// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Windows.Win32;
using Windows.Win32.Graphics.GdiPlus;
namespace System.Drawing;
internal static class ImageCodecInfoHelper
// Getting the entire array of ImageCodecInfo objects is expensive and not necessary when all we need are the
// encoder CLSIDs. There are only 5 encoders: PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF. We'll just build the small cache
// here to avoid all of the overhead. (We could probably just hard-code the values, but on the very small chance
// that the list of encoders changes, we'll keep it dynamic.)
private static (Guid Format, Guid Encoder)[]? s_encoders;
/// <summary>
/// Get the encoder guid for the given image format guid.
/// </summary>
internal static Guid GetEncoderClsid(Guid format)
foreach ((Guid Format, Guid Encoder) in Encoders)
if (Format == format)
return Encoder;
return Guid.Empty;
private static unsafe (Guid Format, Guid Encoder)[] Encoders
if (s_encoders is null)
uint numEncoders;
uint size;
PInvokeGdiPlus.GdipGetImageEncodersSize(&numEncoders, &size).ThrowIfFailed();
using BufferScope<byte> buffer = new((int)size);
fixed (byte* b = buffer)
PInvokeGdiPlus.GdipGetImageEncoders(numEncoders, size, (ImageCodecInfo*)b).ThrowIfFailed();
ReadOnlySpan<ImageCodecInfo> codecInfo = new((ImageCodecInfo*)b, (int)numEncoders);
s_encoders = new (Guid Format, Guid Encoder)[codecInfo.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < codecInfo.Length; i++)
s_encoders[i] = (codecInfo[i].FormatID, codecInfo[i].Clsid);
return s_encoders;