File: System\Reflection\Metadata\Internal\CorElementType.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.Metadata\src\System.Reflection.Metadata.csproj (System.Reflection.Metadata)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335
    internal enum CorElementType : byte
        Invalid = 0x0,
        ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID = 0x1,
        ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR = 0x3,
        ELEMENT_TYPE_I1 = 0x4, // SByte
        ELEMENT_TYPE_U1 = 0x5, // Byte
        ELEMENT_TYPE_I2 = 0x6, // Int16
        ELEMENT_TYPE_U2 = 0x7, // UInt16
        ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 = 0x8, // Int32
        ELEMENT_TYPE_U4 = 0x9, // UInt32
        ELEMENT_TYPE_I8 = 0xA, // Int64
        ELEMENT_TYPE_U8 = 0xB, // UInt64
        ELEMENT_TYPE_R4 = 0xC, // Single
        ELEMENT_TYPE_R8 = 0xD, // Double
        // every type above PTR will be simple type
        ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR = 0xF,      // PTR <type>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF = 0x10,     // BYREF <type>
        // Please use ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE. ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUECLASS is deprecated.
        ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE = 0x11,     // VALUETYPE <class Token>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS = 0x12,     // CLASS <class Token>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR = 0x13,     // a class type variable VAR <U1>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x14,     // MDARRAY <type> <rank> <bcount> <bound1> ... <lbcount> <lb1> ...
        ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST = 0x15,     // GENERICINST <generic type> <argCnt> <arg1> ... <argn>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF = 0x16,     // TYPEDREF  (it takes no args) a typed reference to some other type
        ELEMENT_TYPE_I = 0x18,     // native integer size
        ELEMENT_TYPE_U = 0x19,     // native unsigned integer size
        ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR = 0x1B,     // FNPTR <complete sig for the function including calling convention>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT = 0x1C,     // Shortcut for System.Object
        ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY = 0x1D,     // Shortcut for single dimension zero lower bound array
        // SZARRAY <type>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR = 0x1E,     // a method type variable MVAR <U1>
        // This is only for binding
        ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD = 0x1F,     // required C modifier : E_T_CMOD_REQD <mdTypeRef/mdTypeDef>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT = 0x20,     // optional C modifier : E_T_CMOD_OPT <mdTypeRef/mdTypeDef>
        ELEMENT_TYPE_HANDLE = 0x40,
        ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL = 0x41, // sentinel for varargs
        ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED = 0x45,