File: System\Private\Windows\BinaryFormat\Deserializer\ClassRecordDeserializer.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Private.Windows.Core\src\System.Private.Windows.Core.csproj (System.Private.Windows.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Formats.Nrbf;
namespace System.Private.Windows.BinaryFormat;
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0050 // Type or member is obsolete
/// <summary>
///  Base class for deserializing <see cref="ClassRecord"/>s.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class ClassRecordDeserializer : ObjectRecordDeserializer
    private readonly bool _onlyAllowPrimitives;
    private protected ClassRecordDeserializer(ClassRecord classRecord, object @object, IDeserializer deserializer)
        : base(classRecord, deserializer)
        Object = @object;
        // We want to be able to complete IObjectReference without having to evaluate their dependencies
        // for circular references. See ValidateNewMemberObjectValue below for more.
        _onlyAllowPrimitives = @object is IObjectReference;
    [RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls System.Windows.Forms.BinaryFormat.BinaryFormattedObject.TypeResolver.GetType(TypeName)")]
    internal static ObjectRecordDeserializer Create(ClassRecord classRecord, IDeserializer deserializer)
        Type type = deserializer.TypeResolver.BindToType(classRecord.TypeName);
        SerializationRecordId id = classRecord.Id;
        ISerializationSurrogate? surrogate = deserializer.GetSurrogate(type);
        if (!type.IsSerializable && surrogate is null)
            // SurrogateSelectors allow populating types that are not marked as serializable.
            throw new SerializationException(string.Format(SR.Serialization_TypeNotSerializable, type));
        object @object =
        // Invoke any OnDeserializing methods.
        SerializationEvents.GetOnDeserializingForType(type, @object)?.Invoke(deserializer.Options.StreamingContext);
        ObjectRecordDeserializer? recordDeserializer;
        if (surrogate is not null || typeof(ISerializable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
            recordDeserializer = new ClassRecordSerializationInfoDeserializer(classRecord, @object, type, surrogate, deserializer);
            // Directly set fields for non-ISerializable types.
            recordDeserializer = new ClassRecordFieldInfoDeserializer(classRecord, @object, type, deserializer);
        return recordDeserializer;
    private protected override void ValidateNewMemberObjectValue(object value)
        if (!_onlyAllowPrimitives)
        // The goal with this restriction is to know definitively that we can complete the contianing object when we
        // finish with it's members, even if it is going to be replaced with another instance (as IObjectReference does).
        // If there are no reference types we know that there is no way for references to this object getting it in an
        // in an unconverted state or converted with uncompleted state (due to some direct or indirect reference from
        // this object).
        // If we wanted support to be fully open-ended we would have queue completion along with pending SerializationInfo
        // objects to rehydrate in the proper order (depth-first) and reject any case where the object is involved in
        // a cycle.
        Type type = value.GetType();
        if (type.IsArray)
            type = type.GetElementType()!;
        bool primitive = type.IsPrimitive || type.IsEnum || type == typeof(string);
        if (!primitive)
            throw new SerializationException(string.Format(SR.Serialization_IObjectReferenceOnlyPrimivite, type));
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0050 // Type or member is obsolete