// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System
// Enum used to indicate all the elements of the
// VOS it is valid to attach this element to.
public enum AttributeTargets
Assembly = 0x0001,
Module = 0x0002,
Class = 0x0004,
Struct = 0x0008,
Enum = 0x0010,
Constructor = 0x0020,
Method = 0x0040,
Property = 0x0080,
Field = 0x0100,
Event = 0x0200,
Interface = 0x0400,
Parameter = 0x0800,
Delegate = 0x1000,
ReturnValue = 0x2000,
GenericParameter = 0x4000,
All = Assembly | Module | Class | Struct | Enum | Constructor |
Method | Property | Field | Event | Interface | Parameter |
Delegate | ReturnValue | GenericParameter