// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Net
// The class designed as to keep minimal the working set of Uri class.
// The idea is to stay with static helper methods and strings
internal static partial class IPv4AddressHelper
// methods
// Parse and canonicalize
internal static string ParseCanonicalName(string str, int start, int end, ref bool isLoopback)
byte* numbers = stackalloc byte[NumberOfLabels];
isLoopback = Parse(str, numbers, start, end);
Span<char> stackSpace = stackalloc char[NumberOfLabels * 3 + 3];
int totalChars = 0, charsWritten;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
numbers[i].TryFormat(stackSpace.Slice(totalChars), out charsWritten);
int periodPos = totalChars + charsWritten;
stackSpace[periodPos] = '.';
totalChars = periodPos + 1;
numbers[3].TryFormat(stackSpace.Slice(totalChars), out charsWritten);
return new string(stackSpace.Slice(0, totalChars + charsWritten));
// Parse
// Convert this IPv4 address into a sequence of 4 8-bit numbers
private static unsafe bool Parse(string name, byte* numbers, int start, int end)
fixed (char* ipString = name)
// end includes ports, so changedEnd may be different from end
int changedEnd = end;
long result = IPv4AddressHelper.ParseNonCanonical(ipString, start, ref changedEnd, true);
Debug.Assert(result != Invalid, $"Failed to parse after already validated: {name}");
numbers[0] = (byte)(result >> 24);
numbers[1] = (byte)(result >> 16);
numbers[2] = (byte)(result >> 8);
numbers[3] = (byte)(result);
return numbers[0] == 127;