44 references to Count
System.Private.Xml (44)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\TailCallAnalyzer.cs (3)
62if (ndSeq.Count > 0) 63AnalyzeDefinition(ndSeq[ndSeq.Count - 1]); 71for (int i = 0; i < ndChoice.Branches.Count; i++)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlILConstructAnalyzer.cs (3)
622for (int idx = 0; idx < ndSeq.Count; idx++) 658idx = ndChoice.Branches.Count - 1; 992for (int idx = 0; idx < ndBranches.Count; idx++)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlILOptimizerVisitor.cs (3)
789if (((local0).Count == (1)) && (this[XmlILOptimization.EliminateSequence])) 5627for (int oldIdx = 0; oldIdx < globals.Count; oldIdx++) 5656for (int oldIdx = globals.Count - 1; oldIdx >= newIdx; oldIdx--)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlIlVisitor.cs (8)
1130if (ndSeq.Count == 0) 1194arrSwitchLabels = new Label[ndSeq.Count]; 1197for (i = 0; i < ndSeq.Count; i++) 1205if (i == ndSeq.Count - 1) 2558for (int iArg = 0; iArg < ndInvoke.Arguments.Count; iArg++) 3570_helper.LoadInteger(ndInvoke.Arguments.Count); 3574for (int iArg = 0; iArg < ndInvoke.Arguments.Count; iArg++) 3637for (int iArg = 0; iArg < ndInvoke.Arguments.Count; iArg++)
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilPatternFactory.cs (3)
323switch (branches.Count) 607Debug.Assert(func.Arguments.Count == args.Count);
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilTypeChecker.cs (6)
397Check(node.Branches.Count > 0, node, "Choice must have at least one branch"); 670Check(actualArgs.Count == formalArgs.Count, actualArgs, "Invoke argument count must match function's argument count"); 672for (int i = 0; i < actualArgs.Count; i++) 950Check(actualArgs.Count == extFunc.Method!.GetParameters().Length, actualArgs, "InvokeEarlyBound argument count must match function's argument count"); 952for (int i = 0; i < actualArgs.Count; i++)
System\Xml\Xsl\XmlIlGenerator.cs (4)
203paramTypes = new Type[ndFunc.Arguments.Count]; 204paramNames = new string[ndFunc.Arguments.Count]; 207for (int arg = 0; arg < ndFunc.Arguments.Count; arg++) 236for (int arg = 0; arg < ndFunc.Arguments.Count; arg++)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\InvokeGenerator.cs (1)
47for (_curArg = 0; _curArg < _formalArgs.Count; _curArg++)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGenerator.cs (13)
439if (varList.Count != nsList.Count) 444for (int i = 0; i < nsList.Count; i++) 463newVar.DebugName = _f.QName($"ns{_nsVars.Count}", XmlReservedNs.NsXslDebug).ToString(); 550for (int j = 0; j < args.Count; j++) 772if (!IsDebug && content.Count == 1) 1050if (result.Count == 1) 1539if (keyList.Count == 0) 1818Debug.Assert(0 < list.Count, "Pattern should have at least one filter"); 1827for (int i = list.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--) 2150for (int idx = 0; idx < filters.Count; idx++) 2568if (actualArgs.Count != formalArgs.Count) 2573for (int invArg = 0; invArg < formalArgs.Count; invArg++)