// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Xml.Serialization
internal sealed class NameKey
private readonly string? _ns;
private readonly string? _name;
internal NameKey(string? name, string? ns)
_name = name;
_ns = ns;
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? other)
if (!(other is NameKey)) return false;
NameKey key = (NameKey)other;
return _name == key._name && _ns == key._ns;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (_ns == null ? "<null>".GetHashCode() : _ns.GetHashCode()) ^ (_name == null ? 0 : _name.GetHashCode());
internal interface INameScope
object? this[string? name, string? ns] { get; set; }
internal sealed class NameTable : INameScope
private readonly Dictionary<NameKey, object?> _table = new Dictionary<NameKey, object?>();
internal void Add(XmlQualifiedName qname, object value)
Add(qname.Name, qname.Namespace, value);
internal void Add(string? name, string? ns, object value)
NameKey key = new NameKey(name, ns);
_table.Add(key, value);
internal object? this[XmlQualifiedName qname]
object? obj;
return _table.TryGetValue(new NameKey(qname.Name, qname.Namespace), out obj) ? obj : null;
_table[new NameKey(qname.Name, qname.Namespace)] = value;
internal object? this[string? name, string? ns]
object? obj;
return _table.TryGetValue(new NameKey(name, ns), out obj) ? obj : null;
_table[new NameKey(name, ns)] = value;
object? INameScope.this[string? name, string? ns]
object? obj;
_table.TryGetValue(new NameKey(name, ns), out obj);
return obj;
_table[new NameKey(name, ns)] = value;
internal ICollection Values
get { return _table.Values; }
internal Array ToArray(Type type)
Array a = Array.CreateInstance(type, _table.Count);
((ICollection)_table.Values).CopyTo(a, 0);
return a;