// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Text
// Data table for encoding classes. Used by System.Text.Encoding.
// This class contains two hashtables to allow System.Text.Encoding
// to retrieve the data item either by codepage value or by webName.
internal static partial class EncodingTable
private static readonly Hashtable s_nameToCodePage = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private static CodePageDataItem?[]? s_codePageToCodePageData;
**Action: Given a encoding name, return the correct code page number for this encoding.
**Returns: The code page for the encoding.
** name the name of the encoding
** ArgumentNullException if name is null.
** internalGetCodePageFromName will throw ArgumentException if name is not a valid encoding name.
internal static int GetCodePageFromName(string name)
object? codePageObj = s_nameToCodePage[name];
if (codePageObj != null)
return (int)codePageObj;
int codePage = InternalGetCodePageFromName(name);
s_nameToCodePage[name] = codePage;
return codePage;
// Find the data item by binary searching the table.
private static int InternalGetCodePageFromName(string name)
int left = 0;
int right = EncodingNameIndices.Length - 2;
int index;
int result;
Debug.Assert(EncodingNameIndices.Length == CodePagesByName.Length + 1);
Debug.Assert(EncodingNameIndices[^1] == EncodingNames.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<char> invariantName = name.ToLowerInvariant().AsSpan();
// Binary search the array until we have only a couple of elements left and then
// just walk those elements.
while ((right - left) > 3)
index = ((right - left) / 2) + left;
Debug.Assert(index < EncodingNameIndices.Length - 1);
result = string.CompareOrdinal(invariantName, EncodingNames.AsSpan(EncodingNameIndices[index], EncodingNameIndices[index + 1] - EncodingNameIndices[index]));
if (result == 0)
// We found the item, return the associated codePage.
return CodePagesByName[index];
else if (result < 0)
// The name that we're looking for is less than our current index.
right = index;
// The name that we're looking for is greater than our current index
left = index;
// Walk the remaining elements (it'll be 3 or fewer).
for (; left <= right; left++)
Debug.Assert(left < EncodingNameIndices.Length - 1);
if (invariantName.SequenceEqual(EncodingNames.AsSpan(EncodingNameIndices[left], EncodingNameIndices[left + 1] - EncodingNameIndices[left])))
return CodePagesByName[left];
// The encoding name is not valid.
throw new ArgumentException(
SR.Format(SR.Argument_EncodingNotSupported, name),
// Return a list of all EncodingInfo objects describing all of our encodings
internal static EncodingInfo[] GetEncodings()
// If UTF-7 encoding is not enabled, we adjust the return array length by -1
// to account for the skipped EncodingInfo element.
ReadOnlySpan<ushort> mappedCodePages = MappedCodePages;
EncodingInfo[] arrayEncodingInfo = new EncodingInfo[(LocalAppContextSwitches.EnableUnsafeUTF7Encoding) ? mappedCodePages.Length : (mappedCodePages.Length - 1)];
string webNames = WebNames;
ReadOnlySpan<int> webNameIndices = WebNameIndices;
int arrayEncodingInfoIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mappedCodePages.Length; i++)
int codePage = mappedCodePages[i];
if (codePage == Encoding.CodePageUTF7 && !LocalAppContextSwitches.EnableUnsafeUTF7Encoding)
continue; // skip this entry; UTF-7 is disabled
arrayEncodingInfo[arrayEncodingInfoIdx++] = new EncodingInfo(
webNames[webNameIndices[i]..webNameIndices[i + 1]],
Debug.Assert(arrayEncodingInfoIdx == arrayEncodingInfo.Length);
return arrayEncodingInfo;
internal static EncodingInfo[] GetEncodings(Dictionary<int, EncodingInfo> encodingInfoList)
Debug.Assert(encodingInfoList != null);
ReadOnlySpan<ushort> mappedCodePages = MappedCodePages;
string webNames = WebNames;
ReadOnlySpan<int> webNameIndices = WebNameIndices;
for (int i = 0; i < mappedCodePages.Length; i++)
int codePage = mappedCodePages[i];
if (!encodingInfoList.ContainsKey(codePage))
// If UTF-7 encoding is not enabled, don't add it to the provided dictionary instance.
// Exception: If somebody already registered a custom UTF-7 provider, the dictionary
// will already contain an entry for the UTF-7 code page key, and we'll let it go through.
if (codePage != Encoding.CodePageUTF7 || LocalAppContextSwitches.EnableUnsafeUTF7Encoding)
encodingInfoList[codePage] = new EncodingInfo(codePage, webNames[webNameIndices[i]..webNameIndices[i + 1]],
// Just in case a provider registered UTF-7 without the application's consent
if (!LocalAppContextSwitches.EnableUnsafeUTF7Encoding)
encodingInfoList.Remove(Encoding.CodePageUTF7); // won't throw if doesn't exist
var result = new EncodingInfo[encodingInfoList.Count];
int j = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, EncodingInfo> pair in encodingInfoList)
result[j++] = pair.Value;
return result;
internal static CodePageDataItem? GetCodePageDataItem(int codePage)
if (s_codePageToCodePageData == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange<CodePageDataItem?[]?>(ref s_codePageToCodePageData, new CodePageDataItem[MappedCodePages.Length], null);
// Keep in sync with MappedCodePages
int index;
switch (codePage)
case 1200: // utf-16
index = 0;
case 1201: // utf-16be
index = 1;
case 12000: // utf-32
index = 2;
case 12001: // utf-32be
index = 3;
case 20127: // us-ascii
index = 4;
case 28591: // iso-8859-1
index = 5;
case 65000: // utf-7
index = 6;
case 65001: // utf-8
index = 7;
return null;
CodePageDataItem? data = s_codePageToCodePageData[index];
if (data == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange<CodePageDataItem?>(ref s_codePageToCodePageData[index], InternalGetCodePageDataItem(codePage, index), null);
data = s_codePageToCodePageData[index];
return data;
private static CodePageDataItem InternalGetCodePageDataItem(int codePage, int index)
int uiFamilyCodePage = UiFamilyCodePages[index];
string webName = WebNames[WebNameIndices[index]..WebNameIndices[index + 1]];
// All supported code pages have identical header names, and body names.
string headerName = webName;
string bodyName = webName;
string displayName = GetDisplayName(codePage);
uint flags = Flags[index];
return new CodePageDataItem(uiFamilyCodePage, webName, headerName, bodyName, displayName, flags);
private static string GetDisplayName(int codePage)
switch (codePage)
case 1200: return SR.Globalization_cp_1200;
case 1201: return SR.Globalization_cp_1201;
case 12000: return SR.Globalization_cp_12000;
case 12001: return SR.Globalization_cp_12001;
case 20127: return SR.Globalization_cp_20127;
case 28591: return SR.Globalization_cp_28591;
case 65000: return SR.Globalization_cp_65000;
case 65001: return SR.Globalization_cp_65001;
Debug.Fail("Unexpected code page");
return "";