// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml.Schema;
namespace System.Xml.Schema
/// <summary>
/// The XmlSchemaCollection contains a set of namespace URI's.
/// Each namespace also have an associated private data cache
/// corresponding to the XML-Data Schema or W3C XML Schema.
/// The XmlSchemaCollection will able to load XSD and XDR schemas,
/// and compile them into an internal "cooked schema representation".
/// The Validate method then uses this internal representation for
/// efficient runtime validation of any given subtree.
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("XmlSchemaCollection has been deprecated. Use System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet for schema compilation and validation instead.")]
public sealed class XmlSchemaCollection : ICollection
private readonly Hashtable _collection;
private readonly XmlNameTable _nameTable;
private SchemaNames? _schemaNames;
private readonly object? _wLock;
private readonly bool _isThreadSafe = true;
private ValidationEventHandler? _validationEventHandler;
private XmlResolver? _xmlResolver;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new empty schema collection.
/// </summary>
public XmlSchemaCollection() : this(new NameTable())
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new empty schema collection with associated XmlNameTable.
/// The XmlNameTable is used when loading schemas.
/// </summary>
public XmlSchemaCollection(XmlNameTable nametable)
_nameTable = nametable;
_collection = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
_xmlResolver = null;
_isThreadSafe = true;
if (_isThreadSafe)
_wLock = new object();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of namespaces defined in this collection
/// (whether or not there is an actual schema associated with those namespaces or not).
/// </summary>
public int Count
get { return _collection.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// The default XmlNameTable used by the XmlSchemaCollection when loading new schemas.
/// </summary>
public XmlNameTable NameTable
get { return _nameTable; }
public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler
add { _validationEventHandler += value; }
remove { _validationEventHandler -= value; }
internal XmlResolver? XmlResolver
_xmlResolver = value;
/// <summary>
/// Add the schema located by the given URL into the schema collection.
/// If the given schema references other namespaces, the schemas for those other
/// namespaces are NOT automatically loaded.
/// </summary>
public XmlSchema? Add(string? ns, [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Uri)] string uri)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(uri, _nameTable);
reader.XmlResolver = _xmlResolver;
XmlSchema? schema = null;
schema = Add(ns, reader, _xmlResolver);
while (reader.Read()) ; // wellformness check
return schema;
public XmlSchema? Add(string? ns, XmlReader reader)
return Add(ns, reader, _xmlResolver);
/// <summary>
/// Add the given schema into the schema collection.
/// If the given schema references other namespaces, the schemas for those
/// other namespaces are NOT automatically loaded.
/// </summary>
public XmlSchema? Add(string? ns, XmlReader reader, XmlResolver? resolver)
XmlNameTable readerNameTable = reader.NameTable;
SchemaInfo schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo();
Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.None, readerNameTable, GetSchemaNames(readerNameTable), _validationEventHandler);
parser.XmlResolver = resolver;
SchemaType schemaType;
schemaType = parser.Parse(reader, ns);
catch (XmlSchemaException e)
return null;
if (schemaType == SchemaType.XSD)
schemaInfo.SchemaType = SchemaType.XSD;
return Add(ns, schemaInfo, parser.XmlSchema, true, resolver);
return Add(ns, parser.XdrSchema!, null, true, resolver);
public XmlSchema? Add(XmlSchema schema)
return Add(schema, _xmlResolver);
public XmlSchema? Add(XmlSchema schema, XmlResolver? resolver)
SchemaInfo schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo();
schemaInfo.SchemaType = SchemaType.XSD;
return Add(schema.TargetNamespace, schemaInfo, schema, true, resolver);
/// <summary>
/// Adds all the namespaces defined in the given collection
/// (including their associated schemas) to this collection.
/// </summary>
public void Add(XmlSchemaCollection schema)
if (this == schema)
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = schema._collection.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
XmlSchemaCollectionNode node = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode)enumerator.Value!;
Add(node!.NamespaceURI!, node);
/// <summary>
/// Looks up the schema by its associated namespace URI
/// </summary>
public XmlSchema? this[string? ns]
XmlSchemaCollectionNode? node = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode?)_collection[ns ?? string.Empty];
return node?.Schema;
public bool Contains(XmlSchema schema)
return this[schema.TargetNamespace] != null;
public bool Contains(string? ns)
return _collection[ns ?? string.Empty] != null;
/// <summary>
/// Get a IEnumerator of the XmlSchemaCollection.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return new XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator(_collection);
public XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator(_collection);
void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index)
for (XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator e = this.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfEqual(index, array.Length);
array.SetValue(e.Current, index++);
public void CopyTo(XmlSchema[] array, int index)
for (XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator e = this.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
XmlSchema? schema = e.Current;
if (schema != null)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfEqual(index, array.Length);
array[index++] = e.Current!;
bool ICollection.IsSynchronized
get { return true; }
object ICollection.SyncRoot
get { return this; }
int ICollection.Count
get { return _collection.Count; }
internal SchemaInfo? GetSchemaInfo(string? ns)
XmlSchemaCollectionNode? node = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode?)_collection[ns ?? string.Empty];
return node?.SchemaInfo;
internal SchemaNames GetSchemaNames(XmlNameTable nt)
if (_nameTable != nt)
return new SchemaNames(nt);
return _schemaNames ??= new SchemaNames(_nameTable);
internal XmlSchema? Add(string? ns, SchemaInfo schemaInfo, XmlSchema? schema, bool compile)
return Add(ns, schemaInfo, schema, compile, _xmlResolver);
private XmlSchema? Add(string? ns, SchemaInfo schemaInfo, XmlSchema? schema, bool compile, XmlResolver? resolver)
int errorCount = 0;
if (schema != null)
if (schema.ErrorCount == 0 && compile)
if (!schema.CompileSchema(this, resolver, schemaInfo, ns, _validationEventHandler, _nameTable, true))
errorCount = 1;
ns = schema.TargetNamespace ?? string.Empty;
errorCount += schema.ErrorCount;
errorCount += schemaInfo.ErrorCount;
//ns = ns == null? string.Empty : NameTable.Add(ns);
ns = NameTable.Add(ns!); //Added without checking for ns == null, since XDR cannot have null namespace
if (errorCount == 0)
XmlSchemaCollectionNode node = new XmlSchemaCollectionNode();
node.NamespaceURI = ns;
node.SchemaInfo = schemaInfo;
node.Schema = schema;
Add(ns!, node);
return schema;
return null;
private void AddNonThreadSafe(string ns, XmlSchemaCollectionNode? node)
if (_collection[ns] != null)
_collection.Add(ns, node);
private void Add(string ns, XmlSchemaCollectionNode? node)
if (_isThreadSafe)
lock (_wLock!)
AddNonThreadSafe(ns, node);
AddNonThreadSafe(ns, node);
private void SendValidationEvent(XmlSchemaException e)
if (_validationEventHandler != null)
_validationEventHandler(this, new ValidationEventArgs(e));
throw e;
internal ValidationEventHandler? EventHandler
return _validationEventHandler;
_validationEventHandler = value;
internal sealed class XmlSchemaCollectionNode
private string? _namespaceUri;
private SchemaInfo? _schemaInfo;
private XmlSchema? _schema;
internal string? NamespaceURI
get { return _namespaceUri; }
set { _namespaceUri = value; }
internal SchemaInfo? SchemaInfo
get { return _schemaInfo; }
set { _schemaInfo = value; }
internal XmlSchema? Schema
get { return _schema; }
set { _schema = value; }
public sealed class XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator : IEnumerator
private readonly IDictionaryEnumerator _enumerator;
internal XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator(Hashtable collection)
_enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator();
void IEnumerator.Reset()
bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
return _enumerator.MoveNext();
public bool MoveNext()
return _enumerator.MoveNext();
object? IEnumerator.Current
get { return this.Current; }
public XmlSchema? Current
XmlSchemaCollectionNode? n = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode?)_enumerator.Value;
if (n != null)
return n.Schema;
return null;
internal XmlSchemaCollectionNode? CurrentNode
XmlSchemaCollectionNode? n = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode?)_enumerator.Value;
return n;