3 instantiations of SequenceNode
System.Private.Xml (3)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (3)
1166InteriorNode sequence = new SequenceNode(); 1192InteriorNode sequence = new SequenceNode(); 1249var contentRoot = new SequenceNode();
15 references to SequenceNode
System.Private.Xml (15)
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (15)
443if (this_._leftChild is ChoiceNode || this_._leftChild is SequenceNode) 475public SequenceNode this_; 481public SequenceConstructPosContext(SequenceNode node, BitSet firstpos, BitSet lastpos) 499SequenceNode this_ = context.this_; 501if (this_.LeftChild is SequenceNode) 504context = new SequenceConstructPosContext((SequenceNode)this_.LeftChild, context.firstpos, context.lastposLeft); 545SequenceNode? this_ = this; 553this_ = n as SequenceNode; 569Stack<SequenceNode> nodeStack = new Stack<SequenceNode>(); 570SequenceNode this_ = this; 575if (this_.LeftChild is SequenceNode) 578this_ = (SequenceNode)this_.LeftChild; 910Debug.Assert(parent is SequenceNode); 1249var contentRoot = new SequenceNode();