File: src\System\Attribute.CoreCLR.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
namespace System
    public abstract partial class Attribute
        #region Private Statics
        #region PropertyInfo
        private static Attribute[] InternalGetCustomAttributes(PropertyInfo element, Type type, bool inherit)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);
            Debug.Assert(type != null);
            Debug.Assert(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) || type == typeof(Attribute));
            // walk up the hierarchy chain
            Attribute[] attributes = (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(type, inherit);
            if (!inherit)
                return attributes;
            // if this is an index we need to get the parameter types to help disambiguate
            Type[] indexParamTypes = GetIndexParameterTypes(element);
            PropertyInfo? baseProp = GetParentDefinition(element, indexParamTypes);
            if (baseProp == null)
                return attributes;
            // create the hashtable that keeps track of inherited types
            Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute> types = new Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute>(11);
            // create an array list to collect all the requested attributes
            List<Attribute> attributeList = new List<Attribute>();
            CopyToAttributeList(attributeList, attributes, types);
                attributes = GetCustomAttributes(baseProp, type, false);
                AddAttributesToList(attributeList, attributes, types);
                baseProp = GetParentDefinition(baseProp, indexParamTypes);
            while (baseProp != null);
            Attribute[] array = CreateAttributeArrayHelper(type, attributeList.Count);
            attributeList.CopyTo(array, 0);
            return array;
        private static bool InternalIsDefined(PropertyInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // walk up the hierarchy chain
            if (element.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit))
                return true;
            if (inherit)
                AttributeUsageAttribute usage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
                if (!usage.Inherited)
                    return false;
                // if this is an index we need to get the parameter types to help disambiguate
                Type[] indexParamTypes = GetIndexParameterTypes(element);
                PropertyInfo? baseProp = GetParentDefinition(element, indexParamTypes);
                while (baseProp != null)
                    if (baseProp.IsDefined(attributeType, false))
                        return true;
                    baseProp = GetParentDefinition(baseProp, indexParamTypes);
            return false;
        [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2075:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern",
            Justification = "rtPropAccessor.DeclaringType is guaranteed to have the specified property because " +
                "rtPropAccessor.GetParentDefinition() returned a non-null MethodInfo.")]
        private static PropertyInfo? GetParentDefinition(PropertyInfo property, Type[] propertyParameters)
            Debug.Assert(property != null);
            // for the current property get the base class of the getter and the setter, they might be different
            // note that this only works for RuntimeMethodInfo
            MethodInfo? propAccessor = property.GetGetMethod(true) ?? property.GetSetMethod(true);
            RuntimeMethodInfo? rtPropAccessor = propAccessor as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            if (rtPropAccessor != null)
                rtPropAccessor = rtPropAccessor.GetParentDefinition();
                if (rtPropAccessor != null)
                    // There is a public overload of Type.GetProperty that takes both a BingingFlags enum and a return type.
                    // However, we cannot use that because it doesn't accept null for "types".
                    return rtPropAccessor.DeclaringType!.GetProperty(
                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly,
                        null, // will use default binder
                        propertyParameters, // used for index properties
            return null;
        #region EventInfo
        private static Attribute[] InternalGetCustomAttributes(EventInfo element, Type type, bool inherit)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);
            Debug.Assert(type != null);
            Debug.Assert(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) || type == typeof(Attribute));
            // walk up the hierarchy chain
            Attribute[] attributes = (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(type, inherit);
            if (!inherit)
                return attributes;
            EventInfo? baseEvent = GetParentDefinition(element);
            if (baseEvent == null)
                return attributes;
            // create the hashtable that keeps track of inherited types
            // create an array list to collect all the requested attributes
            Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute> types = new Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute>(11);
            List<Attribute> attributeList = new List<Attribute>();
            CopyToAttributeList(attributeList, attributes, types);
                attributes = GetCustomAttributes(baseEvent, type, false);
                AddAttributesToList(attributeList, attributes, types);
                baseEvent = GetParentDefinition(baseEvent);
            while (baseEvent != null);
            Attribute[] array = CreateAttributeArrayHelper(type, attributeList.Count);
            attributeList.CopyTo(array, 0);
            return array;
        [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2075:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern",
            Justification = "rtAdd.DeclaringType is guaranteed to have the specified event because " +
                "rtAdd.GetParentDefinition() returned a non-null MethodInfo.")]
        private static EventInfo? GetParentDefinition(EventInfo ev)
            Debug.Assert(ev != null);
            // note that this only works for RuntimeMethodInfo
            MethodInfo? add = ev.GetAddMethod(true);
            RuntimeMethodInfo? rtAdd = add as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            if (rtAdd != null)
                rtAdd = rtAdd.GetParentDefinition();
                if (rtAdd != null)
                    return rtAdd.DeclaringType!.GetEvent(ev.Name!);
            return null;
        private static bool InternalIsDefined(EventInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);
            // walk up the hierarchy chain
            if (element.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit))
                return true;
            if (inherit)
                AttributeUsageAttribute usage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
                if (!usage.Inherited)
                    return false;
                EventInfo? baseEvent = GetParentDefinition(element);
                while (baseEvent != null)
                    if (baseEvent.IsDefined(attributeType, false))
                        return true;
                    baseEvent = GetParentDefinition(baseEvent);
            return false;
        #region ParameterInfo
        private static ParameterInfo? GetParentDefinition(ParameterInfo param)
            Debug.Assert(param != null);
            // note that this only works for RuntimeMethodInfo
            RuntimeMethodInfo? rtMethod = param.Member as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            if (rtMethod != null)
                rtMethod = rtMethod.GetParentDefinition();
                if (rtMethod != null)
                    // Find the ParameterInfo on this method
                    int position = param.Position;
                    if (position == -1)
                        return rtMethod.ReturnParameter;
                        return rtMethod.GetParametersAsSpan()[position]; // Point to the correct ParameterInfo of the method
            return null;
        private static Attribute[] InternalParamGetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo param, Type? type, bool inherit)
            Debug.Assert(param != null);
            // For ParameterInfo's we need to make sure that we chain through all the MethodInfo's in the inheritance chain that
            // have this ParameterInfo defined. .We pick up all the CustomAttributes for the starting ParameterInfo. We need to pick up only attributes
            // that are marked inherited from the remainder of the MethodInfo's in the inheritance chain.
            // For MethodInfo's on an interface we do not do an inheritance walk so the default ParameterInfo attributes are returned.
            // For MethodInfo's on a class we walk up the inheritance chain but do not look at the MethodInfo's on the interfaces that the
            // class inherits from and return the respective ParameterInfo attributes
            List<Type> disAllowMultiple = new List<Type>();
            object?[] objAttr;
            type ??= typeof(Attribute);
            objAttr = param.GetCustomAttributes(type, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < objAttr.Length; i++)
                Type objType = objAttr[i]!.GetType();
                AttributeUsageAttribute attribUsage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(objType);
                if (!attribUsage.AllowMultiple)
            // Get all the attributes that have Attribute as the base class
            Attribute[] ret;
            if (objAttr.Length == 0)
                ret = CreateAttributeArrayHelper(type, 0);
                ret = (Attribute[])objAttr;
            if (param.Member.DeclaringType is null) // This is an interface so we are done.
                return ret;
            if (!inherit)
                return ret;
            ParameterInfo? baseParam = GetParentDefinition(param);
            while (baseParam != null)
                objAttr = baseParam.GetCustomAttributes(type, false);
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < objAttr.Length; i++)
                    Type objType = objAttr[i]!.GetType();
                    AttributeUsageAttribute attribUsage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(objType);
                    if ((attribUsage.Inherited) && (!disAllowMultiple.Contains(objType)))
                        if (!attribUsage.AllowMultiple)
                        objAttr[i] = null;
                // Get all the attributes that have Attribute as the base class
                Attribute[] attributes = CreateAttributeArrayHelper(type, count);
                count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < objAttr.Length; i++)
                    if (objAttr[i] is object attr)
                        attributes[count] = (Attribute)attr;
                Attribute[] temp = ret;
                ret = CreateAttributeArrayHelper(type, temp.Length + count);
                Array.Copy(temp, ret, temp.Length);
                int offset = temp.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                    ret[offset + i] = attributes[i];
                baseParam = GetParentDefinition(baseParam);
            return ret;
        private static bool InternalParamIsDefined(ParameterInfo param, Type type, bool inherit)
            Debug.Assert(param != null);
            Debug.Assert(type != null);
            // For ParameterInfo's we need to make sure that we chain through all the MethodInfo's in the inheritance chain.
            // We pick up all the CustomAttributes for the starting ParameterInfo. We need to pick up only attributes
            // that are marked inherited from the remainder of the ParameterInfo's in the inheritance chain.
            // For MethodInfo's on an interface we do not do an inheritance walk. For ParameterInfo's on a
            // Class we walk up the inheritance chain but do not look at the MethodInfo's on the interfaces that the class inherits from.
            if (param.IsDefined(type, false))
                return true;
            if (param.Member.DeclaringType is null || !inherit) // This is an interface so we are done.
                return false;
            ParameterInfo? baseParam = GetParentDefinition(param);
            while (baseParam != null)
                object[] objAttr = baseParam.GetCustomAttributes(type, false);
                for (int i = 0; i < objAttr.Length; i++)
                    Type objType = objAttr[i].GetType();
                    AttributeUsageAttribute attribUsage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(objType);
                    if ((objAttr[i] is Attribute) && (attribUsage.Inherited))
                        return true;
                baseParam = GetParentDefinition(baseParam);
            return false;
        #region Utility
        private static void CopyToAttributeList(List<Attribute> attributeList, Attribute[] attributes, Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute> types)
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Type attrType = attributes[i].GetType();
                if (!types.ContainsKey(attrType))
                    types[attrType] = InternalGetAttributeUsage(attrType);
        private static Type[] GetIndexParameterTypes(PropertyInfo element)
            ParameterInfo[] indexParams = element.GetIndexParameters();
            if (indexParams.Length > 0)
                Type[] indexParamTypes = new Type[indexParams.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < indexParams.Length; i++)
                    indexParamTypes[i] = indexParams[i].ParameterType;
                return indexParamTypes;
            return Type.EmptyTypes;
        private static void AddAttributesToList(List<Attribute> attributeList, Attribute[] attributes, Dictionary<Type, AttributeUsageAttribute> types)
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Type attrType = attributes[i].GetType();
                types.TryGetValue(attrType, out AttributeUsageAttribute? usage);
                if (usage == null)
                    // the type has never been seen before if it's inheritable add it to the list
                    usage = InternalGetAttributeUsage(attrType);
                    types[attrType] = usage;
                    if (usage.Inherited)
                else if (usage.Inherited && usage.AllowMultiple)
                    // we saw this type already add it only if it is inheritable and it does allow multiple
        private static AttributeUsageAttribute InternalGetAttributeUsage(Type type)
            // Check if the custom attributes is Inheritable
            object[] obj = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute), false);
            if (obj.Length == 1)
                return (AttributeUsageAttribute)obj[0];
            if (obj.Length == 0)
                return AttributeUsageAttribute.Default;
            throw new FormatException(
                SR.Format(SR.Format_AttributeUsage, type));
        private static Attribute[] CreateAttributeArrayHelper(Type elementType, int elementCount) =>
            elementType.ContainsGenericParameters ? new Attribute[elementCount] : (Attribute[])Array.CreateInstance(elementType, elementCount);
        #region Public Statics
        #region MemberInfo
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return element.MemberType switch
                MemberTypes.Property => InternalGetCustomAttributes((PropertyInfo)element, attributeType, inherit),
                MemberTypes.Event => InternalGetCustomAttributes((EventInfo)element, attributeType, inherit),
                _ => (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit)
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, bool inherit)
            return element.MemberType switch
                MemberTypes.Property => InternalGetCustomAttributes((PropertyInfo)element, typeof(Attribute), inherit),
                MemberTypes.Event => InternalGetCustomAttributes((EventInfo)element, typeof(Attribute), inherit),
                _ => (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Attribute), inherit)
        public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return IsDefined(element, attributeType, true);
        public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns true if a custom attribute subclass of attributeType class/interface with inheritance walk
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return element.MemberType switch
                MemberTypes.Property => InternalIsDefined((PropertyInfo)element, attributeType, inherit),
                MemberTypes.Event => InternalIsDefined((EventInfo)element, attributeType, inherit),
                _ => element.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit),
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            Attribute[] attrib = GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit);
            if (attrib == null || attrib.Length == 0)
                return null;
            Attribute match = attrib[0];
            if (attrib.Length == 1)
                return match;
            throw ThrowHelper.GetAmbiguousMatchException(match);
        #region ParameterInfo
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            if (element.Member == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidParameterInfo, nameof(element));
            MemberInfo member = element.Member;
            if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method && inherit)
                return InternalParamGetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit);
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, bool inherit)
            if (element.Member == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidParameterInfo, nameof(element));
            MemberInfo member = element.Member;
            if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method && inherit)
                return InternalParamGetCustomAttributes(element, null, inherit);
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Attribute), inherit);
        public static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return IsDefined(element, attributeType, true);
        public static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns true is a custom attribute subclass of attributeType class/interface with inheritance walk
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            MemberInfo member = element.Member;
            switch (member.MemberType)
                case MemberTypes.Method: // We need to climb up the member hierarchy
                    return InternalParamIsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit);
                case MemberTypes.Constructor:
                    return element.IsDefined(attributeType, false);
                case MemberTypes.Property:
                    return element.IsDefined(attributeType, false);
                    Debug.Fail("Invalid type for ParameterInfo member in Attribute class");
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidParamInfo);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns an Attribute of base class/interface attributeType on the ParameterInfo or null if none exists.
            // throws an AmbiguousMatchException if there are more than one defined.
            Attribute[] attrib = GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit);
            if (attrib == null || attrib.Length == 0)
                return null;
            Attribute match = attrib[0];
            if (attrib.Length == 1)
                return match;
            throw ThrowHelper.GetAmbiguousMatchException(match);
        #region Module
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, bool inherit)
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Attribute), inherit);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit);
        public static bool IsDefined(Module element, Type attributeType)
            return IsDefined(element, attributeType, false);
        public static bool IsDefined(Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns true is a custom attribute subclass of attributeType class/interface with no inheritance walk
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return element.IsDefined(attributeType, false);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(Module element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns an Attribute of base class/interface attributeType on the Module or null if none exists.
            // throws an AmbiguousMatchException if there are more than one defined.
            Attribute[] attrib = GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit);
            if (attrib == null || attrib.Length == 0)
                return null;
            Attribute match = attrib[0];
            if (attrib.Length == 1)
                return match;
            throw ThrowHelper.GetAmbiguousMatchException(match);
        #region Assembly
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element)
            return GetCustomAttributes(element, true);
        public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, bool inherit)
            return (Attribute[])element.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Attribute), inherit);
        public static bool IsDefined(Assembly element, Type attributeType)
            return IsDefined(element, attributeType, true);
        public static bool IsDefined(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns true is a custom attribute subclass of attributeType class/interface with no inheritance walk
            if (!attributeType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)) && attributeType != typeof(Attribute))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_MustHaveAttributeBaseClass);
            return element.IsDefined(attributeType, false);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(Assembly element, Type attributeType)
            return GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, true);
        public static Attribute? GetCustomAttribute(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit)
            // Returns an Attribute of base class/interface attributeType on the Assembly or null if none exists.
            // throws an AmbiguousMatchException if there are more than one defined.
            Attribute[] attrib = GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit);
            if (attrib == null || attrib.Length == 0)
                return null;
            Attribute match = attrib[0];
            if (attrib.Length == 1)
                return match;
            throw ThrowHelper.GetAmbiguousMatchException(match);