1 instantiation of KeySequence
System.Private.Xml (1)
System\Xml\Schema\ConstraintStruct.cs (1)
111KeySequence ks = new KeySequence(_cs.TableDim, errline, errcol);
13 references to KeySequence
System.Private.Xml (13)
System\Xml\Schema\ConstraintStruct.cs (9)
48internal KeySequence Ks; // associated with a keysequence it will fills in 55internal LocatedActiveAxis(Asttree astfield, KeySequence ks, int column) : base(astfield) 62internal void Reactivate(KeySequence ks) 111KeySequence ks = new KeySequence(_cs.TableDim, errline, errcol); 142public KeySequence PopKS() 151public KeySequence ks; // ks of selector when it matches and assigned -- needs to new each time 154public KSStruct(KeySequence ks, int dim) 492if (other is KeySequence keySequence) 506Debug.Fail($"{nameof(other)} is not of type {nameof(KeySequence)}");
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (2)
2383KeySequence ks = constraints[i].axisSelector.PopKS(); 2460foreach (KeySequence? ks in vcs[i].keyrefTable!.Keys)
System\Xml\Schema\XsdValidator.cs (2)
1067KeySequence ks = constraints[i].axisSelector.PopKS(); 1139foreach (KeySequence? ks in vcs[i].keyrefTable!.Keys)