// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System;
internal static class SpanHelpers
/// <summary>
/// Copies the <paramref name="source"/> to the <paramref name="destination"/>,
/// terminating with null and truncating <paramref name="source"/> to fit if
/// necessary.
/// </summary>
public static void CopyAndTerminate(this ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<char> destination)
if (source.Length >= destination.Length)
source = source[..(destination.Length - 1)];
// Null terminate the string
destination[source.Length] = '\0';
/// <summary>
/// Slices the given <paramref name="span"/> at the first null found (if any).
/// </summary>
public static ReadOnlySpan<char> SliceAtFirstNull(this ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
int index = span.IndexOf('\0');
return index == -1 ? span : span[..index];
/// <summary>
/// Slices the given <paramref name="span"/> at the first null found (if any).
/// </summary>
public static Span<char> SliceAtFirstNull(this Span<char> span)
int index = span.IndexOf('\0');
return index == -1 ? span : span[..index];