File: System\UriHelper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Private.Uri\src\System.Private.Uri.csproj (System.Private.Uri)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace System
    internal static class UriHelper
        public static unsafe string SpanToLowerInvariantString(ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
            return string.Create(span.Length, span, static (buffer, span) =>
                int charsWritten = span.ToLowerInvariant(buffer);
                Debug.Assert(charsWritten == buffer.Length);
        // http://host/Path/Path/File?Query is the base of
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/File/ ...    (those "File" words may be different in semantic but anyway)
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/#Fragment
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/?Query
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/MoreDir/ ...
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/OtherFile?Query
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/Fl
        //      - http://host/Path/Path/
        //  It is not a base for
        //      - http://host/Path/Path         (that last "Path" is not considered as a directory)
        //      - http://host/Path/Path?Query
        //      - http://host/Path/Path#Fragment
        //      - http://host/Path/Path2/
        //      - http://host/Path/Path2/MoreDir
        //      - http://host/Path/File
        // ASSUMES that strings like http://host/Path/Path/MoreDir/../../  have been canonicalized before going to this method.
        // ASSUMES that back slashes already have been converted if applicable.
        internal static unsafe bool TestForSubPath(char* selfPtr, int selfLength, char* otherPtr, int otherLength,
            bool ignoreCase)
            int i = 0;
            char chSelf;
            char chOther;
            bool AllSameBeforeSlash = true;
            for (; i < selfLength && i < otherLength; ++i)
                chSelf = *(selfPtr + i);
                chOther = *(otherPtr + i);
                if (chSelf == '?' || chSelf == '#')
                    // survived so far and selfPtr does not have any more path segments
                    return true;
                // If selfPtr terminates a path segment, so must otherPtr
                if (chSelf == '/')
                    if (chOther != '/')
                        // comparison has failed
                        return false;
                    // plus the segments must be the same
                    if (!AllSameBeforeSlash)
                        // comparison has failed
                        return false;
                    //so far so good
                    AllSameBeforeSlash = true;
                // if otherPtr terminates then selfPtr must not have any more path segments
                if (chOther == '?' || chOther == '#')
                if (!ignoreCase)
                    if (chSelf != chOther)
                        AllSameBeforeSlash = false;
                    if (char.ToLowerInvariant(chSelf) != char.ToLowerInvariant(chOther))
                        AllSameBeforeSlash = false;
            // If self is longer then it must not have any more path segments
            for (; i < selfLength; ++i)
                if ((chSelf = *(selfPtr + i)) == '?' || chSelf == '#')
                    return true;
                if (chSelf == '/')
                    return false;
            //survived by getting to the end of selfPtr
            return true;
        public static bool TryEscapeDataString(ReadOnlySpan<char> charsToEscape, Span<char> destination, out int charsWritten)
            if (destination.Length < charsToEscape.Length)
                charsWritten = 0;
                return false;
            int indexOfFirstToEscape = charsToEscape.IndexOfAnyExcept(Unreserved);
            if (indexOfFirstToEscape < 0)
                // Nothing to escape, just copy the original chars.
                charsWritten = charsToEscape.Length;
                return true;
            // We may throw for very large inputs (when growing the ValueStringBuilder).
            scoped ValueStringBuilder vsb;
            // If the input and destination buffers overlap, we must take care not to overwrite parts of the input before we've processed it.
            bool overlapped = charsToEscape.Overlaps(destination);
            if (overlapped)
                vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[Uri.StackallocThreshold]);
                vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(destination.Slice(indexOfFirstToEscape));
            EscapeStringToBuilder(charsToEscape.Slice(indexOfFirstToEscape), ref vsb, Unreserved, checkExistingEscaped: false);
            int newLength = checked(indexOfFirstToEscape + vsb.Length);
            Debug.Assert(newLength > charsToEscape.Length);
            if (destination.Length >= newLength)
                charsToEscape.Slice(0, indexOfFirstToEscape).CopyTo(destination);
                if (overlapped)
                    // We are expecting the builder not to grow if the original span was large enough.
                    // This means that we MUST NOT over allocate anywhere in EscapeStringToBuilder (e.g. append and then decrease the length).
                charsWritten = newLength;
                return true;
            charsWritten = 0;
            return false;
        public static string EscapeString(string stringToEscape, bool checkExistingEscaped, SearchValues<char> noEscape)
            return EscapeString(stringToEscape, checkExistingEscaped, noEscape, stringToEscape);
        public static string EscapeString(ReadOnlySpan<char> charsToEscape, bool checkExistingEscaped, SearchValues<char> noEscape, string? backingString)
            Debug.Assert(!noEscape.Contains('%'), "Need to treat % specially; it should be part of any escaped set");
            Debug.Assert(backingString is null || backingString.Length == charsToEscape.Length);
            int indexOfFirstToEscape = charsToEscape.IndexOfAnyExcept(noEscape);
            if (indexOfFirstToEscape < 0)
                // Nothing to escape, just return the original value.
                return backingString ?? charsToEscape.ToString();
            // Otherwise, create a ValueStringBuilder to store the escaped data into,
            // escape the rest, and concat the result with the characters we skipped above.
            var vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[Uri.StackallocThreshold]);
            // We may throw for very large inputs (when growing the ValueStringBuilder).
            EscapeStringToBuilder(charsToEscape.Slice(indexOfFirstToEscape), ref vsb, noEscape, checkExistingEscaped);
            string result = string.Concat(charsToEscape.Slice(0, indexOfFirstToEscape), vsb.AsSpan());
            return result;
        internal static unsafe void EscapeString(scoped ReadOnlySpan<char> stringToEscape, ref ValueStringBuilder dest,
            bool checkExistingEscaped, SearchValues<char> noEscape)
            Debug.Assert(!noEscape.Contains('%'), "Need to treat % specially; it should be part of any escaped set");
            int indexOfFirstToEscape = stringToEscape.IndexOfAnyExcept(noEscape);
            if (indexOfFirstToEscape < 0)
                // Nothing to escape, just copy the whole span.
                dest.Append(stringToEscape.Slice(0, indexOfFirstToEscape));
                EscapeStringToBuilder(stringToEscape.Slice(indexOfFirstToEscape), ref dest, noEscape, checkExistingEscaped);
        private static void EscapeStringToBuilder(
            scoped ReadOnlySpan<char> stringToEscape, ref ValueStringBuilder vsb,
            SearchValues<char> noEscape, bool checkExistingEscaped)
            Debug.Assert(!stringToEscape.IsEmpty && !noEscape.Contains(stringToEscape[0]));
            // Allocate enough stack space to hold any Rune's UTF8 encoding.
            Span<byte> utf8Bytes = stackalloc byte[4];
            while (!stringToEscape.IsEmpty)
                char c = stringToEscape[0];
                if (!char.IsAscii(c))
                    if (Rune.DecodeFromUtf16(stringToEscape, out Rune r, out int charsConsumed) != OperationStatus.Done)
                        r = Rune.ReplacementChar;
                    Debug.Assert(stringToEscape.EnumerateRunes() is { } e && e.MoveNext() && e.Current == r);
                    Debug.Assert(charsConsumed is 1 or 2);
                    stringToEscape = stringToEscape.Slice(charsConsumed);
                    // The rune is non-ASCII, so encode it as UTF8, and escape each UTF8 byte.
                    r.TryEncodeToUtf8(utf8Bytes, out int bytesWritten);
                    foreach (byte b in utf8Bytes.Slice(0, bytesWritten))
                        PercentEncodeByte(b, ref vsb);
                if (!noEscape.Contains(c))
                    // If we're checking for existing escape sequences, then if this is the beginning of
                    // one, check the next two characters in the sequence.
                    if (c == '%' && checkExistingEscaped)
                        // If the next two characters are valid escaped ASCII, then just output them as-is.
                        if (stringToEscape.Length > 2 && char.IsAsciiHexDigit(stringToEscape[1]) && char.IsAsciiHexDigit(stringToEscape[2]))
                            stringToEscape = stringToEscape.Slice(3);
                    PercentEncodeByte((byte)c, ref vsb);
                    stringToEscape = stringToEscape.Slice(1);
                // We have a character we don't want to escape. It's likely there are more, do a vectorized search.
                int charsToCopy = stringToEscape.IndexOfAnyExcept(noEscape);
                if (charsToCopy < 0)
                    charsToCopy = stringToEscape.Length;
                Debug.Assert(charsToCopy > 0);
                vsb.Append(stringToEscape.Slice(0, charsToCopy));
                stringToEscape = stringToEscape.Slice(charsToCopy);
        internal static unsafe char[] UnescapeString(string input, int start, int end, char[] dest,
            ref int destPosition, char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser? syntax,
            bool isQuery)
            fixed (char* pStr = input)
                return UnescapeString(pStr, start, end, dest, ref destPosition, rsvd1, rsvd2, rsvd3, unescapeMode,
                    syntax, isQuery);
        internal static unsafe char[] UnescapeString(char* pStr, int start, int end, char[] dest, ref int destPosition,
            char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser? syntax, bool isQuery)
            ValueStringBuilder vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(dest.Length);
            vsb.Append(dest.AsSpan(0, destPosition));
            UnescapeString(pStr, start, end, ref vsb, rsvd1, rsvd2, rsvd3, unescapeMode,
                    syntax, isQuery);
            if (vsb.Length > dest.Length)
                dest = vsb.AsSpan().ToArray();
            destPosition = vsb.Length;
            return dest;
        // This method will assume that any good Escaped Sequence will be unescaped in the output
        // - Assumes Dest.Length - detPosition >= end-start
        // - UnescapeLevel controls various modes of operation
        // - Any "bad" escape sequence will remain as is or '%' will be escaped.
        // - destPosition tells the starting index in dest for placing the result.
        //   On return destPosition tells the last character + 1 position in the "dest" array.
        // - The control chars and chars passed in rsdvX parameters may be re-escaped depending on UnescapeLevel
        // - It is a RARE case when Unescape actually needs escaping some characters mentioned above.
        //   For this reason it returns a char[] that is usually the same ref as the input "dest" value.
        internal static unsafe void UnescapeString(string input, int start, int end, ref ValueStringBuilder dest,
            char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser? syntax, bool isQuery)
            fixed (char* pStr = input)
                UnescapeString(pStr, start, end, ref dest, rsvd1, rsvd2, rsvd3, unescapeMode, syntax, isQuery);
        internal static unsafe void UnescapeString(scoped ReadOnlySpan<char> input, scoped ref ValueStringBuilder dest,
           char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser? syntax, bool isQuery)
            fixed (char* pStr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(input))
                UnescapeString(pStr, 0, input.Length, ref dest, rsvd1, rsvd2, rsvd3, unescapeMode, syntax, isQuery);
        internal static unsafe void UnescapeString(char* pStr, int start, int end, ref ValueStringBuilder dest,
            char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser? syntax, bool isQuery)
            if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape) == UnescapeMode.CopyOnly)
                dest.Append(pStr + start, end - start);
            bool escapeReserved = false;
            bool iriParsing = Uri.IriParsingStatic(syntax)
                                && ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape) == UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape);
            for (int next = start; next < end;)
                char ch = (char)0;
                for (; next < end; ++next)
                    if ((ch = pStr[next]) == '%')
                        if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Unescape) == 0)
                            // re-escape, don't check anything else
                            escapeReserved = true;
                        else if (next + 2 < end)
                            ch = DecodeHexChars(pStr[next + 1], pStr[next + 2]);
                            // Unescape a good sequence if full unescape is requested
                            if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll)
                                if (ch == Uri.c_DummyChar)
                            // re-escape % from an invalid sequence
                            else if (ch == Uri.c_DummyChar)
                                if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Escape) != 0)
                                    escapeReserved = true;
                                    continue;   // we should throw instead but since v1.0 would just print '%'
                            // Do not unescape '%' itself unless full unescape is requested
                            else if (ch == '%')
                                next += 2;
                            // Do not unescape a reserved char unless full unescape is requested
                            else if (ch == rsvd1 || ch == rsvd2 || ch == rsvd3)
                                next += 2;
                            // Do not unescape a dangerous char unless it's V1ToStringFlags mode
                            else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.V1ToStringFlag) == 0 && IsNotSafeForUnescape(ch))
                                next += 2;
                            else if (iriParsing && ((ch <= '\x9F' && IsNotSafeForUnescape(ch)) ||
                                                    (ch > '\x9F' && !IriHelper.CheckIriUnicodeRange(ch, isQuery))))
                                // check if unenscaping gives a char outside iri range
                                // if it does then keep it escaped
                                next += 2;
                            // unescape escaped char or escape %
                        else if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll)
                            // keep a '%' as part of a bogus sequence
                            escapeReserved = true;
                        // escape (escapeReserved==true) or otherwise unescape the sequence
                    else if ((unescapeMode & (UnescapeMode.Unescape | UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll))
                        == (UnescapeMode.Unescape | UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll))
                    else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Escape) != 0)
                        // Could actually escape some of the characters
                        if (ch == rsvd1 || ch == rsvd2 || ch == rsvd3)
                            // found an unescaped reserved character -> escape it
                            escapeReserved = true;
                        else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.V1ToStringFlag) == 0
                            && (ch <= '\x1F' || (ch >= '\x7F' && ch <= '\x9F')))
                            // found an unescaped reserved character -> escape it
                            escapeReserved = true;
                //copy off previous characters from input
                while (start < next)
                if (next != end)
                    if (escapeReserved)
                        PercentEncodeByte((byte)pStr[next], ref dest);
                        escapeReserved = false;
                    else if (ch <= 127)
                        next += 3;
                        // Unicode
                        int charactersRead = PercentEncodingHelper.UnescapePercentEncodedUTF8Sequence(
                            pStr + next,
                            end - next,
                            ref dest,
                        Debug.Assert(charactersRead > 0);
                        next += charactersRead;
                    start = next;
        internal static void PercentEncodeByte(byte b, ref ValueStringBuilder to)
            HexConverter.ToCharsBuffer(b, to.AppendSpan(2), 0, HexConverter.Casing.Upper);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts 2 hex chars to a byte (returned in a char), e.g, "0a" becomes (char)0x0A.
        /// <para>If either char is not hex, returns <see cref="Uri.c_DummyChar"/>.</para>
        /// </summary>
        internal static char DecodeHexChars(int first, int second)
            int a = HexConverter.FromChar(first);
            int b = HexConverter.FromChar(second);
            if ((a | b) == 0xFF)
                // either a or b is 0xFF (invalid)
                return Uri.c_DummyChar;
            return (char)((a << 4) | b);
        internal const string RFC3986ReservedMarks = @";/?:@&=+$,#[]!'()*";
        private const string AdditionalUnsafeToUnescape = @"%\#"; // While not specified as reserved, these are still unsafe to unescape.
        // When unescaping in safe mode, do not unescape the RFC 3986 reserved set:
        // gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
        // sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
        //             / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
        // In addition, do not unescape the following unsafe characters:
        // excluded    = "%" / "\"
        // This implementation used to use the following variant of the RFC 2396 reserved set.
        // That behavior is now disabled by default, and is controlled by a UriSyntax property.
        // reserved    = ";" | "/" | "?" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
        // excluded    = control | "#" | "%" | "\"
        internal static bool IsNotSafeForUnescape(char ch)
            if (ch <= '\x1F' || (ch >= '\x7F' && ch <= '\x9F'))
                return true;
            const string NotSafeForUnescape = RFC3986ReservedMarks + AdditionalUnsafeToUnescape;
            return NotSafeForUnescape.Contains(ch);
        // true for all ASCII letters and digits, as well as the RFC3986 unreserved marks '-', '_', '.', and '~'
        public static readonly SearchValues<char> Unreserved =
        // true for all ASCII letters and digits, as well as the RFC3986 reserved characters, unreserved characters, and hash
        public static readonly SearchValues<char> UnreservedReserved =
        public static readonly SearchValues<char> UnreservedReservedExceptHash =
        public static readonly SearchValues<char> UnreservedReservedExceptQuestionMarkHash =
        // Is this a gen delim char from RFC 3986
        internal static bool IsGenDelim(char ch)
            return (ch == ':' || ch == '/' || ch == '?' || ch == '#' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '@');
        internal static readonly char[] s_WSchars = new char[] { ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t' };
        internal static bool IsLWS(char ch)
            return (ch <= ' ') && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t');
        // Is this a Bidirectional control char.. These get stripped
        internal static bool IsBidiControlCharacter(char ch) =>
            char.IsBetween(ch, '\u200E', '\u202E') && !char.IsBetween(ch, '\u2010', '\u2029');
        // Strip Bidirectional control characters from this string
        internal static unsafe string StripBidiControlCharacters(ReadOnlySpan<char> strToClean, string? backingString = null)
            Debug.Assert(backingString is null || strToClean.Length == backingString.Length);
            int charsToRemove = 0;
            int indexOfPossibleCharToRemove = strToClean.IndexOfAnyInRange('\u200E', '\u202E');
            if (indexOfPossibleCharToRemove >= 0)
                // Slow path: Contains chars that fall in the [u200E, u202E] range (so likely Bidi)
                foreach (char c in strToClean.Slice(indexOfPossibleCharToRemove))
                    if (IsBidiControlCharacter(c))
            if (charsToRemove == 0)
                // Hot path
                return backingString ?? new string(strToClean);
            return string.Create(strToClean.Length - charsToRemove, strToClean, static (buffer, strToClean) =>
                int destIndex = 0;
                foreach (char c in strToClean)
                    if (!IsBidiControlCharacter(c))
                        buffer[destIndex++] = c;
                Debug.Assert(buffer.Length == destIndex);