File: System\Reflection\DefaultBinder.CanConvert.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext\src\System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext.csproj (System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System
    internal sealed partial class DefaultBinder
        // CanChangePrimitive
        // This will determine if the source can be converted to the target type
        private static bool CanChangePrimitive(Type source, Type target)
            return CanPrimitiveWiden(source, target);
        private static bool CanPrimitiveWiden(Type source, Type target)
            Primitives widerCodes = s_primitiveConversions[(int)(Type.GetTypeCode(source))];
            Primitives targetCode = (Primitives)(1 << (int)(Type.GetTypeCode(target)));
            return 0 != (widerCodes & targetCode);
        private enum Primitives
            Boolean = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Boolean,
            Char = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Char,
            SByte = 1 << (int)TypeCode.SByte,
            Byte = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Byte,
            Int16 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Int16,
            UInt16 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.UInt16,
            Int32 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Int32,
            UInt32 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.UInt32,
            Int64 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Int64,
            UInt64 = 1 << (int)TypeCode.UInt64,
            Single = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Single,
            Double = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Double,
            Decimal = 1 << (int)TypeCode.Decimal,
            DateTime = 1 << (int)TypeCode.DateTime,
            String = 1 << (int)TypeCode.String,
        private static readonly Primitives[] s_primitiveConversions = new Primitives[]
                /* Empty    */  0, // not primitive
                /* Object   */  0, // not primitive
                /* DBNull   */  0, // not exposed.
                /* Boolean  */  Primitives.Boolean,
                /* Char     */  Primitives.Char    | Primitives.UInt16 | Primitives.UInt32 | Primitives.Int32  | Primitives.UInt64 | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single |  Primitives.Double,
                /* SByte    */  Primitives.SByte   | Primitives.Int16  | Primitives.Int32  | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* Byte     */  Primitives.Byte    | Primitives.Char   | Primitives.UInt16 | Primitives.Int16  | Primitives.UInt32 | Primitives.Int32  | Primitives.UInt64 |  Primitives.Int64 |  Primitives.Single |  Primitives.Double,
                /* Int16    */  Primitives.Int16   | Primitives.Int32  | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* UInt16   */  Primitives.UInt16  | Primitives.UInt32 | Primitives.Int32  | Primitives.UInt64 | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* Int32    */  Primitives.Int32   | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* UInt32   */  Primitives.UInt32  | Primitives.UInt64 | Primitives.Int64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* Int64    */  Primitives.Int64   | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* UInt64   */  Primitives.UInt64  | Primitives.Single | Primitives.Double,
                /* Single   */  Primitives.Single  | Primitives.Double,
                /* Double   */  Primitives.Double,
                /* Decimal  */  Primitives.Decimal,
                /* DateTime */  Primitives.DateTime,
                /* [Unused] */  0,
                /* String   */  Primitives.String,