// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335
public sealed class MetadataAggregator
// For each heap handle and each delta contains aggregate heap lengths.
// heapSizes[heap kind][reader index] == Sum { 0..index | reader[i].XxxHeap.Block.Length }
private readonly ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<int>> _heapSizes;
private readonly ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<RowCounts>> _rowCounts;
// internal for testing
internal struct RowCounts : IComparable<RowCounts>
public int AggregateInserts;
public int Updates;
public int CompareTo(RowCounts other)
return AggregateInserts - other.AggregateInserts;
public override string ToString()
return $"+0x{AggregateInserts:x} ~0x{Updates:x}";
public MetadataAggregator(MetadataReader baseReader, IReadOnlyList<MetadataReader> deltaReaders)
: this(baseReader, null, null, deltaReaders)
public MetadataAggregator(
IReadOnlyList<int>? baseTableRowCounts,
IReadOnlyList<int>? baseHeapSizes,
IReadOnlyList<MetadataReader>? deltaReaders)
: this(null, baseTableRowCounts, baseHeapSizes, deltaReaders)
private MetadataAggregator(
MetadataReader? baseReader,
IReadOnlyList<int>? baseTableRowCounts,
IReadOnlyList<int>? baseHeapSizes,
IReadOnlyList<MetadataReader>? deltaReaders)
if (baseTableRowCounts == null)
if (baseReader == null)
if (baseReader.GetTableRowCount(TableIndex.EncMap) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.BaseReaderMustBeFullMetadataReader, nameof(baseReader));
CalculateBaseCounts(baseReader, out baseTableRowCounts, out baseHeapSizes);
Debug.Assert(baseTableRowCounts != null);
if (baseTableRowCounts.Count != MetadataTokens.TableCount)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ExpectedListOfSize, MetadataTokens.TableCount), nameof(baseTableRowCounts));
if (baseHeapSizes == null)
if (baseHeapSizes.Count != MetadataTokens.HeapCount)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ExpectedListOfSize, MetadataTokens.HeapCount), nameof(baseTableRowCounts));
if (deltaReaders == null || deltaReaders.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExpectedNonEmptyList, nameof(deltaReaders));
for (int i = 0; i < deltaReaders.Count; i++)
if (deltaReaders[i].GetTableRowCount(TableIndex.EncMap) == 0 || !deltaReaders[i].IsMinimalDelta)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ReadersMustBeDeltaReaders, nameof(deltaReaders));
_heapSizes = CalculateHeapSizes(baseHeapSizes, deltaReaders);
_rowCounts = CalculateRowCounts(baseTableRowCounts, deltaReaders);
// for testing only
internal MetadataAggregator(RowCounts[][] rowCounts, int[][] heapSizes)
_rowCounts = ToImmutable(rowCounts);
_heapSizes = ToImmutable(heapSizes);
private static void CalculateBaseCounts(
MetadataReader baseReader,
out IReadOnlyList<int> baseTableRowCounts,
out IReadOnlyList<int> baseHeapSizes)
int[] rowCounts = new int[MetadataTokens.TableCount];
int[] heapSizes = new int[MetadataTokens.HeapCount];
for (int i = 0; i < rowCounts.Length; i++)
rowCounts[i] = baseReader.GetTableRowCount((TableIndex)i);
for (int i = 0; i < heapSizes.Length; i++)
heapSizes[i] = baseReader.GetHeapSize((HeapIndex)i);
baseTableRowCounts = rowCounts;
baseHeapSizes = heapSizes;
private static ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<int>> CalculateHeapSizes(
IReadOnlyList<int> baseSizes,
IReadOnlyList<MetadataReader> deltaReaders)
// GUID heap index is multiple of sizeof(Guid) == 16
const int guidSize = 16;
int generationCount = 1 + deltaReaders.Count;
var userStringSizes = new int[generationCount];
var stringSizes = new int[generationCount];
var blobSizes = new int[generationCount];
var guidSizes = new int[generationCount];
userStringSizes[0] = baseSizes[(int)HeapIndex.UserString];
stringSizes[0] = baseSizes[(int)HeapIndex.String];
blobSizes[0] = baseSizes[(int)HeapIndex.Blob];
guidSizes[0] = baseSizes[(int)HeapIndex.Guid] / guidSize;
for (int r = 0; r < deltaReaders.Count; r++)
userStringSizes[r + 1] = userStringSizes[r] + deltaReaders[r].GetHeapSize(HeapIndex.UserString);
stringSizes[r + 1] = stringSizes[r] + deltaReaders[r].GetHeapSize(HeapIndex.String);
blobSizes[r + 1] = blobSizes[r] + deltaReaders[r].GetHeapSize(HeapIndex.Blob);
guidSizes[r + 1] = guidSizes[r] + deltaReaders[r].GetHeapSize(HeapIndex.Guid) / guidSize;
return ImmutableArray.Create(
private static ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<RowCounts>> CalculateRowCounts(
IReadOnlyList<int> baseRowCounts,
IReadOnlyList<MetadataReader> deltaReaders)
// TODO: optimize - we don't need to allocate all these arrays
var rowCounts = GetBaseRowCounts(baseRowCounts, generations: 1 + deltaReaders.Count);
for (int generation = 1; generation <= deltaReaders.Count; generation++)
CalculateDeltaRowCountsForGeneration(rowCounts, generation, ref deltaReaders[generation - 1].EncMapTable);
return ToImmutable(rowCounts);
private static ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<T>> ToImmutable<T>(T[][] array)
var immutable = new ImmutableArray<T>[array.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
immutable[i] = array[i].ToImmutableArray();
return immutable.ToImmutableArray();
// internal for testing
internal static RowCounts[][] GetBaseRowCounts(IReadOnlyList<int> baseRowCounts, int generations)
var rowCounts = new RowCounts[MetadataTokens.TableCount][];
for (int t = 0; t < rowCounts.Length; t++)
rowCounts[t] = new RowCounts[generations];
rowCounts[t][0].AggregateInserts = baseRowCounts[t];
return rowCounts;
// internal for testing
internal static void CalculateDeltaRowCountsForGeneration(RowCounts[][] rowCounts, int generation, ref EnCMapTableReader encMapTable)
foreach (var tableRowCounts in rowCounts)
tableRowCounts[generation].AggregateInserts = tableRowCounts[generation - 1].AggregateInserts;
int mapRowCount = encMapTable.NumberOfRows;
for (int mapRid = 1; mapRid <= mapRowCount; mapRid++)
uint token = encMapTable.GetToken(mapRid);
int rid = (int)(token & TokenTypeIds.RIDMask);
var tableRowCounts = rowCounts[token >> TokenTypeIds.RowIdBitCount];
if (rid > tableRowCounts[generation].AggregateInserts)
if (rid != tableRowCounts[generation].AggregateInserts + 1)
throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.EnCMapNotSorted);
// insert:
tableRowCounts[generation].AggregateInserts = rid;
// update:
/// <summary>
/// Given a handle of an entity in an aggregate metadata calculates
/// a handle of the entity within the metadata generation it is defined in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">Handle of an entity in an aggregate metadata.</param>
/// <param name="generation">The generation the entity is defined in.</param>
/// <returns>Handle of the entity within the metadata generation <paramref name="generation"/>.</returns>
public Handle GetGenerationHandle(Handle handle, out int generation)
if (handle.IsVirtual)
// TODO: if a virtual handle is connected to real handle then translate the rid,
// otherwise return vhandle and base.
throw new NotSupportedException();
if (handle.IsHeapHandle)
int heapOffset = handle.Offset;
HeapIndex heapIndex;
MetadataTokens.TryGetHeapIndex(handle.Kind, out heapIndex);
var sizes = _heapSizes[(int)heapIndex];
// #Guid heap offset is 1-based, other heaps have 0-based offset:
var size = (handle.Type == HandleType.Guid) ? heapOffset - 1 : heapOffset;
generation = sizes.BinarySearch(size);
if (generation >= 0)
Debug.Assert(sizes[generation] == size);
// the index points to the start of the next generation that added data to the heap:
while (generation < sizes.Length && sizes[generation] == size);
generation = ~generation;
if (generation >= sizes.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.HandleBelongsToFutureGeneration, nameof(handle));
// GUID heap accumulates - previous heap is copied to the next generation
int relativeHeapOffset = (handle.Type == HandleType.Guid || generation == 0) ? heapOffset : heapOffset - sizes[generation - 1];
return new Handle((byte)handle.Type, relativeHeapOffset);
int rowId = handle.RowId;
var sizes = _rowCounts[(int)handle.Type];
generation = sizes.BinarySearch(new RowCounts { AggregateInserts = rowId });
if (generation >= 0)
Debug.Assert(sizes[generation].AggregateInserts == rowId);
// the row is in a generation that inserted exactly one row -- the one that we are looking for;
// or it's in a preceding generation if the current one didn't insert any rows of the kind:
while (generation > 0 && sizes[generation - 1].AggregateInserts == rowId)
// the row is in a generation that inserted multiple new rows:
generation = ~generation;
if (generation >= sizes.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.HandleBelongsToFutureGeneration, nameof(handle));
// In each delta table updates always precede inserts.
int relativeRowId = (generation == 0) ? rowId :
rowId -
sizes[generation - 1].AggregateInserts +
return new Handle((byte)handle.Type, relativeRowId);