System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilTypeChecker.cs (23)
166Check(node[0].NodeType == QilNodeType.False || node[0].NodeType == QilNodeType.True, node, "IsDebug must either be True or False");
195Check(((QilParameter)child).Name != null, child, "Global parameter's name is null");
282Check(node.Binding == null || node.Binding.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(node.XmlType!), node, "Parameter binding's xml type must be a subtype of the parameter's type");
353Check(node.Value != null, node, "Literal value is null");
397Check(node.Branches.Count > 0, node, "Choice must have at least one branch");
520Check(node.Right.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(XmlQueryTypeFactory.StringX) || node.Right.XmlType.IsSubtypeOf(XmlQueryTypeFactory.NamespaceS),
596Check(node.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.For || node.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.Let, node, "Loop variable must be a For or Let iterator");
608Check(node.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.For || node.Variable.NodeType == QilNodeType.Let, node, "Filter variable must be a For or Let iterator");
658Check(node[2].NodeType == QilNodeType.False || node[2].NodeType == QilNodeType.True, node, "SideEffects must either be True or False");
659Check(node.Definition.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(node.XmlType!), node, "Function definition's xml type must be a subtype of the function's return type");
670Check(actualArgs.Count == formalArgs.Count, actualArgs, "Invoke argument count must match function's argument count");
673Check(actualArgs[i].XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(formalArgs[i].XmlType!), actualArgs[i], "Invoke argument must be a subtype of the invoked function's argument");
950Check(actualArgs.Count == extFunc.Method!.GetParameters().Length, actualArgs, "InvokeEarlyBound argument count must match function's argument count");
954Check(actualArgs[i].XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(extFunc.GetXmlArgumentType(i)), actualArgs[i], "InvokeEarlyBound argument must be a subtype of the invoked function's argument type");
1000Check(node is QilLiteral, node, "Node must be instance of QilLiteral");
1003Check(clrTypeValue.IsAssignableFrom(clrType), node, $"Literal value must be of type {clrTypeValue.Name}");
1009Check(clrTypeClass.IsAssignableFrom(node.GetType()), node, $"Node must be instance of {clrTypeClass.Name}");
1016Check(node.NodeType == nodeType, node, $"Node must have QilNodeType.{nodeType}");
1022Check(node.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(xmlType), node, $"Node's type {node.XmlType} is not a subtype of {xmlType}");
1028Check(node.XmlType!.IsNumeric && node.XmlType.IsSingleton && node.XmlType.IsStrict, node, $"Node's type {node.XmlType} must be a strict singleton numeric type");
1034Check(node.XmlType!.IsNumeric && node.XmlType.IsStrict, node, $"Node's type {node.XmlType} must be a strict numeric type");
1040Check(node.XmlType!.IsAtomicValue && node.XmlType.IsStrict, node, $"Node's type {node.XmlType} must be a strict atomic value type");
1046Check(node.Left.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(node.Right.XmlType!) || node.Right.XmlType!.IsSubtypeOf(node.Left.XmlType), node,