1 type derived from XmlName
System.Private.Xml (1)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlName.cs (1)
187internal sealed class XmlNameEx : XmlName
1 instantiation of XmlName
System.Private.Xml (1)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlName.cs (1)
24return new XmlName(prefix, localName, ns, hashCode, ownerDoc, next);
45 references to XmlName
System.Private.Xml (45)
System\Xml\Dom\DomNameTable.cs (15)
12private XmlName[] _entries; 24_entries = new XmlName[InitialSize]; 29public XmlName? GetName(string? prefix, string localName, string? ns, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 34int hashCode = XmlName.GetHashCode(localName); 36for (XmlName e = _entries[hashCode & _mask]; e != null; e = e.next) 53public XmlName AddName(string? prefix, string localName, string? ns, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 58int hashCode = XmlName.GetHashCode(localName); 60for (XmlName e = _entries[hashCode & _mask]; e != null; e = e.next) 79XmlName name = XmlName.Create(prefix, localName, ns, hashCode, _ownerDocument, _entries[index], schemaInfo); 93XmlName[] oldEntries = _entries; 94XmlName[] newEntries = new XmlName[newMask + 1]; 99XmlName name = oldEntries[i]; 103XmlName tmp = name.next;
System\Xml\Dom\XmlAttribute.cs (3)
16private XmlName _name; 19internal XmlAttribute(XmlName name, XmlDocument doc) : base(doc) 44internal XmlName XmlName
System\Xml\Dom\XmlAttributeCollection.cs (5)
40int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(name); 63int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(localName); 343XmlName? attrname = parent.OwnerDocument.GetIDInfoByElement(parentElem.XmlName); 360XmlName? attrname = parent.OwnerDocument.GetIDInfoByElement(parentElem.XmlName); 391XmlName? attrname = doc.GetIDInfoByElement(parentElem.XmlName);
System\Xml\Dom\XmlDocument.cs (14)
214internal XmlName AddXmlName(string? prefix, string localName, string? namespaceURI, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 216XmlName n = _domNameTable.AddName(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, schemaInfo); 223internal XmlName? GetXmlName(string? prefix, string localName, string? namespaceURI, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 225XmlName? n = _domNameTable.GetName(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, schemaInfo); 232internal XmlName AddAttrXmlName(string? prefix, string localName, string? namespaceURI, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 234XmlName xmlName = AddXmlName(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, schemaInfo); 251internal bool AddIdInfo(XmlName eleName, XmlName attrName) 265private XmlName? GetIDInfoByElement_(XmlName eleName) 270XmlName? newName = GetXmlName(eleName.Prefix, eleName.LocalName, string.Empty, null); 273return (XmlName?)(_htElementIDAttrDecl![newName]); 278internal XmlName? GetIDInfoByElement(XmlName eleName)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlElement.cs (3)
17private XmlName _name; 21internal XmlElement(XmlName name, bool empty, XmlDocument doc) : base(doc) 45internal XmlName XmlName
System\Xml\Dom\XmlName.cs (5)
18internal XmlName next; 20public static XmlName Create(string prefix, string localName, string ns, int hashCode, XmlDocument ownerDoc, XmlName next, IXmlSchemaInfo? schemaInfo) 32internal XmlName(string prefix, string localName, string ns, int hashCode, XmlDocument ownerDoc, XmlName next) 202internal XmlNameEx(string prefix, string localName, string ns, int hashCode, XmlDocument ownerDoc, XmlName next, IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo) : base(prefix, localName, ns, hashCode, ownerDoc, next)