3 writes to _value
System.Private.Windows.Core (3)
Windows\Win32\System\Com\SafeArrayScope.cs (3)
35_value = (nint)value; 86_value = (nint)value; 127_value = (nint)PInvokeCore.SafeArrayCreate(vt, 1, &saBound);
10 references to _value
System.Private.Windows.Core (10)
Windows\Win32\System\Com\SafeArrayScope.cs (10)
28public SAFEARRAY* Value => (SAFEARRAY*)_value; 128if (_value == 0) 225PInvokeCore.SafeArrayPutElement((SAFEARRAY*)_value, pIndices, value).ThrowOnFailure(); 231public bool IsNull => _value == 0; 237SAFEARRAY* safeArray = (SAFEARRAY*)_value; 250public static explicit operator VARIANT(in SafeArrayScope<T> scope) => new() { vt = VARENUM.VT_ARRAY | scope.Value->VarType, data = new() { parray = (SAFEARRAY*)scope._value } }; 252public static implicit operator SAFEARRAY*(in SafeArrayScope<T> scope) => (SAFEARRAY*)scope._value; 254public static implicit operator nint(in SafeArrayScope<T> scope) => scope._value; 257public static implicit operator SAFEARRAY**(in SafeArrayScope<T> scope) => (SAFEARRAY**)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in scope._value)); 260public static implicit operator void**(in SafeArrayScope<T> scope) => (void**)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in scope._value));