File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\IO\Enumeration\FileSystemEntry.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace System.IO.Enumeration
    /// <summary>Provides a lower level view of <see cref="FileSystemInfo" /> to help process and filter find results.</summary>
    public ref partial struct FileSystemEntry
        /// <summary>Returns the full path for the find results, based on the initially provided path.</summary>
        /// <returns>A string representing the full path.</returns>
        public string ToSpecifiedFullPath()
            // We want to provide the enumerated segment of the path appended to the originally specified path. This is
            // the behavior of the various Directory APIs that return a list of strings.
            // RootDirectory has the final separator trimmed, OriginalRootDirectory does not. Our legacy behavior would
            // effectively account for this by appending subdirectory names as it recursed. As such we need to trim one
            // separator when combining with the relative path (Directory.Slice(RootDirectory.Length)).
            //   Original  =>  Root   => Directory    => FileName => relativePath => Specified
            //   C:\foo        C:\foo    C:\foo          bar         ""              C:\foo\bar
            //   C:\foo\       C:\foo    C:\foo          bar         ""              C:\foo\bar
            //   C:\foo/       C:\foo    C:\foo          bar         ""              C:\foo/bar
            //   C:\foo\\      C:\foo    C:\foo          bar         ""              C:\foo\\bar
            //   C:\foo        C:\foo    C:\foo\bar      jar         "bar"           C:\foo\bar\jar
            //   C:\foo\       C:\foo    C:\foo\bar      jar         "bar"           C:\foo\bar\jar
            //   C:\foo/       C:\foo    C:\foo\bar      jar         "bar"           C:\foo/bar\jar
            // If we're at the top level directory the Directory and RootDirectory will be identical. As there are no
            // trailing slashes in play, once we're in a subdirectory, slicing off the root will leave us with an
            // initial separator. We need to trim that off if it exists, but it isn't needed if the original root
            // didn't have a separator. Join() would handle it if we did trim it, not doing so is an optimization.
            ReadOnlySpan<char> relativePath = Directory.Slice(RootDirectory.Length);
            if (Path.EndsInDirectorySeparator(OriginalRootDirectory) && PathInternal.StartsWithDirectorySeparator(relativePath))
                relativePath = relativePath.Slice(1);
            return Join(OriginalRootDirectory, relativePath, FileName);