType().FullName}({_name})";
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(cacheName);
            return true;