File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Globalization\CultureData.Icu.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Globalization
    internal sealed partial class CultureData
        // ICU constants
        private const int ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY = 100; // max size of keyword or value
        private const int ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY = 157;           // max size of locale name
        private const int WINDOWS_MAX_COLLATION_NAME_LENGTH = 8;      // max collation name length in the culture name
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the locale name that ICU returns and convert it to the format that .NET expects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The locale name that ICU returns.</param>
        /// <param name="extension">The extension part in the original culture name.</param>
        /// <param name="collationStart">The index of the collation in the name.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// BCP 47 specifications allow for extensions in the locale name, following the format language-script-region-extensions-collation. However,
        /// not all extensions supported by ICU are supported in .NET. In the locale name, extensions are separated from the rest of the name using '-u-' or '-t-'.
        /// In .NET, only the collation extension is supported. If the name includes a collation extension, it will be prefixed with '-u-co-'.
        /// For example, en-US-u-co-search would be converted to the ICU name en_US@collation=search, which would then be translated to the .NET name en-US_search.
        /// All extensions in the ICU names start with @. When normalizing the name to the .NET format, we retain the extensions in the name to ensure differentiation
        /// between names with extensions and those without. For example, we may have a name like en-US and en-US-u-xx. Although .NET doesn't support the extension xx,
        /// we still include it in the name to distinguish it from the name without the extension.
        /// </remarks>
        private static string NormalizeCultureName(string name, ReadOnlySpan<char> extension, out int collationStart)
            Debug.Assert(name is not null);
            Debug.Assert(name.Length <= ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY);
            collationStart = -1;
            bool changed = false;
            Span<char> buffer = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
            int bufferIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < name.Length && bufferIndex < ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY; i++)
                char c = name[i];
                if (c == '-' && i < name.Length - 1 && name[i + 1] == '-')
                    // ICU changes names like `qps_plocm` (one underscore) to `qps__plocm` (two underscores)
                    // The reason this occurs is because, while ICU canonicalizing, ulocimp_getCountry returns an empty string since the country code value is > 3 (rightly so).
                    // But append an extra '_' thinking that country code was in-fact appended (for the empty string value as well).
                    // Before processing, the name qps__plocm will be converted to its .NET name equivalent, which is qps--plocm.
                    changed = true;
                    buffer[bufferIndex++] = '-';
                else if (c == '@')
                    changed = true;
                    if (!extension.IsEmpty && extension.TryCopyTo(buffer.Slice(bufferIndex)))
                        bufferIndex += extension.Length;
                    int collationIndex = name.IndexOf("collation=", i + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (collationIndex > 0)
                        collationIndex += "collation=".Length;
                        // format of the locale properties is @key=value;collation=collationName;key=value;key=value
                        int endOfCollation = name.IndexOf(';', collationIndex);
                        if (endOfCollation < 0)
                            endOfCollation = name.Length;
                        int length = Math.Min(WINDOWS_MAX_COLLATION_NAME_LENGTH, endOfCollation - collationIndex);  // Windows doesn't allow collation names longer than 8 characters
                        if (buffer.Length - bufferIndex >= length + 1)
                            collationStart = bufferIndex;
                            buffer[bufferIndex++] = '_';
                            name.AsSpan(collationIndex, length).CopyTo(buffer.Slice(bufferIndex));
                            bufferIndex += length;
                    // done getting all parts can be supported in the .NET culture names.
                    buffer[bufferIndex++] = name[i];
            return changed ? new string(buffer.Slice(0, bufferIndex)) : name;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method uses the sRealName field (which is initialized by the constructor before this is called) to
        /// initialize the rest of the state of CultureData based on the underlying OS globalization library.
        /// </summary>
        private bool InitIcuCultureDataCore()
            Debug.Assert(_sRealName != null);
            const string ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD = "@collation=";
            string realNameBuffer = _sRealName;
            // Basic validation
            if (!IsValidCultureName(realNameBuffer, out var index, out int indexOfExtensions))
                return false;
            // Replace _ (alternate sort) with @collation= for ICU
            if (index > 0)
                ReadOnlySpan<char> alternateSortName = realNameBuffer.AsSpan(index + 1);
                realNameBuffer = string.Concat(realNameBuffer.AsSpan(0, index), ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD, alternateSortName);
            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                _sWindowsName = GetLocaleNameNative(realNameBuffer);
                if (_sWindowsName == null || _sWindowsName.Length == 0)
                    return false;
                // Get the locale name from ICU
                if (!GetLocaleName(realNameBuffer, out _sWindowsName))
                    return false;
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null);
            _sRealName = NormalizeCultureName(_sWindowsName, indexOfExtensions > 0 ? _sRealName.AsSpan(indexOfExtensions) : ReadOnlySpan<char>.Empty, out int collationStart);
            _iLanguage = LCID;
            if (_iLanguage == 0)
                _iLanguage = CultureInfo.LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED;
            _bNeutral = TwoLetterISOCountryName.Length == 0;
            _sSpecificCulture = _bNeutral ? IcuLocaleData.GetSpecificCultureName(_sRealName) : _sRealName;
            // Remove the sort from sName unless custom culture
            // To ensure compatibility, it is necessary to allow the creation of cultures like zh_CN (using ICU notation) in the case of _bNeutral.
            _sName = collationStart < 0 || _bNeutral ? _sRealName : _sRealName.Substring(0, collationStart);
            return true;
        internal static unsafe bool GetLocaleName(string localeName, out string? windowsName)
            // Get the locale name from ICU
            char* buffer = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
            if (!Interop.Globalization.GetLocaleName(localeName, buffer, ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY))
                windowsName = null;
                return false; // fail
            // Success - use the locale name returned which may be different than realNameBuffer (casing)
            windowsName = new string(buffer); // the name passed to subsequent ICU calls
            return true;
        internal static unsafe bool GetDefaultLocaleName([NotNullWhen(true)] out string? windowsName)
            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                windowsName = Interop.Globalization.GetDefaultLocaleNameNative();
                return windowsName != null && windowsName.Length > 0;
                // Get the default (system) locale name from ICU
                char* buffer = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
                if (!Interop.Globalization.GetDefaultLocaleName(buffer, ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY))
                    windowsName = null;
                    return false; // fail
                // Success - use the locale name returned which may be different than realNameBuffer (casing)
                windowsName = new string(buffer); // the name passed to subsequent ICU calls
                return true;
        private string IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleStringData type, string? uiCultureName = null)
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null, "[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo] Expected _sWindowsName to be populated already");
            if (type == LocaleStringData.NativeDisplayName)
                return JSGetNativeDisplayName(_sWindowsName, uiCultureName ?? _sWindowsName);
            return IcuGetLocaleInfo(_sWindowsName, type, uiCultureName);
        // For LOCALE_SPARENT we need the option of using the "real" name (forcing neutral names) instead of the
        // "windows" name, which can be specific for downlevel (< windows 7) os's.
        private unsafe string IcuGetLocaleInfo(string localeName, LocaleStringData type, string? uiCultureName = null)
            Debug.Assert(localeName != null, "[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo] Expected localeName to be not be null");
            switch (type)
                case LocaleStringData.NegativeInfinitySymbol:
                    // not an equivalent in ICU; prefix the PositiveInfinitySymbol with NegativeSign
                    return IcuGetLocaleInfo(localeName, LocaleStringData.NegativeSign) +
                        IcuGetLocaleInfo(localeName, LocaleStringData.PositiveInfinitySymbol);
            char* buffer = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY];
            bool result = Interop.Globalization.GetLocaleInfoString(localeName, (uint)type, buffer, ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY, uiCultureName);
            if (!result)
                // Failed, just use empty string
                Debug.Fail("[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleStringData)] Failed");
                return string.Empty;
            return new string(buffer);
        private int IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleNumberData type)
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null, "[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleNumberData)] Expected _sWindowsName to be populated already");
            switch (type)
                case LocaleNumberData.CalendarType:
                    // returning 0 will cause the first supported calendar to be returned, which is the preferred calendar
                    return 0;
            int value = 0;
            bool result = Interop.Globalization.GetLocaleInfoInt(_sWindowsName, (uint)type, ref value);
            if (!result)
                // Failed, just use 0
                Debug.Fail("[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleNumberData)] failed");
            return value;
        private int[] IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleGroupingData type)
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null, "[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleGroupingData)] Expected _sWindowsName to be populated already");
            int primaryGroupingSize = 0;
            int secondaryGroupingSize = 0;
            bool result = Interop.Globalization.GetLocaleInfoGroupingSizes(_sWindowsName, (uint)type, ref primaryGroupingSize, ref secondaryGroupingSize);
            if (!result)
                Debug.Fail("[CultureData.IcuGetLocaleInfo(LocaleGroupingData type)] failed");
            if (secondaryGroupingSize == 0)
                return new int[] { primaryGroupingSize };
            return new int[] { primaryGroupingSize, secondaryGroupingSize };
        private string IcuGetTimeFormatString() => IcuGetTimeFormatString(shortFormat: false);
        private unsafe string IcuGetTimeFormatString(bool shortFormat)
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null, "[CultureData.GetTimeFormatString(bool shortFormat)] Expected _sWindowsName to be populated already");
            char* buffer = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY];
            bool result = Interop.Globalization.GetLocaleTimeFormat(_sWindowsName, shortFormat, buffer, ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY);
            if (!result)
                // Failed, just use empty string
                Debug.Fail("[CultureData.GetTimeFormatString(bool shortFormat)] Failed");
                return string.Empty;
            var span = new ReadOnlySpan<char>(buffer, ICU_ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY);
            return ConvertIcuTimeFormatString(span.Slice(0, span.IndexOf('\0')));
        // no support to lookup by region name, other than the hard-coded list in CultureData
        private static CultureData? IcuGetCultureDataFromRegionName() => null;
        private string IcuGetLanguageDisplayName(string cultureName)
            return JSGetNativeDisplayName(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name, cultureName);
            return IcuGetLocaleInfo(cultureName, LocaleStringData.LocalizedDisplayName, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
        // use the fallback which is to return NativeName
        private static string? IcuGetRegionDisplayName() => null;
        internal static bool IcuIsEnsurePredefinedLocaleName(string name)
            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                return Interop.Globalization.IsPredefinedLocaleNative(name);
                return Interop.Globalization.IsPredefinedLocale(name);
        private static string ConvertIcuTimeFormatString(ReadOnlySpan<char> icuFormatString)
            Debug.Assert(icuFormatString.Length < ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY);
            Span<char> result = stackalloc char[ICU_ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
            bool amPmAdded = false;
            int resultPos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < icuFormatString.Length; i++)
                char current = icuFormatString[i];
                switch (current)
                    case '\'':
                        result[resultPos++] = icuFormatString[i++];
                        while (i < icuFormatString.Length)
                            current = icuFormatString[i];
                            result[resultPos++] = current;
                            if (current == '\'')
                    case ':':
                    case '.':
                    case 'H':
                    case 'h':
                    case 'm':
                    case 's':
                    case ' ':
                    case '\u00A0': // no-break space
                    case '\u202F': // narrow no-break space
                        result[resultPos++] = current;
                    case 'a': // AM/PM
                        if (!amPmAdded)
                            amPmAdded = true;
                            result[resultPos++] = 't';
                            result[resultPos++] = 't';
            return result.Slice(0, resultPos).ToString();
        private static int IcuLocaleNameToLCID(string cultureName)
            int lcid = IcuLocaleData.GetLocaleDataNumericPart(cultureName, IcuLocaleDataParts.Lcid);
            return lcid == -1 ? CultureInfo.LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED : lcid;
        private static int IcuGetGeoId(string cultureName)
            int geoId = IcuLocaleData.GetLocaleDataNumericPart(cultureName, IcuLocaleDataParts.GeoId);
            return geoId == -1 ? Invariant.GeoId : geoId;
        private const uint DigitSubstitutionMask = 0x0000FFFF;
        private const uint ListSeparatorMask     = 0xFFFF0000;
        private static int IcuGetDigitSubstitution(string cultureName)
            int digitSubstitution = IcuLocaleData.GetLocaleDataNumericPart(cultureName, IcuLocaleDataParts.DigitSubstitutionOrListSeparator);
            return digitSubstitution == -1 ? (int)DigitShapes.None : (int)(digitSubstitution & DigitSubstitutionMask);
        private static string IcuGetListSeparator(string? cultureName)
            Debug.Assert(cultureName != null);
            int separator = IcuLocaleData.GetLocaleDataNumericPart(cultureName, IcuLocaleDataParts.DigitSubstitutionOrListSeparator);
            if (separator != -1)
                switch (separator & ListSeparatorMask)
                    case IcuLocaleData.CommaSep:
                        return ",";
                    case IcuLocaleData.SemicolonSep:
                        return ";";
                    case IcuLocaleData.ArabicCommaSep:
                        return "\u060C";
                    case IcuLocaleData.ArabicSemicolonSep:
                        return "\u061B";
                    case IcuLocaleData.DoubleCommaSep:
                        return ",,";
                        Debug.Assert(false, "[CultureData.IcuGetListSeparator] Unexpected ListSeparator value.");
            return ","; // default separator
        private static string IcuGetThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName(string cultureName)
            return IcuLocaleData.GetThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName(cultureName) ?? "ZZZ" /* default lang name */;
        private static CultureInfo[] IcuEnumCultures(CultureTypes types)
            if ((types & (CultureTypes.NeutralCultures | CultureTypes.SpecificCultures)) == 0)
                return Array.Empty<CultureInfo>();
            int bufferLength;
            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocalesNative(null, 0);
                bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocales(null, 0);
            bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocales(null, 0);
            if (bufferLength <= 0)
                return Array.Empty<CultureInfo>();
            char[] chars = new char[bufferLength];
            if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid)
                bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocalesNative(chars, bufferLength);
                bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocales(chars, bufferLength);
            bufferLength = Interop.Globalization.GetLocales(chars, bufferLength);
            if (bufferLength <= 0)
                return Array.Empty<CultureInfo>();
            bool enumNeutrals   = (types & CultureTypes.NeutralCultures) != 0;
            bool enumSpecifics = (types & CultureTypes.SpecificCultures) != 0;
            List<CultureInfo> list = new List<CultureInfo>();
            if (enumNeutrals)
            int index = 0;
            while (index < bufferLength)
                int length = (int)chars[index++];
                if (index + length <= bufferLength)
                    CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(new string(chars, index, length));
                    if ((enumNeutrals && ci.IsNeutralCulture) || (enumSpecifics && !ci.IsNeutralCulture))
                index += length;
            return list.ToArray();
        private static string IcuGetConsoleFallbackName(string cultureName)
            return IcuLocaleData.GetConsoleUICulture(cultureName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of culture name validation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a fast approximate implementation based on BCP47 spec. It covers only parts of
        /// the spec; such that, when it returns false, the input is definitely in incorrect format.
        /// However, it returns true for some characters which are not allowed by the spec. It also
        /// returns true for some inputs where spec specifies the lengths of subtags, but we are not
        /// validating subtags individually to keep algorithm's computational complexity at O(n).
        /// Rules of implementation:
        /// * Allow only letters, digits, - and '_' or \0 (NULL is for backward compatibility).
        /// * Allow input length of zero (for invariant culture) or otherwise greater than 1 and less than or equal LocaleNameMaxLength.
        /// * Disallow input that starts or ends with '-' or '_'.
        /// * Disallow input that has any combination of consecutive '-' or '_'.
        /// * Disallow input that has multiple '_'.
        /// The IsValidCultureName method also identifies the presence of any extensions in the name (such as -u- or -t-) and returns the index of the extension.
        /// This is necessary because we need to append the extensions to the name when normalizing it to the .NET format.
        /// </remarks>
        private static bool IsValidCultureName(string subject, out int indexOfUnderscore, out int indexOfExtensions)
            indexOfUnderscore = -1;
            indexOfExtensions = -1;
            if (subject.Length == 0) return true; // Invariant Culture
            if (subject.Length == 1 || subject.Length > LocaleNameMaxLength) return false;
            bool seenUnderscore = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < subject.Length; ++i)
                char c = subject[i];
                if (char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '\0')
                if (c == '_' || c == '-')
                    if (i == 0 || i == subject.Length - 1) return false;
                    if (subject[i - 1] == '_' || subject[i - 1] == '-') return false;
                    if (c == '_')
                        if (seenUnderscore) return false; // only one _ is allowed
                        seenUnderscore = true;
                        indexOfUnderscore = i;
                        if (indexOfExtensions < 0 && i < subject.Length - 2 && (subject[i + 1] is 'u' or 't') && subject[i + 2] == '-') // we have -u- or -t- which is an extension
                            if (subject[i + 1] == 't' || i >= subject.Length - 6 || subject[i + 3] != 'c' || subject[i + 4] != 'o' || subject[i + 5] != '-') // not -u-co- collation extension
                                indexOfExtensions = i;
                    return false;
            return true;