1 write to dict
System.ObjectModel (1)
System\Collections\ObjectModel\KeyedCollection.cs (1)
260dict = new Dictionary<TKey, TItem>(comparer);
18 references to dict
System.ObjectModel (18)
System\Collections\ObjectModel\KeyedCollection.cs (18)
76if (dict != null) 78return dict.ContainsKey(key); 96if (dict != null) 98return dict.TryGetValue(key, out item!); 118if ((dict == null) || ((key = GetKeyForItem(item)) == null)) 124if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out itemInDict!)) 136if (dict != null) 139return dict.TryGetValue(key, out item!) && Remove(item); 154protected IDictionary<TKey, TItem>? Dictionary => dict; 180dict?.Clear(); 215if (newKey != null && dict != null) 217dict[newKey] = item; 238if (dict != null) 240dict.Add(key, item); 245dict!.Add(key, item); 266dict.Add(key, item); 274if (dict != null) 276dict.Remove(key);