// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.IO
public partial class FileLoadException
// Do not delete: this is invoked from native code.
private FileLoadException(string? fileName, int hResult)
: base(null)
HResult = hResult;
FileName = fileName;
_message = FormatFileLoadExceptionMessage(FileName, HResult);
internal static string FormatFileLoadExceptionMessage(string? fileName, int hResult)
string? format = null;
GetFileLoadExceptionMessage(hResult, new StringHandleOnStack(ref format));
string? message = null;
if (hResult == HResults.COR_E_BADEXEFORMAT)
message = SR.Arg_BadImageFormatException;
GetMessageForHR(hResult, new StringHandleOnStack(ref message));
return string.Format(format!, fileName, message);
private static partial void GetFileLoadExceptionMessage(int hResult, StringHandleOnStack retString);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "FileLoadException_GetMessageForHR")]
private static partial void GetMessageForHR(int hresult, StringHandleOnStack retString);