File: System\Reflection\TypeLoading\Types\RoExceptionType.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext\src\System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext.csproj (System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Reflection.TypeLoading
    /// <summary>
    /// This class exists only to stash Exceptions inside GetTypeCore caches.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class RoExceptionType : RoDefinitionType
        private readonly byte[] _ns;
        private readonly byte[] _name;
        internal Exception? Exception { get; }
        internal RoExceptionType(ReadOnlySpan<byte> ns, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name, Exception? exception)
            : base()
            _ns = ns.ToArray();
            _name = name.ToArray();
            Exception = exception;
        internal sealed override bool IsTypeNameEqual(ReadOnlySpan<byte> ns, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name) => name.SequenceEqual(_name) && ns.SequenceEqual(_ns);
        public sealed override bool IsGenericTypeDefinition => throw null!;
        public sealed override int MetadataToken => throw null!;
        internal sealed override RoModule GetRoModule() => throw null!;
        protected sealed override string ComputeName() => throw null!;
        protected sealed override string ComputeNamespace() => throw null!;
        protected sealed override TypeAttributes ComputeAttributeFlags() => throw null!;
        protected sealed override RoType ComputeDeclaringType() => throw null!;
        internal sealed override int GetGenericParameterCount() => throw null!;
        internal sealed override RoType[] GetGenericTypeParametersNoCopy() => throw null!;
        internal sealed override bool IsCustomAttributeDefined(ReadOnlySpan<byte> ns, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override CustomAttributeData TryFindCustomAttribute(ReadOnlySpan<byte> ns, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name) => throw null!;
        protected sealed override IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> GetTrueCustomAttributes() => throw null!;
        protected sealed override void GetPackSizeAndSize(out int packSize, out int size) => throw null!;
        protected internal sealed override RoType ComputeEnumUnderlyingType() => throw null!;
        internal sealed override RoType SpecializeBaseType(RoType[] instantiation) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<RoType> SpecializeInterfaces(RoType[] instantiation) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<RoType> GetNestedTypesCore(NameFilter? filter) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override RoDefinitionType GetNestedTypeCore(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Name) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> SpecializeConstructors(NameFilter? filter, RoInstantiationProviderType declaringType) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<MethodInfo> SpecializeMethods(NameFilter? filter, Type reflectedType, RoInstantiationProviderType declaringType) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<EventInfo> SpecializeEvents(NameFilter? filter, Type reflectedType, RoInstantiationProviderType declaringType) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<FieldInfo> SpecializeFields(NameFilter? filter, Type reflectedType, RoInstantiationProviderType declaringType) => throw null!;
        internal sealed override IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> SpecializeProperties(NameFilter? filter, Type reflectedType, RoInstantiationProviderType declaringType) => throw null!;