File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\TimeZoneInfo.FullGlobalizationData.Unix.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
namespace System
    public sealed partial class TimeZoneInfo
        private const string InvariantUtcStandardDisplayName = "Coordinated Universal Time";
        private const string FallbackCultureName = "en-US";
        private const string GmtId = "GMT";
        // Some time zones may give better display names using their location names rather than their generic name.
        // We can update this list as need arises.
        private static readonly string[] s_ZonesThatUseLocationName = new[] {
            "Europe/Minsk",       // Prefer "Belarus Time" over "Moscow Standard Time (Minsk)"
            "Europe/Moscow",      // Prefer "Moscow Time" over "Moscow Standard Time"
            "Europe/Simferopol",  // Prefer "Simferopol Time" over "Moscow Standard Time (Simferopol)"
            "Pacific/Apia",       // Prefer "Samoa Time" over "Apia Time"
            "Pacific/Pitcairn"    // Prefer "Pitcairn Islands Time" over "Pitcairn Time"
        private static CultureInfo? _uiCulture;
        // Helper function to get the standard display name for the UTC static time zone instance
        private static string GetUtcStandardDisplayName()
            if (!GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                // For this target, be consistent with other time zone display names that use an abbreviation.
                return "UTC";
            // Don't bother looking up the name for invariant or English cultures
            CultureInfo uiCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
            if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant || uiCulture.Name.Length == 0 || uiCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "en")
                return InvariantUtcStandardDisplayName;
            // Try to get a localized version of "Coordinated Universal Time" from the globalization data
            string? standardDisplayName = null;
            GetDisplayName(UtcId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Standard, uiCulture.Name, ref standardDisplayName);
            // Final safety check.  Don't allow null or abbreviations
            if (standardDisplayName == null || standardDisplayName == "GMT" || standardDisplayName == "UTC")
                standardDisplayName = InvariantUtcStandardDisplayName;
            return standardDisplayName;
#pragma warning disable IDE0060
        // Helper function to get the full display name for the UTC static time zone instance
        private static string GetUtcFullDisplayName(string timeZoneId, string standardDisplayName)
            if (!GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                // For this target, be consistent with other time zone display names that use the ID.
                return $"(UTC) {timeZoneId}";
            return $"(UTC) {standardDisplayName}";
#pragma warning restore IDE0060
        private static CultureInfo UICulture
                if (_uiCulture == null)
                    // Determine the culture to use
                    CultureInfo uiCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
                    if (uiCulture.Name.Length == 0)
                        uiCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(FallbackCultureName); // ICU doesn't work nicely with InvariantCulture
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _uiCulture, uiCulture, null);
                return _uiCulture;
        private static void GetStandardDisplayName(string timeZoneId, ref string? displayName)
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Standard, UICulture.Name, ref displayName);
        private static void GetDaylightDisplayName(string timeZoneId, ref string? displayName)
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.DaylightSavings, UICulture.Name, ref displayName);
        // Helper function that retrieves various forms of time zone display names from ICU
        private static unsafe void GetDisplayName(string timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType nameType, string uiCulture, ref string? displayName)
            if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant)
            string? timeZoneDisplayName;
            bool result = Interop.CallStringMethod(
                (buffer, locale, id, type) =>
                    fixed (char* bufferPtr = buffer)
                        if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                            return Interop.Globalization.GetTimeZoneDisplayNameNative(locale, locale.Length, id, id.Length, type, bufferPtr, buffer.Length);
                        return Interop.Globalization.GetTimeZoneDisplayName(locale, id, type, bufferPtr, buffer.Length);
                out timeZoneDisplayName);
            if (!result && uiCulture != FallbackCultureName)
                // Try to fallback using FallbackCultureName just in case we can make it work.
                result = Interop.CallStringMethod(
                    (buffer, locale, id, type) =>
                        fixed (char* bufferPtr = buffer)
                            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                                return Interop.Globalization.GetTimeZoneDisplayNameNative(locale, locale.Length, id, id.Length, type, bufferPtr, buffer.Length);
                            return Interop.Globalization.GetTimeZoneDisplayName(locale, id, type, bufferPtr, buffer.Length);
                    out timeZoneDisplayName);
            // If there is an unknown error, don't set the displayName field.
            // It will be set to the abbreviation that was read out of the tzfile.
            if (result && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZoneDisplayName))
                displayName = timeZoneDisplayName;
        // Helper function that builds the value backing the DisplayName field from globalization data.
        private static void GetFullValueForDisplayNameField(string timeZoneId, TimeSpan baseUtcOffset, ref string? displayName)
            CultureInfo uiCulture = UICulture;
            // Get the base offset to prefix in front of the time zone.
            // Only UTC and its aliases have "(UTC)", handled earlier.  All other zones include an offset, even if it's zero.
            string baseOffsetText = string.Create(null, stackalloc char[128], $"(UTC{(baseUtcOffset >= TimeSpan.Zero ? '+' : '-')}{baseUtcOffset:hh\\:mm})");
            string? timeZoneName = null;
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.TimeZoneName, uiCulture.Name, ref timeZoneName);
            // For this target, be consistent with other time zone display names that use the ID.
            displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {timeZoneName}";
            // There are a few different ways we might show the display name depending on the data.
            // The algorithm used below should avoid duplicating the same words while still achieving the
            // goal of providing a unique, discoverable, and intuitive name.
            // Try to get the generic name for this time zone.
            string? genericName = null;
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Generic, uiCulture.Name, ref genericName);
            if (genericName == null)
                // We'll use the fallback display name value already set.
            // Get the generic location name.
            string? genericLocationName = null;
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.GenericLocation, uiCulture.Name, ref genericLocationName);
            // Some edge cases only apply when the offset is +00:00.
            if (baseUtcOffset == TimeSpan.Zero)
                // GMT and its aliases will just use the equivalent of "Greenwich Mean Time".
                string? gmtLocationName = null;
                GetDisplayName(GmtId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.GenericLocation, uiCulture.Name, ref gmtLocationName);
                if (genericLocationName == gmtLocationName)
                    displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericName}";
                // Other zones with a zero offset and the equivalent of "Greenwich Mean Time" should only use the location name.
                // For example, prefer "Iceland Time" over "Greenwich Mean Time (Reykjavik)".
                string? gmtGenericName = null;
                GetDisplayName(GmtId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.Generic, uiCulture.Name, ref gmtGenericName);
                if (genericName == gmtGenericName)
                    displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericLocationName}";
            if (genericLocationName == genericName)
                // When the location name is the same as the generic name,
                // then it is generally good enough to show by itself.
                // *** Example (en-US) ***
                // id                   = "America/Havana"
                // baseOffsetText       = "(UTC-05:00)"
                // standardName         = "Cuba Standard Time"
                // genericName          = "Cuba Time"
                // genericLocationName  = "Cuba Time"
                // exemplarCityName     = "Havana"
                // displayName          = "(UTC-05:00) Cuba Time"
                displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericLocationName}";
            // Prefer location names in some special cases.
            if (StringArrayContains(timeZoneId, s_ZonesThatUseLocationName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericLocationName}";
            // See if we should include the exemplar city name.
            string exemplarCityName = GetExemplarCityName(timeZoneId, uiCulture.Name);
            if (uiCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(genericName, exemplarCityName, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) >= 0 && genericLocationName != null)
                // When an exemplar city is already part of the generic name,
                // there's no need to repeat it again so just use the generic name.
                // *** Example (fr-FR) ***
                // id                   = "Australia/Lord_Howe"
                // baseOffsetText       = "(UTC+10:30)"
                // standardName         = "heure normale de Lord Howe"
                // genericName          = "heure de Lord Howe"
                // genericLocationName  = "heure : Lord Howe"
                // exemplarCityName     = "Lord Howe"
                // displayName          = "(UTC+10:30) heure de Lord Howe"
                displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericName}";
                // Finally, use the generic name and the exemplar city together.
                // This provides an intuitive name and still disambiguates.
                // *** Example (en-US) ***
                // id                   = "Europe/Rome"
                // baseOffsetText       = "(UTC+01:00)"
                // standardName         = "Central European Standard Time"
                // genericName          = "Central European Time"
                // genericLocationName  = "Italy Time"
                // exemplarCityName     = "Rome"
                // displayName          = "(UTC+01:00) Central European Time (Rome)"
                displayName = $"{baseOffsetText} {genericName} ({exemplarCityName})";
        // Helper function that gets an exmplar city name either from ICU or from the IANA time zone ID itself
        private static string GetExemplarCityName(string timeZoneId, string uiCultureName)
            // First try to get the name through the localization data.
            string? exemplarCityName = null;
            GetDisplayName(timeZoneId, Interop.Globalization.TimeZoneDisplayNameType.ExemplarCity, uiCultureName, ref exemplarCityName);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exemplarCityName))
                return exemplarCityName;
            // Support for getting exemplar city names was added in ICU 51.
            // We may have an older version.  For example, in Helix we test on RHEL 7.5 which uses ICU 50.1.2.
            // We'll fallback to using an English name generated from the time zone ID.
            int i = timeZoneId.LastIndexOf('/');
            return timeZoneId.Substring(i + 1).Replace('_', ' ');
        // Helper function that returns an alternative ID using ICU data. Used primarily for converting from Windows IDs.
        private static unsafe string? GetAlternativeId(string id, out bool idIsIana)
            idIsIana = false;
            return TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId(id, null, out string? ianaId) ? ianaId : null;