1 write to particle
System.Private.Xml (1)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (1)
233this.particle = particle;
16 references to particle
System.Private.Xml (16)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (16)
1327LeafRangeNode? lrNode = p.particle as LeafRangeNode; 1345LeafRangeNode? lrNode1 = p1.particle as LeafRangeNode; 1371throw new UpaException(symbolMatches[symbol], currentPosition.particle); 1375symbolMatches[symbol] = currentPosition.particle; 1393LeafRangeNode? lrNode = _positions[pos].particle as LeafRangeNode; 1421particles[symbol] = _positions[pos].particle; 1423else if (particles[symbol] != _positions[pos].particle) 1425throw new UpaException(particles[symbol], _positions[pos].particle); 1725particle = _positions[pos].particle; //Between element and wildcard, element will be in earlier pos than wildcard since we add the element nodes to the list of positions first 1778XmlSchemaParticle? p = (XmlSchemaParticle?)_positions[pos].particle; 1805XmlSchemaParticle? p = (XmlSchemaParticle?)_positions[pos].particle; 1900if (matched && _positions[pos].particle is XmlSchemaElement) 1972LeafRangeNode? lrNode = _positions[cPos].particle as LeafRangeNode; //For a position with leaf range node, the particle is the node itself 2023return _positions[pos].particle; 2055XmlSchemaParticle? p = _positions[pos].particle as XmlSchemaParticle; 2097XmlSchemaParticle? p = _positions[pos].particle as XmlSchemaParticle;