// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection.Internal;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata
public readonly struct SequencePoint : IEquatable<SequencePoint>
public const int HiddenLine = 0xfeefee;
public DocumentHandle Document { get; }
public int Offset { get; }
public int StartLine { get; }
public int EndLine { get; }
public int StartColumn { get; }
public int EndColumn { get; }
internal SequencePoint(DocumentHandle document, int offset)
Document = document;
Offset = offset;
StartLine = HiddenLine;
StartColumn = 0;
EndLine = HiddenLine;
EndColumn = 0;
internal SequencePoint(DocumentHandle document, int offset, int startLine, ushort startColumn, int endLine, ushort endColumn)
Document = document;
Offset = offset;
StartLine = startLine;
StartColumn = startColumn;
EndLine = endLine;
EndColumn = endColumn;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Hash.Combine(Document.RowId,
Hash.Combine(EndLine, EndColumn)))));
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
return obj is SequencePoint sequencePoint && Equals(sequencePoint);
public bool Equals(SequencePoint other)
return Document == other.Document
&& Offset == other.Offset
&& StartLine == other.StartLine
&& StartColumn == other.StartColumn
&& EndLine == other.EndLine
&& EndColumn == other.EndColumn;
public bool IsHidden => StartLine == 0xfeefee;
private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
return IsHidden ? "<hidden>" : $"{Offset}: ({StartLine}, {StartColumn}) - ({EndLine}, {EndColumn})";