5 writes to lastAttr
System.Private.Xml.Linq (5)
System\Xml\Linq\XElement.cs (5)
948lastAttr = null; 1933lastAttr = a; 2090lastAttr = null; 2094if (lastAttr == a) lastAttr = p; 2114lastAttr = null;
80 references to lastAttr
System.Private.Xml.Linq (80)
System\Xml\Linq\Extensions.cs (2)
347XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 354} while (a.parent == e && a != e.lastAttr);
System\Xml\Linq\XAttribute.cs (3)
114get { return parent != null && ((XElement)parent).lastAttr != this ? next : null; } 143XAttribute a = ((XElement)parent).lastAttr!; 148return a != ((XElement)parent).lastAttr ? a : null;
System\Xml\Linq\XElement.cs (34)
110XAttribute? a = other.lastAttr; 117} while (a != other.lastAttr); 217get { return lastAttr?.next; } 225get { return lastAttr != null; } 261get { return lastAttr; } 375XAttribute? a = lastAttr; 382} while (a != lastAttr); 504XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 525while (a != e.lastAttr); 937while (lastAttr != null) 939XAttribute a = lastAttr.next!; 941if (lastAttr == null || a != lastAttr.next) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ExternalCode); 942if (a != lastAttr) 944lastAttr.next = a.next; 1882if (parent != null || annotations != null || content != null || lastAttr != null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_DeserializeInstance); 1924if (lastAttr == null) 1930a.next = lastAttr.next; 1931lastAttr.next = a; 1938XAttribute? a1 = lastAttr; 1939XAttribute? a2 = e.lastAttr; 1947} while (a1 != lastAttr); 1948return a2 == e.lastAttr; 1966XAttribute? a = lastAttr; 1973} while (a.parent == this && a != lastAttr); 1983XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 1991while (a != e.lastAttr); 2002XAttribute? a = lastAttr; 2009} while (a != lastAttr); 2086XAttribute? p = lastAttr!, n; 2094if (lastAttr == a) lastAttr = p; 2104if (lastAttr != null) 2106XAttribute a = lastAttr; 2113} while (a != lastAttr);
System\Xml\Linq\XLinq.cs (8)
312XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 322} while (a != e.lastAttr); 330XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 340} while (a != e.lastAttr); 375XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 385} while (a != e.lastAttr); 394XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 405} while (a != e.lastAttr);
System\Xml\Linq\XNodeReader.cs (27)
48XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 58} while (a != e.lastAttr); 134if (e != null && e.lastAttr != null) 138return GetFirstNonDuplicateNamespaceAttribute(e.lastAttr.next!) != null; 475XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 492} while (a != e.lastAttr); 530XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 547} while (a != e.lastAttr); 565XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 578} while (a != e.lastAttr); 617XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 638} while (a != e.lastAttr); 664XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 685} while (a != e.lastAttr); 701XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 717} while (a != e.lastAttr); 755if (e.lastAttr != null) 759object? na = GetFirstNonDuplicateNamespaceAttribute(e.lastAttr.next!); 768_source = e.lastAttr.next!; 789if (e.lastAttr != null) 796object? na = GetFirstNonDuplicateNamespaceAttribute(e.lastAttr.next!); 805_source = e.lastAttr.next!; 818if (a.parent != null && ((XElement)a.parent).lastAttr != a) 1347XAttribute? a = element.lastAttr; 1368} while (a != element.lastAttr); 1393if (e != null && candidate != e.lastAttr) 1402} while (candidate != e.lastAttr);
System\Xml\Schema\XNodeValidator.cs (6)
175XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 193} while (a != e.lastAttr); 202XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 229} while (a != e.lastAttr); 261XAttribute? a = e.lastAttr; 272} while (a != e.lastAttr);