// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Net
public enum HttpResponseHeader
CacheControl = 0, // general-header [section 4.5]
Connection = 1, // general-header [section 4.5]
Date = 2, // general-header [section 4.5]
KeepAlive = 3, // general-header [not in RFC]
Pragma = 4, // general-header [section 4.5]
Trailer = 5, // general-header [section 4.5]
TransferEncoding = 6, // general-header [section 4.5]
Upgrade = 7, // general-header [section 4.5]
Via = 8, // general-header [section 4.5]
Warning = 9, // general-header [section 4.5]
Allow = 10, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentLength = 11, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentType = 12, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentEncoding = 13, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentLanguage = 14, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentLocation = 15, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentMd5 = 16, // entity-header [section 7.1]
ContentRange = 17, // entity-header [section 7.1]
Expires = 18, // entity-header [section 7.1]
LastModified = 19, // entity-header [section 7.1]
AcceptRanges = 20, // response-header [section 6.2]
Age = 21, // response-header [section 6.2]
ETag = 22, // response-header [section 6.2]
Location = 23, // response-header [section 6.2]
ProxyAuthenticate = 24, // response-header [section 6.2]
RetryAfter = 25, // response-header [section 6.2]
Server = 26, // response-header [section 6.2]
SetCookie = 27, // response-header [not in RFC]
Vary = 28, // response-header [section 6.2]
WwwAuthenticate = 29, // response-header [section 6.2]
internal static class HttpResponseHeaderExtensions
private static readonly string[] s_names = {
public static string GetName(this HttpResponseHeader header)
return s_names[(int)header];