1 interface inheriting from IHdcContext
System.Private.Windows.Core (1)
System\Drawing\IGraphics.cs (1)
6internal interface IGraphics : IGraphicsContextInfo, IHdcContext
6 references to IHdcContext
System.Private.Windows.Core (6)
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\DeviceContextHdcScope.cs (6)
10/// Helper to scope getting a <see cref="HDC"/> from a <see cref="IHdcContext"/> object. Releases 11/// the <see cref="HDC"/> when disposed, unlocking the parent <see cref="IHdcContext"/> object. 29public IHdcContext DeviceContext { get; } 56IHdcContext deviceContext, 66/// Prefer to use <see cref="DeviceContextHdcScope(IHdcContext, bool, bool)"/>. 74IHdcContext deviceContext,