// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Reflection
internal static class Associates
internal enum Attributes
ComposedOfAllVirtualMethods = 0x1,
ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods = 0x2,
ComposedOfNoPublicMembers = 0x4,
ComposedOfNoStaticMembers = 0x8,
internal static bool IncludeAccessor(MethodInfo? associate, bool nonPublic)
if (associate is null)
return false;
if (nonPublic)
return true;
if (associate.IsPublic)
return true;
return false;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification = "Module.ResolveMethod is marked as RequiresUnreferencedCode because it relies on tokens" +
"which are not guaranteed to be stable across trimming. So if somebody hardcodes a token it could break." +
"The usage here is not like that as all these tokens come from existing metadata loaded from some IL" +
"and so trimming has no effect (the tokens are read AFTER trimming occurred).")]
private static RuntimeMethodInfo? AssignAssociates(
int tkMethod,
RuntimeType declaredType,
RuntimeType reflectedType)
if (MetadataToken.IsNullToken(tkMethod))
return null;
Debug.Assert(declaredType != null);
Debug.Assert(reflectedType != null);
bool isInherited = declaredType != reflectedType;
scoped Span<IntPtr> genericArgumentHandles = default;
RuntimeType[] genericArguments = declaredType.TypeHandle.GetInstantiationInternal();
if (genericArguments != null)
genericArgumentHandles = genericArguments.Length <= 16 ? // arbitrary stackalloc limit
stackalloc IntPtr[genericArguments.Length] :
new IntPtr[genericArguments.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < genericArguments.Length; i++)
genericArgumentHandles[i] = genericArguments[i].TypeHandle.Value;
RuntimeMethodHandleInternal associateMethodHandle = ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandleInternal(RuntimeTypeHandle.GetModule(declaredType), tkMethod, genericArgumentHandles, default);
Debug.Assert(!associateMethodHandle.IsNullHandle(), "Failed to resolve associateRecord methodDef token");
if (isInherited)
MethodAttributes methAttr = RuntimeMethodHandle.GetAttributes(associateMethodHandle);
// ECMA MethodSemantics: "All methods for a given Property or Event shall have the same accessibility
// (ie the MemberAccessMask subfield of their Flags row) and cannot be CompilerControlled [CLS]"
// Consequently, a property may be composed of public and private methods. If the declared type !=
// the reflected type, the private methods should not be exposed. Note that this implies that the
// identity of a property includes it's reflected type.
if ((methAttr & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private)
return null;
// Note this is the first time the property was encountered walking from the most derived class
// towards the base class. It would seem to follow that any associated methods would not
// be overridden -- but this is not necessarily true. A more derived class may have overridden a
// virtual method associated with a property in a base class without associating the override with
// the same or any property in the derived class.
if ((methAttr & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != 0)
bool declaringTypeIsClass =
(RuntimeTypeHandle.GetAttributes(declaredType) & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) == TypeAttributes.Class;
// It makes no sense to search for a virtual override of a method declared on an interface.
if (declaringTypeIsClass)
int slot = RuntimeMethodHandle.GetSlot(associateMethodHandle);
// Find the override visible from the reflected type
associateMethodHandle = RuntimeTypeHandle.GetMethodAt(reflectedType, slot);
RuntimeMethodInfo? associateMethod =
RuntimeType.GetMethodBase(reflectedType, associateMethodHandle) as RuntimeMethodInfo;
// suppose a property was mapped to a method not in the derivation hierarchy of the reflectedTypeHandle
return associateMethod ?? reflectedType.Module.ResolveMethod(tkMethod, null, null) as RuntimeMethodInfo;
internal static void AssignAssociates(
MetadataImport scope,
int mdPropEvent,
RuntimeType declaringType,
RuntimeType reflectedType,
out RuntimeMethodInfo? addOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo? removeOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo? fireOn,
out RuntimeMethodInfo? getter,
out RuntimeMethodInfo? setter,
out MethodInfo[]? other,
out bool composedOfAllPrivateMethods,
out BindingFlags bindingFlags)
addOn = removeOn = fireOn = getter = setter = null;
Attributes attributes =
Attributes.ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods |
Attributes.ComposedOfAllVirtualMethods |
Attributes.ComposedOfNoPublicMembers |
while (RuntimeTypeHandle.IsGenericVariable(reflectedType))
reflectedType = (RuntimeType)reflectedType.BaseType!;
bool isInherited = declaringType != reflectedType;
List<MethodInfo>? otherList = null;
scope.Enum(MetadataTokenType.MethodDef, mdPropEvent, out MetadataEnumResult associatesData);
int cAssociates = associatesData.Length / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < cAssociates; i++)
int methodDefToken = associatesData[i * 2];
MethodSemanticsAttributes semantics = (MethodSemanticsAttributes)associatesData[i * 2 + 1];
#region Assign each associate
RuntimeMethodInfo? associateMethod =
AssignAssociates(methodDefToken, declaringType, reflectedType);
if (associateMethod == null)
MethodAttributes methAttr = associateMethod.Attributes;
bool isPrivate = (methAttr & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private;
bool isVirtual = (methAttr & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != 0;
MethodAttributes visibility = methAttr & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
bool isPublic = visibility == MethodAttributes.Public;
bool isStatic = (methAttr & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0;
if (isPublic)
attributes &= ~Attributes.ComposedOfNoPublicMembers;
attributes &= ~Attributes.ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods;
else if (!isPrivate)
attributes &= ~Attributes.ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods;
if (isStatic)
attributes &= ~Attributes.ComposedOfNoStaticMembers;
if (!isVirtual)
attributes &= ~Attributes.ComposedOfAllVirtualMethods;
if (semantics == MethodSemanticsAttributes.Setter)
setter = associateMethod;
else if (semantics == MethodSemanticsAttributes.Getter)
getter = associateMethod;
else if (semantics == MethodSemanticsAttributes.Fire)
fireOn = associateMethod;
else if (semantics == MethodSemanticsAttributes.AddOn)
addOn = associateMethod;
else if (semantics == MethodSemanticsAttributes.RemoveOn)
removeOn = associateMethod;
otherList ??= new List<MethodInfo>(cAssociates);
bool isPseudoPublic = (attributes & Attributes.ComposedOfNoPublicMembers) == 0;
bool isPseudoStatic = (attributes & Attributes.ComposedOfNoStaticMembers) == 0;
bindingFlags = RuntimeType.FilterPreCalculate(isPseudoPublic, isInherited, isPseudoStatic);
composedOfAllPrivateMethods = (attributes & Attributes.ComposedOfAllPrivateMethods) != 0;
other = otherList?.ToArray();