// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld
internal sealed class HtmlElementProps
private bool _empty;
private bool _abrParent;
private bool _uriParent;
private bool _noEntities;
private bool _blockWS;
private bool _head;
private bool _nameParent;
public static HtmlElementProps Create(bool empty, bool abrParent, bool uriParent, bool noEntities, bool blockWS, bool head, bool nameParent)
HtmlElementProps props = new HtmlElementProps();
props._empty = empty;
props._abrParent = abrParent;
props._uriParent = uriParent;
props._noEntities = noEntities;
props._blockWS = blockWS;
props._head = head;
props._nameParent = nameParent;
return props;
public bool Empty { get { return _empty; } }
public bool AbrParent { get { return _abrParent; } }
public bool UriParent { get { return _uriParent; } }
public bool NoEntities { get { return _noEntities; } }
public bool Head { get { return _head; } }
public bool NameParent { get { return _nameParent; } }
private static readonly Hashtable s_table = CreatePropsTable();
// private static HtmlElementProps s_otherElements = Create(false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
public static HtmlElementProps? GetProps(string name)
HtmlElementProps? result = (HtmlElementProps?)s_table[name];
return result;
// We can do this but in case of Xml/Html mixed output this doesn't have big sence.
// return result != null ? result : s_otherElements;
private static Hashtable CreatePropsTable()
bool o = false, X = true;
Hashtable table = new Hashtable(71, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
table.Add("a", Create(o, o, X, o, o, o, X));
table.Add("address", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("applet", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("area", Create(X, X, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("base", Create(X, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("basefont", Create(X, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("blockquote", Create(o, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("body", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("br", Create(X, o, o, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("button", Create(o, X, o, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("caption", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("center", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("col", Create(X, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("colgroup", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("dd", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("del", Create(o, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("dir", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("div", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("dl", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("dt", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("fieldset", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("font", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("form", Create(o, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("frame", Create(X, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("frameset", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h1", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h2", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h3", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h4", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h5", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("h6", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("head", Create(o, o, X, o, X, X, o));
table.Add("hr", Create(X, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("html", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("iframe", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("img", Create(X, X, X, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("input", Create(X, X, X, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("ins", Create(o, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("isindex", Create(X, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("legend", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("li", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("link", Create(X, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("map", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("menu", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("meta", Create(X, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("noframes", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("noscript", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("object", Create(o, X, X, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("ol", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("optgroup", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("option", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("p", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("param", Create(X, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("pre", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("q", Create(o, o, X, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("s", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("script", Create(o, X, X, X, o, o, o));
table.Add("select", Create(o, X, o, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("strike", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("style", Create(o, o, o, X, X, o, o));
table.Add("table", Create(o, o, X, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("tbody", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("td", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("textarea", Create(o, X, o, o, o, o, o));
table.Add("tfoot", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("th", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("thead", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("title", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("tr", Create(o, o, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("ul", Create(o, X, o, o, X, o, o));
table.Add("xmp", Create(o, o, o, o, o, o, o));
return table;
internal sealed class HtmlAttributeProps
private bool _abr;
private bool _uri;
private bool _name;
public static HtmlAttributeProps Create(bool abr, bool uri, bool name)
HtmlAttributeProps props = new HtmlAttributeProps();
props._abr = abr;
props._uri = uri;
props._name = name;
return props;
public bool Abr { get { return _abr; } }
public bool Uri { get { return _uri; } }
public bool Name { get { return _name; } }
private static readonly Hashtable s_table = CreatePropsTable();
// private static HtmlElementProps s_otherAttributes = Create(false, false, false);
public static HtmlAttributeProps? GetProps(string name)
HtmlAttributeProps? result = (HtmlAttributeProps?)s_table[name];
return result;
// We can do this but in case of Xml/Html mixed output this doesn't have big sence.
// return result != null ? result : s_otherElements;
private static Hashtable CreatePropsTable()
bool o = false, X = true;
Hashtable table = new Hashtable(26, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
table.Add("action", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("checked", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("cite", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("classid", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("codebase", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("compact", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("data", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("datasrc", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("declare", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("defer", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("disabled", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("for", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("href", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("ismap", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("longdesc", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("multiple", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("name", Create(o, o, X));
table.Add("nohref", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("noresize", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("noshade", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("nowrap", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("profile", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("readonly", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("selected", Create(X, o, o));
table.Add("src", Create(o, X, o));
table.Add("usemap", Create(o, X, o));
return table;