File: System\Reflection\Metadata\TypeSystem\Handles.TypeSystem.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.Metadata\src\System.Reflection.Metadata.csproj (System.Reflection.Metadata)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata
    public readonly struct ModuleDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<ModuleDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Module;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Module;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        internal ModuleDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ModuleDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ModuleDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ModuleDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ModuleDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ModuleDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ModuleDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ModuleDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ModuleDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ModuleDefinitionHandle left, ModuleDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ModuleDefinitionHandle moduleDefinition && moduleDefinition._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ModuleDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ModuleDefinitionHandle left, ModuleDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct AssemblyDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<AssemblyDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Assembly;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Assembly;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        internal AssemblyDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static AssemblyDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new AssemblyDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(AssemblyDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(AssemblyDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator AssemblyDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new AssemblyDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator AssemblyDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new AssemblyDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(AssemblyDefinitionHandle left, AssemblyDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is AssemblyDefinitionHandle && ((AssemblyDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(AssemblyDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(AssemblyDefinitionHandle left, AssemblyDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct InterfaceImplementationHandle : IEquatable<InterfaceImplementationHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.InterfaceImpl;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.InterfaceImpl;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        internal InterfaceImplementationHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static InterfaceImplementationHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new InterfaceImplementationHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(InterfaceImplementationHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(InterfaceImplementationHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator InterfaceImplementationHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new InterfaceImplementationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator InterfaceImplementationHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new InterfaceImplementationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(InterfaceImplementationHandle left, InterfaceImplementationHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is InterfaceImplementationHandle && ((InterfaceImplementationHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(InterfaceImplementationHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(InterfaceImplementationHandle left, InterfaceImplementationHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct MethodDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<MethodDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.MethodDef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.MethodDef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private MethodDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static MethodDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new MethodDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(MethodDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(MethodDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator MethodDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new MethodDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator MethodDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new MethodDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(MethodDefinitionHandle left, MethodDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is MethodDefinitionHandle && ((MethodDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(MethodDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(MethodDefinitionHandle left, MethodDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a handle to <see cref="MethodDebugInformation"/> corresponding to this handle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The resulting handle is only valid within the context of a <see cref="MetadataReader"/> open on the Portable PDB blob,
        /// which in case of standalone PDB file is a different reader than the one containing this method definition.
        /// </remarks>
        public MethodDebugInformationHandle ToDebugInformationHandle()
            return MethodDebugInformationHandle.FromRowId(_rowId);
    public readonly struct MethodImplementationHandle : IEquatable<MethodImplementationHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.MethodImpl;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.MethodImpl;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private MethodImplementationHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static MethodImplementationHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new MethodImplementationHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(MethodImplementationHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(MethodImplementationHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator MethodImplementationHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new MethodImplementationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator MethodImplementationHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new MethodImplementationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(MethodImplementationHandle left, MethodImplementationHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is MethodImplementationHandle && ((MethodImplementationHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(MethodImplementationHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(MethodImplementationHandle left, MethodImplementationHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct MethodSpecificationHandle : IEquatable<MethodSpecificationHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.MethodSpec;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.MethodSpec;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private MethodSpecificationHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static MethodSpecificationHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new MethodSpecificationHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(MethodSpecificationHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(MethodSpecificationHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator MethodSpecificationHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new MethodSpecificationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator MethodSpecificationHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new MethodSpecificationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(MethodSpecificationHandle left, MethodSpecificationHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is MethodSpecificationHandle && ((MethodSpecificationHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(MethodSpecificationHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(MethodSpecificationHandle left, MethodSpecificationHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct TypeDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<TypeDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.TypeDef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.TypeDef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private TypeDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static TypeDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new TypeDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(TypeDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(TypeDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator TypeDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new TypeDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator TypeDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new TypeDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(TypeDefinitionHandle left, TypeDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is TypeDefinitionHandle && ((TypeDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(TypeDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(TypeDefinitionHandle left, TypeDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct ExportedTypeHandle : IEquatable<ExportedTypeHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.ExportedType;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.ExportedType;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private ExportedTypeHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ExportedTypeHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ExportedTypeHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ExportedTypeHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ExportedTypeHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ExportedTypeHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ExportedTypeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ExportedTypeHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ExportedTypeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ExportedTypeHandle left, ExportedTypeHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ExportedTypeHandle && ((ExportedTypeHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ExportedTypeHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ExportedTypeHandle left, ExportedTypeHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct TypeReferenceHandle : IEquatable<TypeReferenceHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.TypeRef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.TypeRef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private TypeReferenceHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static TypeReferenceHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new TypeReferenceHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(TypeReferenceHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(TypeReferenceHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator TypeReferenceHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new TypeReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator TypeReferenceHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new TypeReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(TypeReferenceHandle left, TypeReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is TypeReferenceHandle && ((TypeReferenceHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(TypeReferenceHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(TypeReferenceHandle left, TypeReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct TypeSpecificationHandle : IEquatable<TypeSpecificationHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.TypeSpec;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.TypeSpec;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private TypeSpecificationHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static TypeSpecificationHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new TypeSpecificationHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(TypeSpecificationHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(TypeSpecificationHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator TypeSpecificationHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new TypeSpecificationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator TypeSpecificationHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new TypeSpecificationHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(TypeSpecificationHandle left, TypeSpecificationHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is TypeSpecificationHandle && ((TypeSpecificationHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(TypeSpecificationHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(TypeSpecificationHandle left, TypeSpecificationHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct MemberReferenceHandle : IEquatable<MemberReferenceHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.MemberRef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.MemberRef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private MemberReferenceHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static MemberReferenceHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new MemberReferenceHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(MemberReferenceHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(MemberReferenceHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator MemberReferenceHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new MemberReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator MemberReferenceHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new MemberReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(MemberReferenceHandle left, MemberReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is MemberReferenceHandle && ((MemberReferenceHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(MemberReferenceHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(MemberReferenceHandle left, MemberReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct FieldDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<FieldDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.FieldDef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.FieldDef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private FieldDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static FieldDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new FieldDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(FieldDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(FieldDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator FieldDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new FieldDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator FieldDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new FieldDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(FieldDefinitionHandle left, FieldDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is FieldDefinitionHandle && ((FieldDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(FieldDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(FieldDefinitionHandle left, FieldDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct EventDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<EventDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Event;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Event;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private EventDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static EventDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new EventDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(EventDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(EventDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator EventDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new EventDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator EventDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new EventDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(EventDefinitionHandle left, EventDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is EventDefinitionHandle && ((EventDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(EventDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(EventDefinitionHandle left, EventDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct PropertyDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<PropertyDefinitionHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Property;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Property;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private PropertyDefinitionHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static PropertyDefinitionHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new PropertyDefinitionHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(PropertyDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(PropertyDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator PropertyDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new PropertyDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator PropertyDefinitionHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new PropertyDefinitionHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(PropertyDefinitionHandle left, PropertyDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is PropertyDefinitionHandle && ((PropertyDefinitionHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(PropertyDefinitionHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(PropertyDefinitionHandle left, PropertyDefinitionHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct StandaloneSignatureHandle : IEquatable<StandaloneSignatureHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Signature;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Signature;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private StandaloneSignatureHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static StandaloneSignatureHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new StandaloneSignatureHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(StandaloneSignatureHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(StandaloneSignatureHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator StandaloneSignatureHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new StandaloneSignatureHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator StandaloneSignatureHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new StandaloneSignatureHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(StandaloneSignatureHandle left, StandaloneSignatureHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is StandaloneSignatureHandle && ((StandaloneSignatureHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(StandaloneSignatureHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(StandaloneSignatureHandle left, StandaloneSignatureHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct ParameterHandle : IEquatable<ParameterHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.ParamDef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.ParamDef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private ParameterHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ParameterHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ParameterHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ParameterHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ParameterHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ParameterHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ParameterHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ParameterHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ParameterHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ParameterHandle left, ParameterHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ParameterHandle && ((ParameterHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ParameterHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ParameterHandle left, ParameterHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct GenericParameterHandle : IEquatable<GenericParameterHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.GenericParam;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.GenericParam;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private GenericParameterHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static GenericParameterHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new GenericParameterHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(GenericParameterHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(GenericParameterHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator GenericParameterHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new GenericParameterHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator GenericParameterHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new GenericParameterHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(GenericParameterHandle left, GenericParameterHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is GenericParameterHandle && ((GenericParameterHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(GenericParameterHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(GenericParameterHandle left, GenericParameterHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct GenericParameterConstraintHandle : IEquatable<GenericParameterConstraintHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.GenericParamConstraint;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.GenericParamConstraint;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private GenericParameterConstraintHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static GenericParameterConstraintHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new GenericParameterConstraintHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(GenericParameterConstraintHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(GenericParameterConstraintHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator GenericParameterConstraintHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new GenericParameterConstraintHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator GenericParameterConstraintHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new GenericParameterConstraintHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(GenericParameterConstraintHandle left, GenericParameterConstraintHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is GenericParameterConstraintHandle && ((GenericParameterConstraintHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(GenericParameterConstraintHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(GenericParameterConstraintHandle left, GenericParameterConstraintHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct ModuleReferenceHandle : IEquatable<ModuleReferenceHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.ModuleRef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.ModuleRef;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private ModuleReferenceHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ModuleReferenceHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ModuleReferenceHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ModuleReferenceHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ModuleReferenceHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ModuleReferenceHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ModuleReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ModuleReferenceHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ModuleReferenceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ModuleReferenceHandle left, ModuleReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ModuleReferenceHandle && ((ModuleReferenceHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ModuleReferenceHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ModuleReferenceHandle left, ModuleReferenceHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct AssemblyReferenceHandle : IEquatable<AssemblyReferenceHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.AssemblyRef;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.AssemblyRef;
        // bits:
        //     31: IsVirtual
        // 24..30: 0
        //  0..23: Heap offset or Virtual index
        private readonly uint _value;
        internal enum VirtualIndex
        private AssemblyReferenceHandle(uint value)
            _value = value;
        internal static AssemblyReferenceHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new AssemblyReferenceHandle((uint)rowId);
        internal static AssemblyReferenceHandle FromVirtualIndex(VirtualIndex virtualIndex)
            Debug.Assert(virtualIndex < VirtualIndex.Count);
            return new AssemblyReferenceHandle(TokenTypeIds.VirtualBit | (uint)virtualIndex);
        public static implicit operator Handle(AssemblyReferenceHandle handle)
            return Handle.FromVToken(handle.VToken);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(AssemblyReferenceHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle(handle.VToken);
        public static explicit operator AssemblyReferenceHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.Type != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new AssemblyReferenceHandle(handle.SpecificEntityHandleValue);
        public static explicit operator AssemblyReferenceHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.Type != tokenType)
            return new AssemblyReferenceHandle(handle.SpecificHandleValue);
        internal uint Value
            get { return _value; }
        private uint VToken
            get { return _value | tokenType; }
        public bool IsNil
            get { return _value == 0; }
        internal bool IsVirtual
            get { return (_value & TokenTypeIds.VirtualBit) != 0; }
        internal int RowId { get { return (int)(_value & TokenTypeIds.RIDMask); } }
        public static bool operator ==(AssemblyReferenceHandle left, AssemblyReferenceHandle right)
            return left._value == right._value;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is AssemblyReferenceHandle && ((AssemblyReferenceHandle)obj)._value == _value;
        public bool Equals(AssemblyReferenceHandle other)
            return _value == other._value;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _value.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(AssemblyReferenceHandle left, AssemblyReferenceHandle right)
            return left._value != right._value;
    public readonly struct CustomAttributeHandle : IEquatable<CustomAttributeHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.CustomAttribute;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.CustomAttribute;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private CustomAttributeHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static CustomAttributeHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new CustomAttributeHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(CustomAttributeHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(CustomAttributeHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator CustomAttributeHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new CustomAttributeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator CustomAttributeHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new CustomAttributeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return _rowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(CustomAttributeHandle left, CustomAttributeHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is CustomAttributeHandle && ((CustomAttributeHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(CustomAttributeHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(CustomAttributeHandle left, CustomAttributeHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle : IEquatable<DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.DeclSecurity;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.DeclSecurity;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return _rowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle left, DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle && ((DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle left, DeclarativeSecurityAttributeHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct ConstantHandle : IEquatable<ConstantHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.Constant;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.Constant;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private ConstantHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ConstantHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ConstantHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ConstantHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ConstantHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ConstantHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ConstantHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ConstantHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ConstantHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ConstantHandle left, ConstantHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ConstantHandle && ((ConstantHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ConstantHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ConstantHandle left, ConstantHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct ManifestResourceHandle : IEquatable<ManifestResourceHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.ManifestResource;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.ManifestResource;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private ManifestResourceHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static ManifestResourceHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new ManifestResourceHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(ManifestResourceHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(ManifestResourceHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator ManifestResourceHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new ManifestResourceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator ManifestResourceHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new ManifestResourceHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(ManifestResourceHandle left, ManifestResourceHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is ManifestResourceHandle && ((ManifestResourceHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(ManifestResourceHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(ManifestResourceHandle left, ManifestResourceHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    public readonly struct AssemblyFileHandle : IEquatable<AssemblyFileHandle>
        private const uint tokenType = TokenTypeIds.File;
        private const byte tokenTypeSmall = (byte)HandleType.File;
        private readonly int _rowId;
        private AssemblyFileHandle(int rowId)
            _rowId = rowId;
        internal static AssemblyFileHandle FromRowId(int rowId)
            return new AssemblyFileHandle(rowId);
        public static implicit operator Handle(AssemblyFileHandle handle)
            return new Handle(tokenTypeSmall, handle._rowId);
        public static implicit operator EntityHandle(AssemblyFileHandle handle)
            return new EntityHandle((uint)(tokenType | handle._rowId));
        public static explicit operator AssemblyFileHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenTypeSmall)
            return new AssemblyFileHandle(handle.RowId);
        public static explicit operator AssemblyFileHandle(EntityHandle handle)
            if (handle.VType != tokenType)
            return new AssemblyFileHandle(handle.RowId);
        public bool IsNil
                return RowId == 0;
        internal int RowId { get { return _rowId; } }
        public static bool operator ==(AssemblyFileHandle left, AssemblyFileHandle right)
            return left._rowId == right._rowId;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is AssemblyFileHandle && ((AssemblyFileHandle)obj)._rowId == _rowId;
        public bool Equals(AssemblyFileHandle other)
            return _rowId == other._rowId;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _rowId.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(AssemblyFileHandle left, AssemblyFileHandle right)
            return left._rowId != right._rowId;
    /// <summary>
    /// #UserString heap handle.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The handle is 32-bit wide.
    /// </remarks>
    public readonly struct UserStringHandle : IEquatable<UserStringHandle>
        // bits:
        //     31: 0
        // 24..30: 0
        //  0..23: index
        private readonly int _offset;
        private UserStringHandle(int offset)
            // #US string indices must fit into 24bits since they are used in IL stream tokens
            Debug.Assert((offset & 0xFF000000) == 0);
            _offset = offset;
        internal static UserStringHandle FromOffset(int heapOffset)
            return new UserStringHandle(heapOffset);
        public static implicit operator Handle(UserStringHandle handle)
            return new Handle((byte)HandleType.UserString, handle._offset);
        public static explicit operator UserStringHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != HandleType.UserString)
            return new UserStringHandle(handle.Offset);
        public bool IsNil
            get { return _offset == 0; }
        internal int GetHeapOffset()
            return _offset;
        public static bool operator ==(UserStringHandle left, UserStringHandle right)
            return left._offset == right._offset;
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is UserStringHandle && ((UserStringHandle)obj)._offset == _offset;
        public bool Equals(UserStringHandle other)
            return _offset == other._offset;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _offset.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator !=(UserStringHandle left, UserStringHandle right)
            return left._offset != right._offset;
    // #String heap handle
    public readonly struct StringHandle : IEquatable<StringHandle>
        // bits:
        //     31: IsVirtual
        // 29..31: type (non-virtual: String, DotTerminatedString; virtual: VirtualString, WinRTPrefixedString)
        //  0..28: Heap offset or Virtual index
        private readonly uint _value;
        internal enum VirtualIndex
        private StringHandle(uint value)
            Debug.Assert((value & StringHandleType.TypeMask) == StringHandleType.String ||
                         (value & StringHandleType.TypeMask) == StringHandleType.VirtualString ||
                         (value & StringHandleType.TypeMask) == StringHandleType.WinRTPrefixedString ||
                         (value & StringHandleType.TypeMask) == StringHandleType.DotTerminatedString);
            _value = value;
        internal static StringHandle FromOffset(int heapOffset)
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.String | (uint)heapOffset);
        internal static StringHandle FromVirtualIndex(VirtualIndex virtualIndex)
            Debug.Assert(virtualIndex < VirtualIndex.Count);
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.VirtualString | (uint)virtualIndex);
        internal static StringHandle FromWriterVirtualIndex(int virtualIndex)
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.VirtualString | (uint)virtualIndex);
        internal StringHandle WithWinRTPrefix()
            Debug.Assert(StringKind == StringKind.Plain);
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.WinRTPrefixedString | _value);
        internal StringHandle WithDotTermination()
            Debug.Assert(StringKind == StringKind.Plain);
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.DotTerminatedString | _value);
        internal StringHandle SuffixRaw(int prefixByteLength)
            Debug.Assert(StringKind == StringKind.Plain);
            Debug.Assert(prefixByteLength >= 0);
            return new StringHandle(StringHandleType.String | (_value + (uint)prefixByteLength));
        public static implicit operator Handle(StringHandle handle)
            // VTTx xxxx xxxx xxxx  xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx -> V111 10TT
            return new Handle(
                (byte)((handle._value & HeapHandleType.VirtualBit) >> 24 | HandleType.String | (handle._value & StringHandleType.NonVirtualTypeMask) >> HeapHandleType.OffsetBitCount),
                (int)(handle._value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask));
        public static explicit operator StringHandle(Handle handle)
            if ((handle.VType & ~(HandleType.VirtualBit | HandleType.NonVirtualStringTypeMask)) != HandleType.String)
            // V111 10TT -> VTTx xxxx xxxx xxxx  xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
            return new StringHandle(
                (handle.VType & HandleType.VirtualBit) << 24 |
                (handle.VType & HandleType.NonVirtualStringTypeMask) << HeapHandleType.OffsetBitCount |
        internal uint RawValue => _value;
        internal bool IsVirtual
            get { return (_value & HeapHandleType.VirtualBit) != 0; }
        public bool IsNil
                // virtual strings are never nil, so include virtual bit
                return (_value & (HeapHandleType.VirtualBit | HeapHandleType.OffsetMask)) == 0;
        internal int GetHeapOffset()
            // WinRT prefixed strings are virtual, the value is a heap offset
            Debug.Assert(!IsVirtual || StringKind == StringKind.WinRTPrefixed);
            return (int)(_value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask);
        internal VirtualIndex GetVirtualIndex()
            Debug.Assert(IsVirtual && StringKind != StringKind.WinRTPrefixed);
            return (VirtualIndex)(_value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask);
        internal int GetWriterVirtualIndex()
            Debug.Assert(IsNil || IsVirtual && StringKind == StringKind.Virtual);
            return (int)(_value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask);
        internal StringKind StringKind
            get { return (StringKind)(_value >> HeapHandleType.OffsetBitCount); }
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            return obj is StringHandle && Equals((StringHandle)obj);
        public bool Equals(StringHandle other)
            return _value == other._value;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return unchecked((int)_value);
        public static bool operator ==(StringHandle left, StringHandle right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(StringHandle left, StringHandle right)
            return !left.Equals(right);
    /// <summary>
    /// A handle that represents a namespace definition.
    /// </summary>
    public readonly struct NamespaceDefinitionHandle : IEquatable<NamespaceDefinitionHandle>
        // Non-virtual (namespace having at least one type or forwarder of its own)
        // heap offset is to the null-terminated full name of the namespace in the
        // #String heap.
        // Virtual (namespace having child namespaces but no types of its own)
        // the virtual index is an auto-incremented value and serves solely to
        // create unique values for indexing into the NamespaceCache.
        // bits:
        //     31: IsVirtual
        // 29..31: 0
        //  0..28: Heap offset or Virtual index
        private readonly uint _value;
        private NamespaceDefinitionHandle(uint value)
            _value = value;
        internal static NamespaceDefinitionHandle FromFullNameOffset(int stringHeapOffset)
            return new NamespaceDefinitionHandle((uint)stringHeapOffset);
        internal static NamespaceDefinitionHandle FromVirtualIndex(uint virtualIndex)
            // we arbitrarily disallow 0 virtual index to simplify nil check.
            Debug.Assert(virtualIndex != 0);
            if (!HeapHandleType.IsValidHeapOffset(virtualIndex))
                // only a pathological assembly would hit this, but it must fit in 29 bits.
            return new NamespaceDefinitionHandle(TokenTypeIds.VirtualBit | virtualIndex);
        public static implicit operator Handle(NamespaceDefinitionHandle handle)
            return new Handle(
                (byte)((handle._value & HeapHandleType.VirtualBit) >> 24 | HandleType.Namespace),
                (int)(handle._value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask));
        public static explicit operator NamespaceDefinitionHandle(Handle handle)
            if ((handle.VType & HandleType.TypeMask) != HandleType.Namespace)
            return new NamespaceDefinitionHandle(
                (handle.VType & HandleType.VirtualBit) << TokenTypeIds.RowIdBitCount |
        public bool IsNil
                return _value == 0;
        internal bool IsVirtual
            get { return (_value & HeapHandleType.VirtualBit) != 0; }
        internal int GetHeapOffset()
            return (int)(_value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask);
        internal bool HasFullName
            get { return !IsVirtual; }
        internal StringHandle GetFullName()
            return StringHandle.FromOffset(GetHeapOffset());
        public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
            return obj is NamespaceDefinitionHandle ndh && Equals(ndh);
        public bool Equals(NamespaceDefinitionHandle other)
            return _value == other._value;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return unchecked((int)_value);
        public static bool operator ==(NamespaceDefinitionHandle left, NamespaceDefinitionHandle right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(NamespaceDefinitionHandle left, NamespaceDefinitionHandle right)
            return !left.Equals(right);
    // #Blob heap handle
    public readonly struct BlobHandle : IEquatable<BlobHandle>
        // bits:
        //     31: IsVirtual
        // 29..30: 0
        //  0..28: Heap offset or Virtual Value (16 bits) + Virtual Index (8 bits)
        private readonly uint _value;
        internal enum VirtualIndex : byte
            // B0 3F 5F 7F 11 D5 0A 3A
            // 00, 24, 00, 00, 04, ...
            // Template for projected AttributeUsage attribute blob
            // Template for projected AttributeUsage attribute blob with AllowMultiple=true
        private BlobHandle(uint value)
            _value = value;
        internal static BlobHandle FromOffset(int heapOffset)
            return new BlobHandle((uint)heapOffset);
        internal static BlobHandle FromVirtualIndex(VirtualIndex virtualIndex, ushort virtualValue)
            Debug.Assert(virtualIndex < VirtualIndex.Count);
            return new BlobHandle(TokenTypeIds.VirtualBit | (uint)(virtualValue << 8) | (uint)virtualIndex);
        internal const int TemplateParameterOffset_AttributeUsageTarget = 2;
        internal unsafe void SubstituteTemplateParameters(byte[] blob)
            Debug.Assert(blob.Length >= TemplateParameterOffset_AttributeUsageTarget + 4);
            fixed (byte* ptr = &blob[TemplateParameterOffset_AttributeUsageTarget])
                *((uint*)ptr) = VirtualValue;
        public static implicit operator Handle(BlobHandle handle)
            // V... -> V111 0001
            return new Handle(
                (byte)((handle._value & HeapHandleType.VirtualBit) >> 24 | HandleType.Blob),
                (int)(handle._value & HeapHandleType.OffsetMask));
        public static explicit operator BlobHandle(Handle handle)
            if ((handle.VType & HandleType.TypeMask) != HandleType.Blob)
            return new BlobHandle(
                (handle.VType & HandleType.VirtualBit) << TokenTypeIds.RowIdBitCount |
        internal uint RawValue => _value;
        public bool IsNil
            get { return _value == 0; }
        internal int GetHeapOffset()
            return (int)_value;
        internal VirtualIndex GetVirtualIndex()
            return (VirtualIndex)(_value & 0xff);
        internal bool IsVirtual
            get { return (_value & TokenTypeIds.VirtualBit) != 0; }
        private ushort VirtualValue
            get { return unchecked((ushort)(_value >> 8)); }
        public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
            return obj is BlobHandle bh && Equals(bh);
        public bool Equals(BlobHandle other)
            return _value == other._value;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return unchecked((int)_value);
        public static bool operator ==(BlobHandle left, BlobHandle right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(BlobHandle left, BlobHandle right)
            return !left.Equals(right);
    // #Guid heap handle
    public readonly struct GuidHandle : IEquatable<GuidHandle>
        // The Guid heap is an array of GUIDs, each 16 bytes wide.
        // Its first element is numbered 1, its second 2, and so on.
        private readonly int _index;
        private GuidHandle(int index)
            _index = index;
        internal static GuidHandle FromIndex(int heapIndex)
            return new GuidHandle(heapIndex);
        public static implicit operator Handle(GuidHandle handle)
            return new Handle((byte)HandleType.Guid, handle._index);
        public static explicit operator GuidHandle(Handle handle)
            if (handle.VType != HandleType.Guid)
            return new GuidHandle(handle.Offset);
        public bool IsNil
            get { return _index == 0; }
        internal int Index
            get { return _index; }
        public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
            return obj is GuidHandle gh && Equals(gh);
        public bool Equals(GuidHandle other)
            return _index == other._index;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _index;
        public static bool operator ==(GuidHandle left, GuidHandle right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(GuidHandle left, GuidHandle right)
            return !left.Equals(right);