5 writes to _type
System.Private.DataContractSerialization (5)
System\Xml\StringHandle.cs (5)
39_type = StringHandleType.UTF8; 46_type = StringHandleType.ConstString; 52_type = (escaped ? StringHandleType.EscapedUTF8 : StringHandleType.UTF8); 59_type = StringHandleType.Dictionary; 65_type = value._type;
15 references to _type
System.Private.DataContractSerialization (15)
System\Xml\StringHandle.cs (15)
65_type = value._type; 75if (_type == StringHandleType.UTF8) 85if (_type == StringHandleType.UTF8) 103Debug.Assert(_type == StringHandleType.UTF8); 109StringHandleType type = _type; 123StringHandleType type = _type; 137StringHandleType type = _type; 170if (_type == StringHandleType.Dictionary) 192StringHandleType type = _type; 203StringHandleType type = _type; 214StringHandleType type = _type; 225StringHandleType type = _type; 238StringHandleType type = other._type; 279if (_type == StringHandleType.UTF8 && that._type == StringHandleType.UTF8)