// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Xml
internal sealed class XmlElementList : XmlNodeList
private readonly string _asterisk = null!;
private int _changeCount; //recording the total number that the dom tree has been changed ( insertion and deletion )
//the member vars below are saved for further reconstruction
private readonly string? _name; //only one of 2 string groups will be initialized depends on which constructor is called.
private string? _localName;
private string? _namespaceURI;
private readonly XmlNode _rootNode;
// the member vars below serves the optimization of accessing of the elements in the list
private int _curInd; // -1 means the starting point for a new search round
private XmlNode _curElem; // if sets to rootNode, means the starting point for a new search round
private bool _empty; // whether the list is empty
private bool _atomized; //whether the localname and namespaceuri are atomized
private int _matchCount; // cached list count. -1 means it needs reconstruction
private WeakReference<XmlElementListListener>? _listener;
private XmlElementList(XmlNode parent)
Debug.Assert(parent != null);
Debug.Assert(parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document);
_rootNode = parent;
Debug.Assert(parent.Document != null);
_curInd = -1;
_curElem = _rootNode;
_changeCount = 0;
_empty = false;
_atomized = true;
_matchCount = -1;
// This can be a regular reference, but it would cause some kind of loop inside the GC
_listener = new WeakReference<XmlElementListListener>(new XmlElementListListener(parent.Document, this));
internal void ConcurrencyCheck(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args)
if (_atomized == false)
XmlNameTable nameTable = _rootNode.Document.NameTable;
_localName = nameTable.Add(_localName!);
_namespaceURI = nameTable.Add(_namespaceURI!);
_atomized = true;
if (IsMatch(args.Node!))
_curInd = -1;
_curElem = _rootNode;
if (args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert)
_empty = false;
_matchCount = -1;
internal XmlElementList(XmlNode parent, string name) : this(parent)
Debug.Assert(parent.Document != null);
XmlNameTable nt = parent.Document.NameTable;
Debug.Assert(nt != null);
_asterisk = nt.Add("*");
_name = nt.Add(name);
_localName = null;
_namespaceURI = null;
internal XmlElementList(XmlNode parent, string localName, string namespaceURI) : this(parent)
Debug.Assert(parent.Document != null);
XmlNameTable nt = parent.Document.NameTable;
Debug.Assert(nt != null);
_asterisk = nt.Add("*");
_localName = nt.Get(localName);
_namespaceURI = nt.Get(namespaceURI);
if ((_localName == null) || (_namespaceURI == null))
_empty = true;
_atomized = false;
_localName = localName;
_namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
_name = null;
internal int ChangeCount
get { return _changeCount; }
// return the next element node that is in PreOrder
private XmlNode? NextElemInPreOrder(XmlNode curNode)
Debug.Assert(curNode != null);
//For preorder walking, first try its child
XmlNode? retNode = curNode.FirstChild;
if (retNode == null)
//if no child, the next node forward will the be the NextSibling of the first ancestor which has NextSibling
//so, first while-loop find out such an ancestor (until no more ancestor or the ancestor is the rootNode
retNode = curNode;
while (retNode != null
&& retNode != _rootNode
&& retNode.NextSibling == null)
retNode = retNode.ParentNode;
//then if such ancestor exists, set the retNode to its NextSibling
if (retNode != null && retNode != _rootNode)
retNode = retNode.NextSibling;
if (retNode == _rootNode)
//if reach the rootNode, consider having walked through the whole tree and no more element after the curNode
retNode = null;
return retNode;
// return the previous element node that is in PreOrder
private XmlNode? PrevElemInPreOrder(XmlNode curNode)
Debug.Assert(curNode != null);
//For preorder walking, the previous node will be the right-most node in the tree of PreviousSibling of the curNode
XmlNode? retNode = curNode.PreviousSibling;
// so if the PreviousSibling is not null, going through the tree down to find the right-most node
while (retNode != null)
if (retNode.LastChild == null)
retNode = retNode.LastChild;
// if no PreviousSibling, the previous node will be the curNode's parentNode
retNode ??= curNode.ParentNode;
// if the final retNode is rootNode, consider having walked through the tree and no more previous node
if (retNode == _rootNode)
retNode = null;
return retNode;
// if the current node a matching element node
private bool IsMatch(XmlNode curNode)
if (curNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
if (_name != null)
if (Ref.Equal(_name, _asterisk) || Ref.Equal(curNode.Name, _name))
return true;
if (
(Ref.Equal(_localName, _asterisk) || Ref.Equal(curNode.LocalName, _localName)) &&
(Ref.Equal(_namespaceURI, _asterisk) || curNode.NamespaceURI == _namespaceURI)
return true;
return false;
private XmlNode? GetMatchingNode(XmlNode n, bool bNext)
Debug.Assert(n != null);
XmlNode? node = n;
if (bNext)
node = NextElemInPreOrder(node);
node = PrevElemInPreOrder(node);
} while (node != null && !IsMatch(node));
return node;
private XmlNode? GetNthMatchingNode(XmlNode n, bool bNext, int nCount)
Debug.Assert(n != null);
XmlNode? node = n;
for (int ind = 0; ind < nCount; ind++)
node = GetMatchingNode(node, bNext);
if (node == null)
return null;
return node;
//the function is for the enumerator to find out the next available matching element node
public XmlNode? GetNextNode(XmlNode? n)
if (_empty)
return null;
XmlNode node = n ?? _rootNode;
return GetMatchingNode(node, true);
public override XmlNode? Item(int index)
if (_rootNode == null || index < 0)
return null;
if (_empty)
return null;
if (_curInd == index)
return _curElem;
int nDiff = index - _curInd;
bool bForward = (nDiff > 0);
if (nDiff < 0)
nDiff = -nDiff;
XmlNode? node;
if ((node = GetNthMatchingNode(_curElem, bForward, nDiff)) != null)
_curInd = index;
_curElem = node;
return _curElem;
return null;
public override int Count
if (_empty)
return 0;
if (_matchCount < 0)
int currMatchCount = 0;
int currChangeCount = _changeCount;
XmlNode? node = _rootNode;
while ((node = GetMatchingNode(node, true)) != null)
if (currChangeCount != _changeCount)
return currMatchCount;
_matchCount = currMatchCount;
return _matchCount;
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (_empty)
return new XmlEmptyElementListEnumerator();
return new XmlElementListEnumerator(this);
protected override void PrivateDisposeNodeList()
private void Dispose()
if (_listener != null)
if (_listener.TryGetTarget(out XmlElementListListener? listener))
_listener = null;
internal sealed class XmlElementListEnumerator : IEnumerator
private readonly XmlElementList _list;
private XmlNode? _curElem;
private int _changeCount; //save the total number that the dom tree has been changed ( insertion and deletion ) when this enumerator is created
public XmlElementListEnumerator(XmlElementList list)
_list = list;
_curElem = null;
_changeCount = list.ChangeCount;
public bool MoveNext()
if (_list.ChangeCount != _changeCount)
//the number mismatch, there is new change(s) happened since last MoveNext() is called.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Enum_ElementList);
_curElem = _list.GetNextNode(_curElem);
return _curElem != null;
public void Reset()
_curElem = null;
//reset the number of changes to be synced with current dom tree as well
_changeCount = _list.ChangeCount;
public object? Current
get { return _curElem; }
internal sealed class XmlEmptyElementListEnumerator : IEnumerator
public XmlEmptyElementListEnumerator()
public bool MoveNext()
return false;
public void Reset()
public object? Current
get { return null; }
internal sealed class XmlElementListListener
private WeakReference<XmlElementList>? _elemList;
private readonly XmlDocument _doc;
private readonly XmlNodeChangedEventHandler _nodeChangeHandler;
internal XmlElementListListener(XmlDocument doc, XmlElementList elemList)
_doc = doc;
_elemList = new WeakReference<XmlElementList>(elemList);
_nodeChangeHandler = new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(this.OnListChanged);
doc.NodeInserted += _nodeChangeHandler;
doc.NodeRemoved += _nodeChangeHandler;
private void OnListChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args)
lock (this)
if (_elemList != null)
if (_elemList.TryGetTarget(out XmlElementList? el))
_doc.NodeInserted -= _nodeChangeHandler;
_doc.NodeRemoved -= _nodeChangeHandler;
_elemList = null;
// This method is called from the finalizer of XmlElementList
internal void Unregister()
lock (this)
if (_elemList != null)
_doc.NodeInserted -= _nodeChangeHandler;
_doc.NodeRemoved -= _nodeChangeHandler;
_elemList = null;