2 instantiations of ChoiceNode
System.Private.Xml (2)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (2)
379InteriorNode choice = new ChoiceNode(); 1158InteriorNode choice = new ChoiceNode();
10 references to ChoiceNode
System.Private.Xml (10)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (10)
443if (this_._leftChild is ChoiceNode || this_._leftChild is SequenceNode) 613ChoiceNode? this_ = this; 618this_ = n as ChoiceNode; 631ChoiceNode? this_ = this; 637this_ = n as ChoiceNode; 652Stack<ChoiceNode> nodeStack = new Stack<ChoiceNode>(); 653ChoiceNode this_ = this; 658if (this_.LeftChild is ChoiceNode) 661this_ = (ChoiceNode)this_.LeftChild;