// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Threading
/// <summary>Represents ambient data that is local to a given asynchronous control flow, such as an asynchronous method.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the ambient data.</typeparam>
public sealed class AsyncLocal<T> : IAsyncLocal
private readonly Action<AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>>? _valueChangedHandler;
/// <summary>Instantiates an <see cref="AsyncLocal{T}"/> instance that does not receive change notifications.</summary>
public AsyncLocal()
/// <summary>Instantiates an <see cref="AsyncLocal{T}"/> instance that receives change notifications.</summary>
/// <param name="valueChangedHandler">The delegate that is called whenever the current value changes on any thread.</param>
public AsyncLocal(Action<AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>>? valueChangedHandler)
_valueChangedHandler = valueChangedHandler;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the value of the ambient data.</summary>
/// <value>The value of the ambient data. If no value has been set, the returned value is default(T).</value>
public T Value
object? value = ExecutionContext.GetLocalValue(this);
if (typeof(T).IsValueType && value is null)
return default;
return (T)value!;
ExecutionContext.SetLocalValue(this, value, _valueChangedHandler is not null);
void IAsyncLocal.OnValueChanged(object? previousValueObj, object? currentValueObj, bool contextChanged)
Debug.Assert(_valueChangedHandler is not null);
T previousValue = previousValueObj is null ? default! : (T)previousValueObj;
T currentValue = currentValueObj is null ? default! : (T)currentValueObj;
_valueChangedHandler(new AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>(previousValue, currentValue, contextChanged));
/// <summary>Interface to allow non-generic code in ExecutionContext to call into the generic <see cref="AsyncLocal{T}"/> type.</summary>
internal interface IAsyncLocal
void OnValueChanged(object? previousValue, object? currentValue, bool contextChanged);
/// <summary>The class that provides data change information to <see cref="AsyncLocal{T}"/> instances that register for change notifications.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the data.</typeparam>
public readonly struct AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>
/// <summary>Gets the data's previous value.</summary>
public T? PreviousValue { get; }
/// <summary>Gets the data's current value.</summary>
public T? CurrentValue { get; }
/// <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the value changes because of a change of execution context.</summary>
/// <value>true if the value changed because of a change of execution context; otherwise, false.</value>
public bool ThreadContextChanged { get; }
internal AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs(T? previousValue, T? currentValue, bool contextChanged)
PreviousValue = previousValue!;
CurrentValue = currentValue!;
ThreadContextChanged = contextChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Interface used to store an IAsyncLocal => object mapping in ExecutionContext.
/// Implementations are specialized based on the number of elements in the immutable
/// map in order to minimize memory consumption and look-up times.
/// </summary>
internal interface IAsyncLocalValueMap
bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value);
IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent);
/// <summary>Utility functions for getting/creating instances of IAsyncLocalValueMap</summary>
internal static class AsyncLocalValueMap
public static IAsyncLocalValueMap Empty { get; } = new EmptyAsyncLocalValueMap();
public static bool IsEmpty(IAsyncLocalValueMap asyncLocalValueMap)
Debug.Assert(asyncLocalValueMap is not null);
Debug.Assert(asyncLocalValueMap == Empty || asyncLocalValueMap.GetType() != typeof(EmptyAsyncLocalValueMap));
return asyncLocalValueMap == Empty;
public static IAsyncLocalValueMap Create(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the value isn't null or a null value may not be treated as nonexistent, then create a new one-element map
// to store the key/value pair. Otherwise, use the empty map.
return value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent ?
new OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(KeyValuePair.Create(key, value)) :
// Instance without any key/value pairs. Used as a singleton/
private sealed class EmptyAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the value isn't null or a null value may not be treated as nonexistent, then create a new one-element map
// to store the key/value pair. Otherwise, use the empty map.
return value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent ?
new OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(KeyValuePair.Create(key, value)) :
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with one key/value pair.</summary>
private sealed class OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item0;
public OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item0)
_item0 = item0;
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the key matches one already contained in this map, then create a new one-element map with the updated
// value, otherwise create a two-element map with the additional key/value.
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> newItem = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
return ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ?
new OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newItem) :
new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, newItem);
// If the key exists in this map, remove it by downgrading to an empty map. Otherwise, there's nothing to
// add or remove, so just return this map.
return ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ?
Empty :
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key))
value = _item0.Value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with two key/value pairs.</summary>
private sealed class TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item0;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item1;
public TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item0,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item1)
_item0 = item0;
_item1 = item1;
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the key matches one already contained in this map, then create a new two-element map with the updated
// value, otherwise create a three-element map with the additional key/value.
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> newItem = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newItem, _item1) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, newItem) :
new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, newItem);
// If the key exists in this map, remove it by downgrading to a one-element map without the key. Otherwise,
// there's nothing to add or remove, so just return this map.
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item1) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new OneElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0) :
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key))
value = _item0.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key))
value = _item1.Value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with three key/value pairs.</summary>
private sealed class ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item0;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item1;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item2;
public ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item0,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item1,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item2)
_item0 = item0;
_item1 = item1;
_item2 = item2;
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the key matches one already contained in this map, then create a new three-element map with the updated
// value, otherwise create a three-element map with the additional key/value.
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> newItem = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newItem, _item1, _item2) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, newItem, _item2) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, newItem) :
new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, _item2, newItem);
// If the key exists in this map, remove it by downgrading to a one-element map without the key. Otherwise,
// there's nothing to add or remove, so just return this map.
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item1, _item2) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item2) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key) ? new TwoElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1) :
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key))
value = _item0.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key))
value = _item1.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key))
value = _item2.Value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with four key/value pairs.</summary>
private sealed class FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item0;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item1;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item2;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> _item3;
public FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item0,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item1,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item2,
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> item3)
_item0 = item0;
_item1 = item1;
_item2 = item2;
_item3 = item3;
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// If the key matches one already contained in this map, then create a new four-element map with the updated value.
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> newItem = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newItem, _item1, _item2, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, newItem, _item2, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key) ? new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, newItem, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item3.Key) ? new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, _item2, newItem) :
new MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(new[] { _item0, _item1, _item2, _item3, newItem }); // upgrade to a multi
// If the key exists in this map, remove it by downgrading to a two-element map without the key. Otherwise,
// there's nothing to add or remove, so just return this map.
ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item1, _item2, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item2, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, _item3) :
ReferenceEquals(key, _item3.Key) ? new ThreeElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_item0, _item1, _item2) :
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item0.Key))
value = _item0.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item1.Key))
value = _item1.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item2.Key))
value = _item2.Value;
return true;
else if (ReferenceEquals(key, _item3.Key))
value = _item3.Value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with up to 16 key/value pairs.</summary>
private sealed class MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap : IAsyncLocalValueMap
internal const int MaxMultiElements = 16;
private readonly KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[] _keyValues;
internal MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[] keyValues)
Debug.Assert(keyValues.Length is >= 5 and <= MaxMultiElements);
_keyValues = keyValues;
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// Find the key in this map.
for (int i = 0; i < _keyValues.Length; i++)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, _keyValues[i].Key))
// The key is in the map.
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// Create a new map of the same size that has all of the same pairs, with this new key/value pair overwriting the old.
KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[] newValues = _keyValues.AsSpan().ToArray();
newValues[i] = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
return new MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newValues);
else if (_keyValues.Length == 5)
// We only have five elements, one of which we're removing, so downgrade to a four-element map,
// without the matching element.
return i switch
0 => new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_keyValues[1], _keyValues[2], _keyValues[3], _keyValues[4]),
1 => new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_keyValues[0], _keyValues[2], _keyValues[3], _keyValues[4]),
2 => new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_keyValues[0], _keyValues[1], _keyValues[3], _keyValues[4]),
3 => new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_keyValues[0], _keyValues[1], _keyValues[2], _keyValues[4]),
_ => new FourElementAsyncLocalValueMap(_keyValues[0], _keyValues[1], _keyValues[2], _keyValues[3]),
// We have enough elements remaining to warrant a multi map. Create a new one and copy all of the
// elements from this one, except the one to be removed.
var newValues = new KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[_keyValues.Length - 1];
if (i != 0) Array.Copy(_keyValues, newValues, i);
if (i != _keyValues.Length - 1) Array.Copy(_keyValues, i + 1, newValues, i, _keyValues.Length - i - 1);
return new MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newValues);
// The key does not already exist in this map.
if (value is null && treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
// We can simply return this same map, as there's nothing to add or remove.
return this;
// We need to create a new map that has the additional key/value pair.
// If with the addition we can still fit in a multi map, create one.
if (_keyValues.Length < MaxMultiElements)
var newValues = new KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[_keyValues.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(_keyValues, newValues, _keyValues.Length);
newValues[_keyValues.Length] = KeyValuePair.Create(key, value);
return new MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newValues);
// Otherwise, upgrade to a many map.
var many = new ManyElementAsyncLocalValueMap(MaxMultiElements + 1);
foreach (KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> pair in _keyValues)
many[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
many[key] = value;
return many;
public bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value)
foreach (KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> pair in _keyValues)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, pair.Key))
value = pair.Value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
/// <summary>Instance with any number of key/value pairs.</summary>
private sealed class ManyElementAsyncLocalValueMap : Dictionary<IAsyncLocal, object?>, IAsyncLocalValueMap
public ManyElementAsyncLocalValueMap(int capacity) : base(capacity) { }
public IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
int count = Count;
bool containsKey = ContainsKey(key);
// If the value being set exists, create a new many map, copy all of the elements from this one,
// and then store the new key/value pair into it. This is the most common case.
if (value is not null || !treatNullValueAsNonexistent)
var map = new ManyElementAsyncLocalValueMap(count + (containsKey ? 0 : 1));
foreach (KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> pair in this)
map[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
map[key] = value;
return map;
// Otherwise, the value is null and a null value may be treated as nonexistent. We can downgrade to a smaller
// map rather than storing null.
// If the key is contained in this map, we're going to create a new map that's one pair smaller.
if (containsKey)
// If the new count would be within range of a multi map instead of a many map,
// downgrade to the multi map, which uses less memory and is faster to access.
// Otherwise, just create a new many map that's missing this key.
if (count == MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap.MaxMultiElements + 1)
var newValues = new KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?>[MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap.MaxMultiElements];
int index = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> pair in this)
if (!ReferenceEquals(key, pair.Key))
newValues[index++] = pair;
Debug.Assert(index == MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap.MaxMultiElements);
return new MultiElementAsyncLocalValueMap(newValues);
var map = new ManyElementAsyncLocalValueMap(count - 1);
foreach (KeyValuePair<IAsyncLocal, object?> pair in this)
if (!ReferenceEquals(key, pair.Key))
map[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
Debug.Assert(map.Count == count - 1);
return map;
// We were storing null and a null value may be treated as nonexistent, but the key wasn't in the map, so
// there's nothing to change. Just return this instance.
return this;