// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Xml.Serialization
public abstract class XmlSerializationGeneratedCode
internal class XmlSerializationCodeGen
private readonly IndentedWriter _writer;
private int _nextMethodNumber;
private readonly Hashtable _methodNames = new Hashtable();
private readonly ReflectionAwareCodeGen _raCodeGen;
private readonly TypeScope[] _scopes;
private readonly TypeDesc? _stringTypeDesc;
private readonly TypeDesc? _qnameTypeDesc;
private readonly string _access;
private readonly string _className;
private TypeMapping[]? _referencedMethods;
private int _references;
private readonly Hashtable _generatedMethods = new Hashtable();
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls GetTypeDesc")]
internal XmlSerializationCodeGen(IndentedWriter writer, TypeScope[] scopes, string access, string className)
_writer = writer;
_scopes = scopes;
if (scopes.Length > 0)
_stringTypeDesc = scopes[0].GetTypeDesc(typeof(string));
_qnameTypeDesc = scopes[0].GetTypeDesc(typeof(XmlQualifiedName));
_raCodeGen = new ReflectionAwareCodeGen(writer);
_className = className;
_access = access;
internal IndentedWriter Writer { get { return _writer; } }
internal int NextMethodNumber { get { return _nextMethodNumber; } set { _nextMethodNumber = value; } }
internal ReflectionAwareCodeGen RaCodeGen { get { return _raCodeGen; } }
internal TypeDesc? StringTypeDesc { get { return _stringTypeDesc; } }
internal TypeDesc? QnameTypeDesc { get { return _qnameTypeDesc; } }
internal string ClassName { get { return _className; } }
internal string Access { get { return _access; } }
internal TypeScope[] Scopes { get { return _scopes; } }
internal Hashtable MethodNames { get { return _methodNames; } }
internal Hashtable GeneratedMethods { get { return _generatedMethods; } }
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("calls WriteStructMethod")]
internal virtual void GenerateMethod(TypeMapping mapping) { }
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("calls GenerateMethod")]
internal void GenerateReferencedMethods()
while (_references > 0)
TypeMapping mapping = _referencedMethods![--_references];
internal string? ReferenceMapping(TypeMapping mapping)
if (!mapping.IsSoap)
if (_generatedMethods[mapping] == null)
_referencedMethods = EnsureArrayIndex(_referencedMethods!, _references);
_referencedMethods[_references++] = mapping;
return (string?)_methodNames[mapping];
private static TypeMapping[] EnsureArrayIndex(TypeMapping[] a, int index)
if (a == null) return new TypeMapping[32];
if (index < a.Length) return a;
TypeMapping[] b = new TypeMapping[a.Length + 32];
Array.Copy(a, b, index);
return b;
internal void WriteQuotedCSharpString(string? value)
internal void GenerateHashtableGetBegin(string privateName, string publicName)
_writer.Write(" ");
_writer.WriteLine(" = null;");
_writer.Write("public override ");
_writer.Write(" ");
_writer.WriteLine(" {");
_writer.WriteLine("get {");
_writer.Write("if (");
_writer.WriteLine(" == null) {");
_writer.Write(" _tmp = new ");
internal void GenerateHashtableGetEnd(string privateName)
_writer.Write("if (");
_writer.Write(" == null) ");
_writer.WriteLine(" = _tmp;");
_writer.Write("return ");
internal void GeneratePublicMethods(string privateName, string publicName, string?[] methods, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings)
GenerateHashtableGetBegin(privateName, publicName);
if (methods != null && methods.Length != 0 && xmlMappings != null && xmlMappings.Length == methods.Length)
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
if (methods[i] == null)
_writer.Write("] = ");
internal void GenerateSupportedTypes(Type?[] types)
_writer.Write("public override ");
_writer.Write(" CanSerialize(");
_writer.WriteLine(" type) {");
Hashtable uniqueTypes = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
Type? type = types[i];
if (type == null)
if (!type.IsPublic && !type.IsNestedPublic)
if (uniqueTypes[type] != null)
if (DynamicAssemblies.IsTypeDynamic(type))
if (type.IsGenericType || type.ContainsGenericParameters && DynamicAssemblies.IsTypeDynamic(type.GetGenericArguments()))
uniqueTypes[type] = type;
_writer.Write("if (type == typeof(");
_writer.WriteLine(")) return true;");
_writer.WriteLine("return false;");
internal string GenerateBaseSerializer(string baseSerializer, string readerClass, string writerClass, CodeIdentifiers classes)
baseSerializer = CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(baseSerializer);
baseSerializer = classes.AddUnique(baseSerializer, baseSerializer);
_writer.Write("public abstract class ");
_writer.Write(" : ");
_writer.WriteLine(" {");
_writer.Write("protected override ");
_writer.WriteLine(" CreateReader() {");
_writer.Write("return new ");
_writer.Write("protected override ");
_writer.WriteLine(" CreateWriter() {");
_writer.Write("return new ");
return baseSerializer;
internal string GenerateTypedSerializer(string? readMethod, string? writeMethod, XmlMapping mapping, CodeIdentifiers classes, string baseSerializer, string readerClass, string writerClass)
string serializerName = CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(Accessor.UnescapeName(mapping.Accessor.Mapping!.TypeDesc!.Name));
serializerName = classes.AddUnique($"{serializerName}Serializer", mapping);
_writer.Write("public sealed class ");
_writer.Write(" : ");
_writer.WriteLine(" {");
_writer.Write("public override ");
_writer.Write(" CanDeserialize(");
_writer.WriteLine(" xmlReader) {");
if (mapping.Accessor.Any)
_writer.WriteLine("return true;");
_writer.Write("return xmlReader.IsStartElement(");
_writer.Write(", ");
if (writeMethod != null)
_writer.Write("protected override void Serialize(object objectToSerialize, ");
_writer.WriteLine(" writer) {");
if (mapping is XmlMembersMapping)
if (readMethod != null)
_writer.Write("protected override object Deserialize(");
_writer.WriteLine(" reader) {");
_writer.Write("return ((");
return serializerName;
private void GenerateTypedSerializers(Hashtable serializers)
string privateName = "typedSerializers";
GenerateHashtableGetBegin(privateName, "TypedSerializers");
foreach (string key in serializers.Keys)
_writer.Write(", new ");
//GenerateGetSerializer(serializers, xmlMappings);
private void GenerateGetSerializer(Hashtable serializers, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings)
_writer.Write("public override ");
_writer.Write(" GetSerializer(");
_writer.WriteLine(" type) {");
for (int i = 0; i < xmlMappings.Length; i++)
if (xmlMappings[i] is XmlTypeMapping)
Type? type = xmlMappings[i].Accessor.Mapping!.TypeDesc!.Type;
if (type == null)
if (!type.IsPublic && !type.IsNestedPublic)
if (DynamicAssemblies.IsTypeDynamic(type))
if (type.IsGenericType || type.ContainsGenericParameters && DynamicAssemblies.IsTypeDynamic(type.GetGenericArguments()))
_writer.Write("if (type == typeof(");
_writer.Write(")) return new ");
_writer.WriteLine("return null;");
internal void GenerateSerializerContract(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type?[] types, string readerType, string?[] readMethods, string writerType, string?[] writerMethods, Hashtable serializers)
_writer.Write("public class XmlSerializerContract : global::");
_writer.WriteLine(" {");
_writer.Write("public override global::");
_writer.Write(" Reader { get { return new ");
_writer.WriteLine("(); } }");
_writer.Write("public override global::");
_writer.Write(" Writer { get { return new ");
_writer.WriteLine("(); } }");
GeneratePublicMethods(nameof(readMethods), "ReadMethods", readMethods, xmlMappings);
GeneratePublicMethods("writeMethods", "WriteMethods", writerMethods, xmlMappings);
GenerateGetSerializer(serializers, xmlMappings);
internal static bool IsWildcard(SpecialMapping mapping)
if (mapping is SerializableMapping)
return ((SerializableMapping)mapping).IsAny;
return mapping.TypeDesc!.CanBeElementValue;